民族聚居區(qū)在線觀看_漢民族人口降到60時_land cover ecological landscape ethnoec
The Role of Ecological Culture in Retaining Ecological Landscape Characteristics Along the Lancang River
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XU Zengrang, CHENG Shengkui, ZOU Xiuping, LU Chunxia, GAO Liwei (1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101
[1]中國科學院地理科學與資源研究所,北京100101; [2]中國科學院科技政策與管理科學研究所,北京100190
Abstr:To integrate traditional ecological knowledge of ethnic minorities into the natural reserve system, we analyzed the ecological landscape characters of the Tibetan, Lisu, Bai and Dai ethnic groups using land use data and group distribution. The ecological landscape characteristics included landscape type, landscape structure, landscape diversity, landscape dominance, landscape fragment, patch scale and fractal dimension. For the Tibetan group located in the upper reaches of the Lancang River, grassland is the dominant landscape, cropland accounts for 0.6% of total land, and the main economic activity is seasonal grazing. For Lisu people, located in the middle reaches of the Lancang River, grassland is also the landscape matrix, farmland accounts for 8.2% of total land, and crops, forestry and husbandry are developed evenly. For the Bai and Dai groups, located in the lower Lancang River, agriculture is developed and cropland accounts for 13%-15% of total land; paddy fields comprise 3%-5% of their land. There is an important role that the eco-cultures play in retain the eco-landscape via the specific ethnic ecological consciousness, livelihood and local traditional ecological knowledgement. In the last decades, the ecosystem degradation was accompanied with the depression of the ethnic eco-culture in some degree. The ethnic eco-culture development should be prioritized to push the ecological sustainable development in the ethnic area in Lancang River in future.
Keyword::land cover ecological landscape ethnoecology ethnic minorities Lancang River Basin