發(fā)布時(shí)間:2021-04-27 16:45
【文章來(lái)源】:南京大學(xué)江蘇省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直屬院校
【文章頁(yè)數(shù)】:138 頁(yè)
1 Introduction
1.1 Dust emission in the COSMOS field
4"> 1.2 Dusty star forming galaxies at z>4
1.3 Massive galaxy cluster at high redshift
2 "Super-deblended" Far-IR to (sub)mm photometry in the full COSMOS field
2.1 Initial catalogs and multi-wavelength data sets
2.1.1 Initial catalogs and spectroscopic redshifts
2.1.2 Mid-infrared and radio images
2.1.3 Far-infrared and (sub-)millimeter images
2.2 Setting up the prior catalogs
2.2.1 K_s(+radio) priors for 24 μm and radio images
2.2.2 Photometry at MIPS 24 μm on K_s selected priors
2.2.3 Photometry at VLA 1.4 and 3 GHz on K_s-selected priors
2.2.4 The effective depth of our 24 μm+radio prior catalog
2.2.5 Completing the prior catalog with stellar mass-selected galaxies
2.3 "Super-deblended" photometry in the FIR/(sub)mm images
2.3.1 SED fitting algorithm
2.3.2 Differences in deblending work from L18
2.3.3 SED fitting algorithm and parameters
2.3.4 Faint sources subtraction in COSMOS
2.3.5 Flux bias and uncertainties calibration via improved Monte Carlosimulation
2.3.6 Selecting additional sources in the residual images
3 The COSMOS "Super-deblended" photometry catalog
3.1 General properties of the "Super-deblended" photometry catalog
3.2 Comparison to catalogs from the literature
3.2.1 PEP catalogs
3.2.2 SPIRE XID~+ catalogs
3.2.3 SCUBA2 catalogs
3.2.4 Comparison to ALMA archival photometry
4 Exploring high redshift galaxies using "super-deblended" photometry and mmlines
4.1 High redshift dusty star forming galaxies candidates
4"> 4.1.1 Candidates selection at z>4
4.1.2 Redshift-dust temperature degeneracy
4.1.3 An interesting case of possible lensing
4"> 4.1.4 AGN components at z>4
4.1.5 Counterparts for candidates found in residual images
4.1.6 General sample and final considerations on redshift estimates
4.2 Redshift confirmation via ALMA/NOEMA line scans
5 Radio selection of high redshift galaxy cluster
5.1 Radio continuum emission from galaxies in a z=2.5 cluster
5.2 Radio selection of the z=2.5 W16 cluster
5.3 Two candidates of galaxy clusters at z~3
5.4 Discussion
6 Summary
AppendixA MIPS 24μm calibration factor
AppendixB "Super-deblending" Images Products and Simulation Correction Analyses
B.1 Photometry Image Products
B.2 Simulation Correction Analyses
AppendixC High redshift candidates
Shuowen JlN—Curriculum Vitae
【文章來(lái)源】:南京大學(xué)江蘇省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直屬院校
【文章頁(yè)數(shù)】:138 頁(yè)
1 Introduction
1.1 Dust emission in the COSMOS field
4"> 1.2 Dusty star forming galaxies at z>4
1.3 Massive galaxy cluster at high redshift
2 "Super-deblended" Far-IR to (sub)mm photometry in the full COSMOS field
2.1 Initial catalogs and multi-wavelength data sets
2.1.1 Initial catalogs and spectroscopic redshifts
2.1.2 Mid-infrared and radio images
2.1.3 Far-infrared and (sub-)millimeter images
2.2 Setting up the prior catalogs
2.2.1 K_s(+radio) priors for 24 μm and radio images
2.2.2 Photometry at MIPS 24 μm on K_s selected priors
2.2.3 Photometry at VLA 1.4 and 3 GHz on K_s-selected priors
2.2.4 The effective depth of our 24 μm+radio prior catalog
2.2.5 Completing the prior catalog with stellar mass-selected galaxies
2.3 "Super-deblended" photometry in the FIR/(sub)mm images
2.3.1 SED fitting algorithm
2.3.2 Differences in deblending work from L18
2.3.3 SED fitting algorithm and parameters
2.3.4 Faint sources subtraction in COSMOS
2.3.5 Flux bias and uncertainties calibration via improved Monte Carlosimulation
2.3.6 Selecting additional sources in the residual images
3 The COSMOS "Super-deblended" photometry catalog
3.1 General properties of the "Super-deblended" photometry catalog
3.2 Comparison to catalogs from the literature
3.2.1 PEP catalogs
3.2.2 SPIRE XID~+ catalogs
3.2.3 SCUBA2 catalogs
3.2.4 Comparison to ALMA archival photometry
4 Exploring high redshift galaxies using "super-deblended" photometry and mmlines
4.1 High redshift dusty star forming galaxies candidates
4"> 4.1.1 Candidates selection at z>4
4.1.2 Redshift-dust temperature degeneracy
4.1.3 An interesting case of possible lensing
4"> 4.1.4 AGN components at z>4
4.1.5 Counterparts for candidates found in residual images
4.1.6 General sample and final considerations on redshift estimates
4.2 Redshift confirmation via ALMA/NOEMA line scans
5 Radio selection of high redshift galaxy cluster
5.1 Radio continuum emission from galaxies in a z=2.5 cluster
5.2 Radio selection of the z=2.5 W16 cluster
5.3 Two candidates of galaxy clusters at z~3
5.4 Discussion
6 Summary
AppendixA MIPS 24μm calibration factor
AppendixB "Super-deblending" Images Products and Simulation Correction Analyses
B.1 Photometry Image Products
B.2 Simulation Correction Analyses
AppendixC High redshift candidates
Shuowen JlN—Curriculum Vitae