artificial intelligence technology 在 自動化技術 分類中 的翻譯結果
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Artificial Intelligence Technology in Process Control of BOF Steclmaking 轉爐煉鋼過程控制中的人工智能技術 短句來源 Global Designs for the Application of Artificial Intelligence Technology to the Information Management at Railway Marshalling Station 人工智能技術應用于鐵路編組站信息管理的總體方案設計 短句來源 Application of artificial intelligence technology to forming of materials 人工智能技術在材料成形中應用的進展 短句來源 The application of artificial intelligence technology in computer numerical control system 人工智能技術在數控系統中的應用研究 短句來源 Study on Applications of Artificial Intelligence Technology in QoS Multicast Routing Algorithm 人工智能技術在QoS組播路由算法中的應用研究 短句來源 更多 Artificial Intelligence Technology in Process Control of BOF Steclmaking 轉爐煉鋼過程控制中的人工智能技術 短句來源 Global Designs for the Application of Artificial Intelligence Technology to the Information Management at Railway Marshalling Station 人工智能技術應用于鐵路編組站信息管理的總體方案設計 短句來源 Application of artificial intelligence technology to forming of materials 人工智能技術在材料成形中應用的進展 短句來源 The application of artificial intelligence technology in computer numerical control system 人工智能技術在數控系統中的應用研究 短句來源 Study on Applications of Artificial Intelligence Technology in QoS Multicast Routing Algorithm 人工智能技術在QoS組播路由算法中的應用研究 短句來源 更多 Artificial Intelligence Technology in Process Control of BOF Steclmaking 轉爐煉鋼過程控制中的人工智能技術 短句來源 Global Designs for the Application of Artificial Intelligence Technology to the Information Management at Railway Marshalling Station 人工智能技術應用于鐵路編組站信息管理的總體方案設計 短句來源 Application of artificial intelligence technology to forming of materials 人工智能技術在材料成形中應用的進展 短句來源 The application of artificial intelligence technology in computer numerical control system 人工智能技術在數控系統中的應用研究 短句來源 Study on Applications of Artificial Intelligence Technology in QoS Multicast Routing Algorithm 人工智能技術在QoS組播路由算法中的應用研究 短句來源 更多
查詢“artificial intelligence technology”譯詞為用戶自定義的雙語例句
artificial intelligence technology
The first phase of the Intelligent Labelling Explorer project has built the ILEX-1.1 system, which uses artificial intelligence technology to generate descriptions of objects displayed in a museum gallery.
Various researchers have applied artificial intelligence technology in the form of export systems to the process of database design.
Characterising Artificial Intelligence technology for international transfer
It is argued that Artificial Intelligence technology, if properly used, could contribute substantially to coping with some of the major problems the world faces because of the highly complex interconnectivity of modern human society.
According to the principle, "The failure data is the basis of software reliability analysis", we built a software reliability expert system (SRES) by adopting the artificial intelligence technology.
This system combines the artificial intelligence technology with the database technology, estabilishes reasoning mechanism based on backward deduction, and implements intelligent retrieve on database. In this system, database is organized with sort tree and a heuristic evaluation function is established with the least square evaluation method. Being programmed in PROLOG, it has a strong function of logic reasoning and intelligent retrieve.
This paper introduces the development background and procedure, the features and the construction of On-Line real-time expert system for production management cf blast furnace with artificial intelligence technology, and also describes the pre-process of data, the processing of indeterminateness phenomenon and the construction of knowledge base.
This paper proposes a new measurement method in which the coal ignition point can be recognized and the temperature can he controlled by artificial intelligence technology. The test result shows that the parallel errors of measurement are below 1℃. The instrument is suitable to measure the coal ignition point when the oxygen is used as oxidant.
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