西南大學碩士學位論文透強度、信號傳導(Fait et al., 2008)、調控植物的生長發(fā)育進程(Akihiro et al., 2008),以及調控擬南芥的受精作用(Renault et al., 2011)等。由此可見,GABA 對動物、植物和微生物都是一種重要的生理活性物質,對它的深入研究是極有必要的。1.2.2 植物體內(nèi) GABA 的合成代謝在細菌和哺乳動物中的研究發(fā)現(xiàn),細胞質中的 GABA 是由谷氨酸在谷氨酸脫羧酶(glutamate decarboxylase, GAD)的催化下生成,再在 GABA 轉氨酶(γ-Aminobutyrate transaminase, GABA-T)的催化下,與 α–酮戊二酸發(fā)生轉氨基作用生成谷氨酸(Glu)和琥珀酸半醛(SSA);琥珀酸半醛又在琥珀酸半醛脫氫酶(succinate semialehyde dehydrogenase, SSADH)的催化下被氧化,生成琥珀酸進入三羧酸循環(huán)(tricarboxylic-acid, TCA),為 TCA 循環(huán)提供所需的碳源。以上的從 α-酮戊二酸生成谷氨酸又脫羧生成 GABA,直到 GABA 降解,最終生成琥珀酸這一途徑被稱為 GABA 支路(圖 1.1)(Barry et al., 1997)。
圖 4.1 不同氮效棉花品種中基因表達量差異火山圖和維恩圖Figure 4.1 Difference in gene expression of cotton with different nitrogen efficiency Volcanoplots and Venn diagramsHE:High-NUE cultivar(NUE: Nitrogen use efficiency),氮高效利用;LE: Low-NUE cultivar,氮低效利用;NN(Normal Nitrogen)=5 mmol/L NO3-, LN(Low Nitrogen)=0.1 mmol/L NO3-; (A)低氮處理下差異基因火山圖:橫坐標為處理樣的表達量/對照樣的表達量,縱坐標為基因表達量變化差異的統(tǒng)計學檢驗值,該值越高表明表達差異越顯著;(B)標氮處理下差異基因火山圖;(C)每個大圈中數(shù)字之和表示該組差異基因總個數(shù),圓圈交叉部分表示兩組間共有的表達基因,以 fpkm>2 為基因表達的標準。(A) Differential gene volcano plots under low nitrogen treatment: the abscissa is the expression level of thetreated sample/the expression level of the control, and the ordinate is the statistical test value of the difference inthe expression level of the gene. The higher the value is, the more significant the expression difference is. (B)Differential gene volcano map under standard nitrogen treatment. (C) The sum of the numbers in each large circleindicates the total number of differential genes in the group, and the circled cross indicates the genes commonlyexpressed between the two groups. The fpkm>2 is the standard for gene expression.
29圖 4.2 低氮處理下基因表達量差異散點圖和維恩圖Figure 4.2 The Scatter and Venn diagram of gene expression differences under low nitrogentreatmentGh: Gossypium hirsutum 陸地棉;Gb:Gossypium barbadense 海島棉;NN(Normal Nitrogen)=5 mmol/L NO3-,LN(Low Nitrogen)=0.1 mmol/L NO3-; Dn:down 下調;Up: 上調;(A)低氮脅迫下陸地棉基因表達量差異散點圖:橫坐標值為該基因在對照樣中的表達量,每個點代表一個特定的基因,縱坐標值為該基因在處理樣中的表達量;(B)低氮脅迫下海島棉基因表達量差異散點圖;(C)低氮下,陸地棉、海島棉顯著性差異基因分別上調、下調的維恩圖。(A) The Scatter diagram of gene expression differences under low nitrogen treatment in Gh: The abscissa value isthe amount of expression of the gene in the control. Each point represents a specific gene. The ordinate value is theexpression level of the gene in the treated sample. (B) The Scatter diagram of gene expression differences underlow nitrogen stress treatment in Gb. (C) The Venn diagram of gene expression differences under low nitrogenstress treatment in Gh and Gb.
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