Investigating Kernel Security in Functional Operating System
發(fā)布時(shí)間:2021-10-11 13:05
System security has always been concerned with software vulnerabilities especially in privileged applications like web browsers and kernels.Hardware and architecture security are relatively new developments due to recently publicized vulnerabilities(Spectre,Meltdown,Foreshadow).A cursory glance at list of current of CVEs exhibits a myriad of C related issues(buffer overflows,memory corruption etc.)yet operating systems and bare-metal development continue to be dominated by C and assembly.Functio...
【文章來源】:上海交通大學(xué)上海市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直屬院校
【文章頁數(shù)】:99 頁
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Security: A Refresher
1.1.1 Threat Models
1.2 Security: Functional vs Imperative
1.3 Security: Hardware
1.4 Security: Kernels
1.5 Funk
Chapter 2 Fun: An Applicative Processor
2.1 A Tour of Applicative Processors
2.2 Combinatory Calculus
2.2.1 The Lambda Calculus Equivalency
2.2.2 Expression Graphs
2.3 Turner’s Combinators
2.4 Fun Hardware Data-sheet
2.4.1 Combinator Set
2.4.2 Arithmetic and Base Primitives
2.4.3 Other Hardware Data
Chapter 3 Wu: Systems Level Applicative Programming
3.1 An Introduction to Applicative Programming
3.1.1 Side Effects Considered Harmful
3.1.2 Pure Functions
3.1.3 Higher Order Functions
3.1.4 Immutability
3.2 Wu Men Guan - The Gate-less Gate
3.2.1 Features of Wu
3.2.2 Wu Extensions for Kernel Development
3.2.3 Wu Keywords
3.3 Wu Samples
3.4 Compiler Data-sheet
Chapter 4 Kernel Memory
4.1 A Tour of Classic Kernel Memory Management
4.1.1 Address Spaces
4.1.2 Virtual Addressing
4.1.3 Address Bindings
4.2 STRIDE Threat Model
4.2.1 Spoofing
4.2.2 Tampering
4.2.3 Repudiation
4.2.4 Information Disclosure
4.2.5 Denial of Service
4.2.6 Escalation of Privilege
4.3 Funk Kernel Memory Management
4.3.1 Memory Scheme
4.4 Funk STRIDE Model
4.4.1 Spoofing
4.4.2 Tampering
4.4.3 Repudiation
4.4.4 Information Disclosure
4.4.5 Denial of Service
4.4.6 Escalation of Privilege
Chapter 5 Kernel File System & I/O
5.1 Input/Output Subsystems
5.1.1 Device I/O
5.1.2 Device Drivers
5.2 File System Design & Interfacing
5.2.1 Foundational Concepts
5.2.2 File System Interface
5.3 Funk I/O Subsystem
5.3.1 Wishbone Bus
5.3.2 Funk I/O
5.3.3 Funk Device Drivers
5.3.4 Funk File System
5.4 Funk File System STRIDE Model
Chapter 6 Kernel Scheduler
6.1 CPU Scheduling in Applicative Programming
6.1.1 Goals For Applicative Scheduling
6.2 Funk Scheduler
6.2.1 Funk Time Quantum Scheduling
6.3 Wheel For Scheduling
6.3.1 The Sieve of Eratosthenes: A Diversion
6.3.2 The Wheel Scheduler
Appendix A Wu Prelude
Appendix B Funk Kernel Library
Appendix C Combinator Birds
【文章來源】:上海交通大學(xué)上海市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直屬院校
【文章頁數(shù)】:99 頁
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Security: A Refresher
1.1.1 Threat Models
1.2 Security: Functional vs Imperative
1.3 Security: Hardware
1.4 Security: Kernels
1.5 Funk
Chapter 2 Fun: An Applicative Processor
2.1 A Tour of Applicative Processors
2.2 Combinatory Calculus
2.2.1 The Lambda Calculus Equivalency
2.2.2 Expression Graphs
2.3 Turner’s Combinators
2.4 Fun Hardware Data-sheet
2.4.1 Combinator Set
2.4.2 Arithmetic and Base Primitives
2.4.3 Other Hardware Data
Chapter 3 Wu: Systems Level Applicative Programming
3.1 An Introduction to Applicative Programming
3.1.1 Side Effects Considered Harmful
3.1.2 Pure Functions
3.1.3 Higher Order Functions
3.1.4 Immutability
3.2 Wu Men Guan - The Gate-less Gate
3.2.1 Features of Wu
3.2.2 Wu Extensions for Kernel Development
3.2.3 Wu Keywords
3.3 Wu Samples
3.4 Compiler Data-sheet
Chapter 4 Kernel Memory
4.1 A Tour of Classic Kernel Memory Management
4.1.1 Address Spaces
4.1.2 Virtual Addressing
4.1.3 Address Bindings
4.2 STRIDE Threat Model
4.2.1 Spoofing
4.2.2 Tampering
4.2.3 Repudiation
4.2.4 Information Disclosure
4.2.5 Denial of Service
4.2.6 Escalation of Privilege
4.3 Funk Kernel Memory Management
4.3.1 Memory Scheme
4.4 Funk STRIDE Model
4.4.1 Spoofing
4.4.2 Tampering
4.4.3 Repudiation
4.4.4 Information Disclosure
4.4.5 Denial of Service
4.4.6 Escalation of Privilege
Chapter 5 Kernel File System & I/O
5.1 Input/Output Subsystems
5.1.1 Device I/O
5.1.2 Device Drivers
5.2 File System Design & Interfacing
5.2.1 Foundational Concepts
5.2.2 File System Interface
5.3 Funk I/O Subsystem
5.3.1 Wishbone Bus
5.3.2 Funk I/O
5.3.3 Funk Device Drivers
5.3.4 Funk File System
5.4 Funk File System STRIDE Model
Chapter 6 Kernel Scheduler
6.1 CPU Scheduling in Applicative Programming
6.1.1 Goals For Applicative Scheduling
6.2 Funk Scheduler
6.2.1 Funk Time Quantum Scheduling
6.3 Wheel For Scheduling
6.3.1 The Sieve of Eratosthenes: A Diversion
6.3.2 The Wheel Scheduler
Appendix A Wu Prelude
Appendix B Funk Kernel Library
Appendix C Combinator Birds