發(fā)布時間:2024-03-09 19:40
【文章頁數(shù)】:75 頁
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation
1.2 Objectives of this thesis
1.3 Expectation
1.4 Limitations
1.5 Structure
Chapter 2 Research background of complex networks
2.1 Backgrounds of complex networks
2.2 Research status and significance of complex networks
2.2.1 Research status of robustness and cascading failures in complex networks
2.2.2 Research status of Internet
Chapter 3 Complex network topology model and feature analysis
3.1 Statistical properties of complex networks
3.1.1 Average path length
3.1.2 Clustering coefficient
3.1.3 Node degree and its distribution characteristics
3.2 Basic model of complex network topology
3.2.1 Rule network
1.Global coupling network
2.Nearest neighbor coupling network
3.Star coupled network
3.2.2 Stochastic network
3.2.3 Small world network
1.WS small world model
2.NW small world model
3.2.4 Scale free network model
3.3 Internet network model
3.3.1 Topological modeling of Internet
3.3.2 Power law property
3.3.3 Rich club features
3.3.4 Kernel number
3.3.5 Betweenness
3.4 Summary of this chapter
Chapter 4 Power law analysis
4.1 Power law distribution form
4.1.1 Frequency-degree of power law distribution
4.1.2 Degree-rank power law distribution
4.1.3 Power law distribution of CCDF(d)-degree
4.2 Power law analysis of BA networks
4.2.1 Continuity method for the degree distribution of BA model
4.2.2 Power law simulation of BA scale-free network
4.3 Power law analysis of the Internet
4.4 Summary
Chapter 5 Robustness analysis of Complex networks
5.1. Identification parameters of robustness
5.2. Analysis of networks examples
5.2.1. Attacks on BA scale-free networks
5.2.2. Attacks on NW small-world networks
5.2.3. Attacks on router-level Internet
5.2.4. Comparisons among the complex networks examples
Concluding Remarks
Scientific research published during the master degree study
【文章頁數(shù)】:75 頁
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation
1.2 Objectives of this thesis
1.3 Expectation
1.4 Limitations
1.5 Structure
Chapter 2 Research background of complex networks
2.1 Backgrounds of complex networks
2.2 Research status and significance of complex networks
2.2.1 Research status of robustness and cascading failures in complex networks
2.2.2 Research status of Internet
Chapter 3 Complex network topology model and feature analysis
3.1 Statistical properties of complex networks
3.1.1 Average path length
3.1.2 Clustering coefficient
3.1.3 Node degree and its distribution characteristics
3.2 Basic model of complex network topology
3.2.1 Rule network
1.Global coupling network
2.Nearest neighbor coupling network
3.Star coupled network
3.2.2 Stochastic network
3.2.3 Small world network
1.WS small world model
2.NW small world model
3.2.4 Scale free network model
3.3 Internet network model
3.3.1 Topological modeling of Internet
3.3.2 Power law property
3.3.3 Rich club features
3.3.4 Kernel number
3.3.5 Betweenness
3.4 Summary of this chapter
Chapter 4 Power law analysis
4.1 Power law distribution form
4.1.1 Frequency-degree of power law distribution
4.1.2 Degree-rank power law distribution
4.1.3 Power law distribution of CCDF(d)-degree
4.2 Power law analysis of BA networks
4.2.1 Continuity method for the degree distribution of BA model
4.2.2 Power law simulation of BA scale-free network
4.3 Power law analysis of the Internet
4.4 Summary
Chapter 5 Robustness analysis of Complex networks
5.1. Identification parameters of robustness
5.2. Analysis of networks examples
5.2.1. Attacks on BA scale-free networks
5.2.2. Attacks on NW small-world networks
5.2.3. Attacks on router-level Internet
5.2.4. Comparisons among the complex networks examples
Concluding Remarks
Scientific research published during the master degree study