發(fā)布時間:2018-08-06 15:10
【摘要】:曹煥文是山西民國時期著名的化工專家、實業(yè)家和成果豐碩的學者,是西北實業(yè)公司籌備委員及主要的建設者,是建國后太原市首任分管工業(yè)和科技的副市長。國內(nèi)外針對曹煥文的研究,數(shù)十年來一直未充分展開,迄今仍未形成專論與專著。少數(shù)提及曹煥文的文稿,僅是圍繞其作為近代山西工業(yè)建設中堅力量的一份子以及其建國后作為太原工業(yè)領(lǐng)導者的角色而進行的簡單介紹,但作為同時貢獻卓著的科技史家角色的曹煥文,則被學界長期“有意或無意地”忽視與遮蔽。事實上,在中國科技界,曹煥文是重要的。一個例證是,1938年“中英庚款董事會資助非常時期科學人員名單”中,曹煥文是化學組的第一名,而其他組的被資助人員中有許多人后來都是中國現(xiàn)代科技界的翹楚,譬如生物學組的第二名陳楨10年后即1948年就成為國民政府中央研究院的院士;同樣,在中國科技史界,曹煥文也是重要的;趯Σ軣ㄎ拿駠鴷r期關(guān)于中國火藥史和運城鹽池史的多部原始手稿及一手文獻的挖掘、整理與分析,并與近代中西方的相關(guān)科學史研究進行對比,本文發(fā)現(xiàn):一、曹煥文所著《中國火藥全史》是中國近代第一部關(guān)于火藥起源、發(fā)展和傳播的科技通史專著;二、曹煥文是世界上最早提出并證明“火藥由中國古代煉丹家所發(fā)明”的學者;三、曹煥文所著《運城鹽池之研究》是世界第一部運用現(xiàn)代化學原理系統(tǒng)解釋運城鹽池成鹽機理以及硝板曬鹽原理的科技著作。換言之,加上建國初期曹煥文整理發(fā)行的《太原工業(yè)史料》一書,曹煥文在中國火藥史研究、運城鹽池史研究、太原工業(yè)史三大方面均有奠基性的研究工作,也是當之無愧的科技史研究專家;跁r間和材料所限,本文僅就曹煥文科技史研究的前兩大方面即其在學術(shù)生命最旺盛之民國時期對中國火藥史研究、運城鹽池史研究進行系統(tǒng)深入的綜合研究。從火藥史和鹽史相關(guān)史料與史學的比較角度看,本文是科學史的研究;而從曹煥文與其他相關(guān)研究者的比較角度看,本文同時也是科學史學史的研究。本文主體分為導論、正文(共四章)、結(jié)論三個部分。導論部分主要闡述本文的研究目的和意義、國內(nèi)外研究現(xiàn)狀、研究思路、研究方法、研究難點和創(chuàng)新之處。正文的框架分為三個部分:第一章,以對曹煥文的女兒——現(xiàn)任太原市科學技術(shù)協(xié)會副主席曹慧彬女士的采訪為基礎(chǔ),結(jié)合《渾源縣人物志》、《太原文史資料》、《山西科技志》等資料,考證敘述了曹煥文從上世紀初期留學日本,到歸國建設山西工業(yè),直至建國后為工業(yè)與科技建設奉獻一生的簡要經(jīng)歷。第二章和第三章是曹煥文火藥史相關(guān)研究的部分:第二章,通過對曹煥文之前(包括中國明代、清代以及西方18世紀末至19世紀初)世界火藥史研究的著述、文獻進行梳理、分析與對比,總結(jié)出近代火藥史學的特征以及困境。為第三章對曹煥文火藥史學解決此困境問題的研究做前期鋪墊。第三章,挖掘并整理了曹煥文火藥史學論著的部分原始手稿和一手文獻,通過橫向與縱向的對比,總結(jié)其火藥史學在史料和史學方法上的創(chuàng)見與突破。第四章是曹煥文運城鹽池相關(guān)研究的部分:通過對民國時期(1911-1949)國內(nèi)外的鹽史以及運城鹽池論著的統(tǒng)計與比較,總結(jié)了近代運城鹽池研究的特征。最主要地,搜集整理了曹煥文創(chuàng)作于民國時期的鹽史論文,以及連載于《西北實業(yè)月刊》的著作《運城鹽池之研究》,通過與現(xiàn)代研究比較,考證了曹煥文對“硝板”化學成分鑒定、鹽池芒硝來源、硝板化學作用等的鹽池化學研究,以及運城鹽池產(chǎn)鹽技術(shù)演進史的化學史研究。特別考證了曹煥文運用運城鹽池的“咸淡水鉤配原理”,解決了四川井鹽化工技術(shù)的相關(guān)問題,解釋了曹煥文的研究是運城鹽池研究科學方法的范式轉(zhuǎn)換。結(jié)論部分包括兩方面內(nèi)容:一是對全文進行概括性總結(jié);二是指出本文研究的不足之處和仍需努力的方向。本論文的創(chuàng)新之處主要有以下幾方面:1.以口述史的方法對曹煥文的后人進行了多次采訪,并獲取了唯一存世的曹煥文火藥史研究文獻資料集《中國火藥全史資料》全八冊手稿(內(nèi)含曹煥文在1938年于西安進行火藥史研究時所記96天的日記);搜集并整理了連載于《西北實業(yè)月刊》(1945-1947)共20期14萬余字的鹽史著作——《運城鹽池之研究》。此外,通過調(diào)研,查閱了大量一手文獻,如刊登于《航空機械》(1942)和《西北實業(yè)月刊》(1946)的曹煥文火藥史論文“中國火藥之起源”,以及《中華實業(yè)季刊》(1934-1935)、《中華實業(yè)月刊》(1935-1936)、《西北實業(yè)月刊》(1946)等內(nèi)發(fā)表的曹煥文鹽史論文“整理運城鹽池鹽務私見”、“整頓潞鹽計劃書”、“西北鹽池”等。在山西省圖書館地方文獻閱覽室和特種文獻閱覽室,查找到曹煥文著《河東潞鹽鹽務叢集》以及《西北實業(yè)周刊》(1946-1947)內(nèi)載其十余篇演講或發(fā)言稿。利用國內(nèi)外多種過刊數(shù)據(jù)庫、搜索引擎和網(wǎng)絡資源,查找到19世紀末至20世紀初的西方火藥史研究論著20余種,從中梳理分析出了近代西方火藥史學的特征。利用在國家圖書館現(xiàn)場查閱與文獻傳遞相結(jié)合的方式,閱讀、抄錄和復印包括《科學前哨》(Science Outpost)、《伏煉試探》(Chinese Alchemy)在內(nèi)的十余種珍貴科學著作,分析梳理了曹煥文同時期或之后最重要的火藥史學研究成果與特征。2.對曹煥文日記手稿與火藥史論文進行對比考析,確定手稿的準確時期,探軼或推斷曹煥文關(guān)鍵研究結(jié)論的理論源頭。3.歷史學的“比較史學”既包括史料的比較,也包括史學方法的比較。本文特別從史料和史學方法兩方面入手,既強調(diào)史料的考證,也重視由縱、橫兩個方向上比較近代中西火藥史和鹽史的治史方法,最終找出曹煥文在近代科學史學領(lǐng)域的定位與坐標。4.對幾處學界一直未曾涉及或存有疑問的研究進行大膽假設和小心求證,得出自己的觀點。如:曹煥文可能在上世紀40年代初與李約瑟有過間接的學術(shù)往來;此外,也證明并更正了學界長久以來達成共識卻是錯誤的幾個觀點,如:李約瑟在1948年的名著《科學前哨》(英文)內(nèi)擅改了他于1944年在重慶的一篇演講稿的重要結(jié)論。5.為運城鹽池的現(xiàn)代主流科學研究,找到了研究規(guī)范的原點。如:大部分權(quán)威著作提出的運城硝板曬鹽的三條“化學作用”,事實上皆出自曹煥文在半個世紀前的《運城鹽池之研究》。6.實地考察運城鹽池、池神廟、河東博物館和運城鹽湖區(qū)博物館,拜訪本地專家,攝錄古碑原始碑文,由聚集了鹽池文化的池神廟內(nèi)建筑及名稱等多方面獲得巨大靈感,支持了曹煥文的“鹽池科技起于魏晉丹術(shù)大興時期”的推斷。
[Abstract]:Cao Huanwen is a famous chemical expert, industrialist and fruitful scholar in the period of the Republic of Shanxi. It is the Preparatory Committee for the Northwest Industrial Company and the main builder. It is the first deputy mayor of Taiyuan after the founding of the people's Republic of China. The research on Cao Huanwen at home and abroad has not been fully launched for decades. A few references to Cao Huanwen's manuscript are only a simple introduction to his role as a backbone of modern industrial construction in modern Shanxi and his role as a Taiyuan industrial leader after the founding of the people's Republic of China. But Cao Huanwen, the role of the historian of science and technology, which is outstanding at the same time, was neglected by the academic community for a long time "intentionally or unintentionally". In fact, in the Chinese science and technology community, Cao Huanwen is important. One example is that in 1938, Cao Huanwen was the first in the chemical group, and many of the other groups were later the top leaders of Chinese modern science and technology, such as the second of the biological group. 10 years later, Chen Zhen became the academician of the Central Research Institute of the national government in 1948. Similarly, in the history of science and technology in China, Cao Huanwen was also important. Based on the excavation of several original manuscripts and one hand literature on the history of Chinese gunpowder and the history of the Yuncheng salt pool in the period of the Republic of China, the analysis was made and related to the history of modern China and the West. The study makes a comparison. First, the whole history of Chinese gunpowder, Cao Huanwen, is the first science history monograph on the origin, development and dissemination of gunpowder in modern China. Two, Cao Huanwen was the first scholar in the world to put forward and prove that "gunpowder was invented by ancient alchemists in China"; and three, Cao Huanwen's study of the study of the Yuncheng salt pond It is the first scientific work in the world to use modern chemical principles to explain the salt formation mechanism of Yuncheng salt pond and the principle of salt plate exposure to salt. In other words, with the book of "Taiyuan industrial historical material" compiled by Cao Huanwen in the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China, Cao Huanwen has laid a foundation for the three aspects of the study of the history of Chinese gunpowder, the study of the history of the salt pool in Yuncheng and the industrial history of Taiyuan. Based on the limit of time and materials, this paper, based on the limit of time and materials, makes a systematic and comprehensive study of the history of the history of Yuncheng's salt pool in the first two aspects of the study of the history of science and technology, namely, the history of Chinese gunpowder in the period of the most vigorous academic life in the Republic of China and the history of the salt history and the history of salt in Yuncheng. In a comparative perspective of history, this article is a study of the history of science; and from the perspective of Cao Huanwen's comparison with other relevant researchers, this article is also a study of the history of scientific history. The main body of this article is an introduction, the main body (four chapters), and the conclusion of three parts. The introduction mainly expounds the purpose and significance of the study, the status quo at home and abroad, and research Research methods, research methods, research difficulties and innovations. The frame of the text is divided into three parts: the first chapter, based on the interview of Cao Huanwen's daughter, the current Vice Chairman of the Taiyuan Municipal Science and Technology Association, Cao Huibin, combined with the Hunyuan County figures, the Taiyuan literature and history data, and the Shanxi science and technology records, the paper describes Cao Huan From the early last century to study in Japan, to the return of Shanxi industry to build Shanxi industry, and to dedicate a lifetime to industry and technology construction after the founding of the people's Republic of China, the second and third chapters are part of the related research on the history of Cao Huanwen's gunpowder: second chapters, through the world before Cao Huanwen (including the Ming Dynasty in China, the Qing Dynasty and the late eighteenth Century to the early nineteenth Century) The writings of the history of gunpowder, literature review, analysis and comparison, summarize the characteristics and Predicaments of modern gunpowder history. The third chapter made a preliminary paving for the study of Cao Huanwen gunpowder history to solve this dilemma. The third chapter, excavated and collated part of the original manuscript and one hand literature of the historiography of gunpowder, through horizontal and horizontal. The fourth chapter is a part of the related research of Cao Huanwen's Yuncheng salt pond: through the statistics and comparison of the salt history at home and abroad in the Republic of China (1911-1949) and the treatise on the Yuncheng salt pond, the characteristics of the research on the Yuncheng salt pool in the near generation are summarized. Cao Huanwen's study of salt history in the period of the Republic of China, and the study of the Yuncheng salt pond, which was published in the Northwest Industrial monthly magazine, were compared with the modern research. By comparing with the modern research, the chemical research on the chemical composition of the "nitrate plate", the source of salt pond mirabilite, the chemical effect of nitrate plate, and the evolution of salt production technology in the salt pond of Yuncheng were studied. The study of history in the history of chemical history. In particular, it was proved that Cao Huanwen used the "salt and fresh water hook principle" of the Yuncheng salt pond to solve the related problems of Sichuan well salt chemical technology, and explained that Cao Huanwen's research is the paradigm shift of the research method of Yuncheng salt pool. The conclusion part includes two aspects of internal capacity: first, a general summary of the full text; two It points out the inadequacies of this study and the direction that still needs to be made. The main innovations of this paper are as follows: 1. a number of interviews were made on Cao Huanwen's posterity by the method of oral history, and the only surviving literature of the history of Cao Huanwen's gunpowder history < the whole history of Chinese gunpowder > eight copies of the manuscript (including Cao Huan) In 1938, a diary of 96 days was recorded in the study of the history of the history of gunpowder in Xi'an. The book of salt history, which was published in the Northwest Industrial monthly magazine (1945-1947), with more than 14 thousand words in a total of 20 periods, was collected and arranged, "the study of the Yuncheng salt pond >. In addition, a large number of first-hand literature, such as" aviation machinery > (1942) and < Northwest Industrial monthly > (194), were consulted. 6) the history of Cao Huanwen's gunpowder history, "the origin of Chinese gunpowder", and "China Industrial quarterly > (1934-1935)", "China Industrial monthly > (1935-1936)", "Northwest Industrial monthly > (1946") "published in the salt pond of Yuncheng salt pool," whole Lu salt plan "," Northwest salt pond ", and so on. In the Shanxi Library The local literature reading room and the special literature reading room have found more than ten speeches or speeches in Cao Huanwen's "Ludong Lu salt salt series" and "Northwest Industrial weekly > (1946-1947)". Using a variety of domestic and international publications databases, search engines and network resources, the research works on the history of Western gunpowder history from the end of the nineteenth Century to early twentieth Century are found. By combing and analyzing the characteristics of modern western gunpowder history, ten kinds of valuable scientific writings, including "Science Outpost", "Chinese Alchemy", were analyzed and combed at the same time. After the most important research achievements and characteristics of the historiography of gunpowder, the comparison and analysis of the Cao Huanwen diary manuscript and the history paper of the gunpowder, the accurate period of the manuscript, the theoretical source of Cao Huanwen's key research conclusions, the "comparative historiography" of history, including the comparison of historical materials and the comparison of historical methods. This article is a special study. From two aspects of historical materials and historical methods, we not only emphasize the textual research of historical materials, but also pay more attention to the history of the history of modern Chinese and Western medicine and the history of salt by comparing the history of modern Chinese and Western medicine in the vertical and horizontal directions, and finally find out the bold hypothesis of Cao Huanwen's position and coordinate in the field of modern scientific history, which have never been involved or doubtful in several academic circles. And be careful to prove that, for example, Cao Huanwen may have an indirect academic exchange with Joseph Needham in the early 40s of the last century, and also proved and corrected a few points of view that the academic community has long reached consensus, such as Joseph Needham, who had been reformed in 1944 in his famous book in 1948. The important conclusion of a speech draft,.5., is the modern mainstream scientific research in Yuncheng Yanchi, which has found the origin of the research norms. For example, the three "chemical effects" of the Yuncheng nitrate plate in most authoritative works are in fact from Cao Huanwen's study on the Yuncheng salt pond in the salt pond of Yuncheng half a century ago. The temple, the Hedong Museum and the Saline Lake District Museum in Yuncheng, visiting local experts, recorded the original inscriptions of the ancient monuments, were inspired by the building and name of the temple of the pool, which gathered the salt pool culture, and supported Cao Huanwen's inference that "Yanchi technology started in the great prosperity of the Wei and Jin Dynasties".
[Abstract]:Cao Huanwen is a famous chemical expert, industrialist and fruitful scholar in the period of the Republic of Shanxi. It is the Preparatory Committee for the Northwest Industrial Company and the main builder. It is the first deputy mayor of Taiyuan after the founding of the people's Republic of China. The research on Cao Huanwen at home and abroad has not been fully launched for decades. A few references to Cao Huanwen's manuscript are only a simple introduction to his role as a backbone of modern industrial construction in modern Shanxi and his role as a Taiyuan industrial leader after the founding of the people's Republic of China. But Cao Huanwen, the role of the historian of science and technology, which is outstanding at the same time, was neglected by the academic community for a long time "intentionally or unintentionally". In fact, in the Chinese science and technology community, Cao Huanwen is important. One example is that in 1938, Cao Huanwen was the first in the chemical group, and many of the other groups were later the top leaders of Chinese modern science and technology, such as the second of the biological group. 10 years later, Chen Zhen became the academician of the Central Research Institute of the national government in 1948. Similarly, in the history of science and technology in China, Cao Huanwen was also important. Based on the excavation of several original manuscripts and one hand literature on the history of Chinese gunpowder and the history of the Yuncheng salt pool in the period of the Republic of China, the analysis was made and related to the history of modern China and the West. The study makes a comparison. First, the whole history of Chinese gunpowder, Cao Huanwen, is the first science history monograph on the origin, development and dissemination of gunpowder in modern China. Two, Cao Huanwen was the first scholar in the world to put forward and prove that "gunpowder was invented by ancient alchemists in China"; and three, Cao Huanwen's study of the study of the Yuncheng salt pond It is the first scientific work in the world to use modern chemical principles to explain the salt formation mechanism of Yuncheng salt pond and the principle of salt plate exposure to salt. In other words, with the book of "Taiyuan industrial historical material" compiled by Cao Huanwen in the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China, Cao Huanwen has laid a foundation for the three aspects of the study of the history of Chinese gunpowder, the study of the history of the salt pool in Yuncheng and the industrial history of Taiyuan. Based on the limit of time and materials, this paper, based on the limit of time and materials, makes a systematic and comprehensive study of the history of the history of Yuncheng's salt pool in the first two aspects of the study of the history of science and technology, namely, the history of Chinese gunpowder in the period of the most vigorous academic life in the Republic of China and the history of the salt history and the history of salt in Yuncheng. In a comparative perspective of history, this article is a study of the history of science; and from the perspective of Cao Huanwen's comparison with other relevant researchers, this article is also a study of the history of scientific history. The main body of this article is an introduction, the main body (four chapters), and the conclusion of three parts. The introduction mainly expounds the purpose and significance of the study, the status quo at home and abroad, and research Research methods, research methods, research difficulties and innovations. The frame of the text is divided into three parts: the first chapter, based on the interview of Cao Huanwen's daughter, the current Vice Chairman of the Taiyuan Municipal Science and Technology Association, Cao Huibin, combined with the Hunyuan County figures, the Taiyuan literature and history data, and the Shanxi science and technology records, the paper describes Cao Huan From the early last century to study in Japan, to the return of Shanxi industry to build Shanxi industry, and to dedicate a lifetime to industry and technology construction after the founding of the people's Republic of China, the second and third chapters are part of the related research on the history of Cao Huanwen's gunpowder: second chapters, through the world before Cao Huanwen (including the Ming Dynasty in China, the Qing Dynasty and the late eighteenth Century to the early nineteenth Century) The writings of the history of gunpowder, literature review, analysis and comparison, summarize the characteristics and Predicaments of modern gunpowder history. The third chapter made a preliminary paving for the study of Cao Huanwen gunpowder history to solve this dilemma. The third chapter, excavated and collated part of the original manuscript and one hand literature of the historiography of gunpowder, through horizontal and horizontal. The fourth chapter is a part of the related research of Cao Huanwen's Yuncheng salt pond: through the statistics and comparison of the salt history at home and abroad in the Republic of China (1911-1949) and the treatise on the Yuncheng salt pond, the characteristics of the research on the Yuncheng salt pool in the near generation are summarized. Cao Huanwen's study of salt history in the period of the Republic of China, and the study of the Yuncheng salt pond, which was published in the Northwest Industrial monthly magazine, were compared with the modern research. By comparing with the modern research, the chemical research on the chemical composition of the "nitrate plate", the source of salt pond mirabilite, the chemical effect of nitrate plate, and the evolution of salt production technology in the salt pond of Yuncheng were studied. The study of history in the history of chemical history. In particular, it was proved that Cao Huanwen used the "salt and fresh water hook principle" of the Yuncheng salt pond to solve the related problems of Sichuan well salt chemical technology, and explained that Cao Huanwen's research is the paradigm shift of the research method of Yuncheng salt pool. The conclusion part includes two aspects of internal capacity: first, a general summary of the full text; two It points out the inadequacies of this study and the direction that still needs to be made. The main innovations of this paper are as follows: 1. a number of interviews were made on Cao Huanwen's posterity by the method of oral history, and the only surviving literature of the history of Cao Huanwen's gunpowder history < the whole history of Chinese gunpowder > eight copies of the manuscript (including Cao Huan) In 1938, a diary of 96 days was recorded in the study of the history of the history of gunpowder in Xi'an. The book of salt history, which was published in the Northwest Industrial monthly magazine (1945-1947), with more than 14 thousand words in a total of 20 periods, was collected and arranged, "the study of the Yuncheng salt pond >. In addition, a large number of first-hand literature, such as" aviation machinery > (1942) and < Northwest Industrial monthly > (194), were consulted. 6) the history of Cao Huanwen's gunpowder history, "the origin of Chinese gunpowder", and "China Industrial quarterly > (1934-1935)", "China Industrial monthly > (1935-1936)", "Northwest Industrial monthly > (1946") "published in the salt pond of Yuncheng salt pool," whole Lu salt plan "," Northwest salt pond ", and so on. In the Shanxi Library The local literature reading room and the special literature reading room have found more than ten speeches or speeches in Cao Huanwen's "Ludong Lu salt salt series" and "Northwest Industrial weekly > (1946-1947)". Using a variety of domestic and international publications databases, search engines and network resources, the research works on the history of Western gunpowder history from the end of the nineteenth Century to early twentieth Century are found. By combing and analyzing the characteristics of modern western gunpowder history, ten kinds of valuable scientific writings, including "Science Outpost", "Chinese Alchemy", were analyzed and combed at the same time. After the most important research achievements and characteristics of the historiography of gunpowder, the comparison and analysis of the Cao Huanwen diary manuscript and the history paper of the gunpowder, the accurate period of the manuscript, the theoretical source of Cao Huanwen's key research conclusions, the "comparative historiography" of history, including the comparison of historical materials and the comparison of historical methods. This article is a special study. From two aspects of historical materials and historical methods, we not only emphasize the textual research of historical materials, but also pay more attention to the history of the history of modern Chinese and Western medicine and the history of salt by comparing the history of modern Chinese and Western medicine in the vertical and horizontal directions, and finally find out the bold hypothesis of Cao Huanwen's position and coordinate in the field of modern scientific history, which have never been involved or doubtful in several academic circles. And be careful to prove that, for example, Cao Huanwen may have an indirect academic exchange with Joseph Needham in the early 40s of the last century, and also proved and corrected a few points of view that the academic community has long reached consensus, such as Joseph Needham, who had been reformed in 1944 in his famous book in 1948. The important conclusion of a speech draft,.5., is the modern mainstream scientific research in Yuncheng Yanchi, which has found the origin of the research norms. For example, the three "chemical effects" of the Yuncheng nitrate plate in most authoritative works are in fact from Cao Huanwen's study on the Yuncheng salt pond in the salt pond of Yuncheng half a century ago. The temple, the Hedong Museum and the Saline Lake District Museum in Yuncheng, visiting local experts, recorded the original inscriptions of the ancient monuments, were inspired by the building and name of the temple of the pool, which gathered the salt pool culture, and supported Cao Huanwen's inference that "Yanchi technology started in the great prosperity of the Wei and Jin Dynasties".