發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-08-20 18:59
[Abstract]:Intelligent welding is one of the most important research topics in the field of intelligent manufacturing. Sensing technology and its information processing are the key elements to realize the intelligent and automatic welding process. For example, arc sensing, visual sensing, sound sensing, spectral sensing and so on, these sensors use different information sources to obtain large-scale information related to welding quality, but also inevitably bring about the welding process "big data". Therefore, how to remove a large number of noise and redundant information, more important, how to mine effective trust. In this paper, the pulsed GTAW process of aluminum alloy is studied, and the typical defects in the dynamic process of welding are predicted and identified in real time. Based on spectrum sensing, sound sensing, voltage sensing and visual sensing technology, the welding defects are detected. A set of pulsed GTAW welding test system and multi-information acquisition platform were built to realize automatic control of welding process, automatic acquisition and storage of welding arc spectrum, sound, arc voltage and weld image information. Based on multi-source synchronization information, the generation mechanism of several typical welding defects and the singularity of different signals in time-frequency-time domain are analyzed. A method of signal processing and feature extraction for various sensors is proposed. A spectral statistical feature based on spectral radiation interval SOI (spectral of intrests) of interest is proposed. According to the principle of maximum singularity, eight SOI segments are selected, from which three statistical characteristic parameters, root mean square r, variance D and kurtosis k, are extracted to effectively characterize the average intensity, singularity and morphological characteristics of welding arc SOI radiation; signal reconstruction method based on wavelet packet coief 4 wavelet function 5-level decomposition is used to effectively remove the characteristic pulse. Furthermore, based on the proposed SNR logarithmic characteristic evaluation criterion, the sensitivity of characteristic parameters to weld defects is quantified. Secondly, based on the selected wavelength of 656.28 nm hi line and 641.63 nm ARI line, the spectral peak area, spectral peak intensity and the ratio of spectral line variance are proposed successively, which is beneficial to the determination of Fisher evaluation criterion. The sensitivity of each eigenvalue to weld hydrogen-induced porosity is evaluated quantitatively, and the on-line rapid monitoring of weld hydrogen-induced porosity is realized based on the characteristic STD threshold line. Corresponding feature extraction algorithms are developed for acoustic signals in time domain, frequency domain and time-frequency domain respectively. Firstly, a locally sound local signal LSOI (locally sound local signal of interest) is proposed. Ofintrests thresholding statistical feature extraction algorithm, studied the correlation between LSOI statistical characteristics and underpenetration and local defects; secondly, proposed a frequency domain segmentation attention sfsa (sound frequency segmentation attentions) statistical feature extraction method based on the power spectral density of sound signal, according to different attention mechanisms, the well power was extracted. The frequency domain of spectral density is segmented and extracted, and the correlation between normal penetration and non-penetration defects and PSD frequency is analyzed. A feature extraction and evaluation algorithm of relative energy of acoustic wavelet packet is proposed. The relative energy of signals in different frequency domains is calculated according to the selected db3 wavelet basis function and three-level decomposition method. The feature set E (j) of the quantity is further proposed, and the feature evaluation criterion of maximum standard deviation between classes betweenclass (msdbc) is proposed. The separability of E (j) for three different penetration states, i.e. impermeable, normal and leaky welds, is quantitatively evaluated, and the redundant features are effectively eliminated. It is found that 7.5-10 kHz is a very important frequency range, and its corresponding time-domain, frequency-domain and time-frequency domain signal characteristics show a high degree of correlation and sensitivity to impermeability and weld leakage defects. Finally, the image feature parameters roi-1-countrate3, roi-2-countrate3 and roi-3-countration based on visual attention mechanism are proposed to achieve a variety of features. Synchronous detection of weld defects (leakage, overpenetration and surface oxidation). In order to mine the effective information hidden in the "big data" of the welding process and select the optimal combination of features conducive to the learning model, a data-driven hybrid filter and wrapper packer hybridized Fisher filter dsvm-cvwrapper (hifscw) were proposed. Firstly, an adaptive weighted voting improved Fisher method (awvifc) is proposed as a feature filter. According to the statistical voting rate, the weights of feature samples are updated adaptively. The improved Fisher criterion protects some features with small votes but large Fisher values. Secondly, support vector machine (svm) is used as classification algorithm, and 10-fold cross-validation and grid search method are combined to construct svm-cv classification model as encapsulator. Finally, insufficient feature subset interval, complementary feature interval and optimal feature element are defined according to the classification accuracy curve. The voltage-sound-spectrum svm-cv penetration state prediction and recognition model based on feature layer fusion is constructed. The classification and fusion model is greatly simplified by using the feature space screened by the msdbc evaluation criterion. The integration of voltage information makes up for the shortcomings of sound information feature recognition such as incomplete penetration and welding leakage. Based on the successful prediction of defects, the accurate identification of impermeable and leaky defects was realized. The accuracy of defect identification was improved from 74.19% of single sensor model to 94.31% of multi-sensor fusion model. The mechanism of defect generation and the singularity of corresponding signal features are studied. On the one hand, hifscw feature selector is used to select the best feature combination, on the other hand, the svm-cv classification model in its packer is used to predict and recognize single and coupled defects. In the optimal feature space interval, the model is classified and recognized. Compared with the single sensor model, the fusion model has better robustness and stability.
[Abstract]:Intelligent welding is one of the most important research topics in the field of intelligent manufacturing. Sensing technology and its information processing are the key elements to realize the intelligent and automatic welding process. For example, arc sensing, visual sensing, sound sensing, spectral sensing and so on, these sensors use different information sources to obtain large-scale information related to welding quality, but also inevitably bring about the welding process "big data". Therefore, how to remove a large number of noise and redundant information, more important, how to mine effective trust. In this paper, the pulsed GTAW process of aluminum alloy is studied, and the typical defects in the dynamic process of welding are predicted and identified in real time. Based on spectrum sensing, sound sensing, voltage sensing and visual sensing technology, the welding defects are detected. A set of pulsed GTAW welding test system and multi-information acquisition platform were built to realize automatic control of welding process, automatic acquisition and storage of welding arc spectrum, sound, arc voltage and weld image information. Based on multi-source synchronization information, the generation mechanism of several typical welding defects and the singularity of different signals in time-frequency-time domain are analyzed. A method of signal processing and feature extraction for various sensors is proposed. A spectral statistical feature based on spectral radiation interval SOI (spectral of intrests) of interest is proposed. According to the principle of maximum singularity, eight SOI segments are selected, from which three statistical characteristic parameters, root mean square r, variance D and kurtosis k, are extracted to effectively characterize the average intensity, singularity and morphological characteristics of welding arc SOI radiation; signal reconstruction method based on wavelet packet coief 4 wavelet function 5-level decomposition is used to effectively remove the characteristic pulse. Furthermore, based on the proposed SNR logarithmic characteristic evaluation criterion, the sensitivity of characteristic parameters to weld defects is quantified. Secondly, based on the selected wavelength of 656.28 nm hi line and 641.63 nm ARI line, the spectral peak area, spectral peak intensity and the ratio of spectral line variance are proposed successively, which is beneficial to the determination of Fisher evaluation criterion. The sensitivity of each eigenvalue to weld hydrogen-induced porosity is evaluated quantitatively, and the on-line rapid monitoring of weld hydrogen-induced porosity is realized based on the characteristic STD threshold line. Corresponding feature extraction algorithms are developed for acoustic signals in time domain, frequency domain and time-frequency domain respectively. Firstly, a locally sound local signal LSOI (locally sound local signal of interest) is proposed. Ofintrests thresholding statistical feature extraction algorithm, studied the correlation between LSOI statistical characteristics and underpenetration and local defects; secondly, proposed a frequency domain segmentation attention sfsa (sound frequency segmentation attentions) statistical feature extraction method based on the power spectral density of sound signal, according to different attention mechanisms, the well power was extracted. The frequency domain of spectral density is segmented and extracted, and the correlation between normal penetration and non-penetration defects and PSD frequency is analyzed. A feature extraction and evaluation algorithm of relative energy of acoustic wavelet packet is proposed. The relative energy of signals in different frequency domains is calculated according to the selected db3 wavelet basis function and three-level decomposition method. The feature set E (j) of the quantity is further proposed, and the feature evaluation criterion of maximum standard deviation between classes betweenclass (msdbc) is proposed. The separability of E (j) for three different penetration states, i.e. impermeable, normal and leaky welds, is quantitatively evaluated, and the redundant features are effectively eliminated. It is found that 7.5-10 kHz is a very important frequency range, and its corresponding time-domain, frequency-domain and time-frequency domain signal characteristics show a high degree of correlation and sensitivity to impermeability and weld leakage defects. Finally, the image feature parameters roi-1-countrate3, roi-2-countrate3 and roi-3-countration based on visual attention mechanism are proposed to achieve a variety of features. Synchronous detection of weld defects (leakage, overpenetration and surface oxidation). In order to mine the effective information hidden in the "big data" of the welding process and select the optimal combination of features conducive to the learning model, a data-driven hybrid filter and wrapper packer hybridized Fisher filter dsvm-cvwrapper (hifscw) were proposed. Firstly, an adaptive weighted voting improved Fisher method (awvifc) is proposed as a feature filter. According to the statistical voting rate, the weights of feature samples are updated adaptively. The improved Fisher criterion protects some features with small votes but large Fisher values. Secondly, support vector machine (svm) is used as classification algorithm, and 10-fold cross-validation and grid search method are combined to construct svm-cv classification model as encapsulator. Finally, insufficient feature subset interval, complementary feature interval and optimal feature element are defined according to the classification accuracy curve. The voltage-sound-spectrum svm-cv penetration state prediction and recognition model based on feature layer fusion is constructed. The classification and fusion model is greatly simplified by using the feature space screened by the msdbc evaluation criterion. The integration of voltage information makes up for the shortcomings of sound information feature recognition such as incomplete penetration and welding leakage. Based on the successful prediction of defects, the accurate identification of impermeable and leaky defects was realized. The accuracy of defect identification was improved from 74.19% of single sensor model to 94.31% of multi-sensor fusion model. The mechanism of defect generation and the singularity of corresponding signal features are studied. On the one hand, hifscw feature selector is used to select the best feature combination, on the other hand, the svm-cv classification model in its packer is used to predict and recognize single and coupled defects. In the optimal feature space interval, the model is classified and recognized. Compared with the single sensor model, the fusion model has better robustness and stability.