發(fā)布時間:2021-04-16 16:31
有機涂層是一種簡單、有效和經(jīng)濟的抑制金屬腐蝕的方法。然而,暴露在腐蝕性環(huán)境中的涂層會發(fā)生降解,尤其是在像海水等侵蝕性溶液中。由于有機涂層的失效周期長,所以研究其失效過程并預(yù)測涂層使用壽命顯得十分重要。本文在2024-T3鋁合金表面涂覆了 H900和ED1000兩種環(huán)氧樹脂涂層。H900環(huán)氧涂層的厚度包括四種,分別為35 μm、75 μm、130 μm和245 μm,ED1000環(huán)氧涂層的厚度包括兩種,分別為35 μm和75μm。采用電化學(xué)交流阻抗(EIS)技術(shù)研究了鋁合金/環(huán)氧涂層在3.5 wt.%NaCl溶液中的失效過程與行為。使用ZSimpWin軟件分析EIS數(shù)據(jù)以獲得涂層樣品的電化學(xué)參數(shù)。采用傅里葉變換紅外光譜技術(shù)(FTIR)研究了涂層中化學(xué)成分的變化,使用掃描電子顯微鏡(SEM)研究涂層和基體的微觀形貌,并用能譜(EDS)分析了涂層或基體表面的元素組成。采用Corrosion Master模擬軟件預(yù)測了模擬海水溶液中兩種環(huán)氧涂層的服役壽命。得到如下主要結(jié)論:(1)ED1000環(huán)氧涂層和H900環(huán)氧涂層兩種薄涂層(厚度為35 u m),在很長一段時間內(nèi)(至少700 d)對3.5 ...
【文章來源】:北京化工大學(xué)北京市 211工程院校 教育部直屬院校
【文章頁數(shù)】:107 頁
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Mechanism of anticorrosive coatings
1.2.1 Protective mechanism of anti-corrosion coatings
1.2.2 Failure mechanisms of anti-corrosion coatings
1.3 Coatings for aluminum alloy
1.3.1 Research background
1.3.2 Selection of different anti corrosive coatings
1.4 Coating failure detection methods
1.4.1 Conventional detection methods
1.4.2 Electrochemical methods
1.4.3 Spectroscopy methods
1.4.4 Coating service life prediction
1.5 The significance and main contents of this thesis
1.5.1 The significance of this thesis
1.5.2 Main contents of the thesis
Chapter 2 Experimental methods
2.1 Substrate and coatings
2.2 Preparation of samples
2.3 Experimental conditions
2.4 Corrosion performance test
2.4.1 Electrochemical impedance test
2.4.2 SEM observation of coating and substrate
2.4.3 Infrared testing of coatings
2.5 Pearson correlation analysis
Chapter 3 Degradation of ED1000 epoxy coating on AI alloy
3.1 EIS results of ED 1000 epoxy coating in 3.5 wt.%NaCl solution
3.1.1 EIS results of ED 1000 epoxy coating (35 μm) in 3.5 wt.%NaCl solution
3.1.2 Equivalent electric circuit fitting of ED 1000 epoxy coating sample (35 μm)
3.1.3 FTIR, SEM and EDS results of ED1000 epoxy coating sample (35 μm)
3.2 EIS results of ED 1000 epoxy coating (75 μm)
3.2.1 Equivalent circuit fitting results of ED1000 epoxy coating sample (75 μm)
3.2.2 FTIR and SEM analysis results of the ED1000 epoxy coating (75 μm)
3.3 EIS results of ED 1000 epoxy coating sample (75 μm) under condition of heatcycling
3.3.1 Fitting results of ED 1000 epoxy coating sample (75 μm) under heat cycling condition
3.3.2 FTIR and SEM analyses of ED 1000 epoxy coating (75 μm) under heat cyclingcondition
3.4 Comparison of impedance parameters of ED 1000 epoxy coating with twothicknesses
0.01Hz by Pearson" s="" correlationcoefficient'=""> 3.5 Study on the correlation between phase angle and |Z|0.01Hz by Pearson's correlationcoefficient
3.6 Conclusion of this chapter
Chapter 4 Degradation of H900 epoxy coating on Al alloy
4.1 EIS results of H900 epoxy coating sample (35μm) in 3.5 wt.%NaCl solution
4.1.1 Electric equivalent circuits fitting of H900 epoxy coating sample (35 μm)
4.1.2 FTIR, SEM and EDS results of H900 epoxy coating sample (35 μm)
4.2 EIS plots of H900 epoxy coating sample (75 μm)
4.2.1 Equivalent circuit fitting results of H900 epoxy coating sample (75 μm)
4.2.2 FTIR and SEM results of H900 epoxy coating (75 μm)
4.3 EIS plots of H900 epoxy coating sample (130 μm)
4.3.1 Electric Equivalent circuit results of H900 epoxy coating(130 μm)
4.3.2 FT-IR and SEM analysis of H900 130 μm epoxy coating
4.4 EIS plots of H900 epoxy coating sample (245 μm)
4.4.1 Equivalent circuit fitting result of H900 epoxy coating sample (245 μm)
4.5 Comparison of the impedance parameters of H900 epoxy coating
4.6 EIS results of H900 epoxy coating (75 μm) under heat cycling condition
4.6.1 Electric Equivalent Circuits results of H900 epoxy coating sample (75 μm) underheat cycling condition
4.6.2 FTIR and SEM of the H900 epoxy coating (75 μm) under heat cycling condition
4.7 EIS results of H900 epoxy coating(130 μm) under heat cycling condition
4.7.1 Fitting results of H900 epoxy coating(130 μm) under heat cycling condition
4.7.2 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and EDS of H900 epoxy coating(130 μm)under heat cycling condition
4.8 EIS results of H900 epoxy coating (245 μm) under heat cycling condition
4.8.1 Fitting parameters H900 epoxy coating (245 μm) under heat cycling condition
4.8.2 FTIR and SEM result of H900 epoxy coating 245 μm under heat cycling condition
4.9 Comparison of impedance characteristics of ED 1000 epoxy coating and H900epoxy coating
0.01Hz by Pearson" s="" correlationcoefficient'=""> 4.10 Study on the correlation between phase angle and |Z|0.01Hz by Pearson's correlationcoefficient
4.11 Conclusion of this chapter
Chapter 5 Service life prediction of epoxy coatings
5.1 Parameters used for numerical simulation
5.1.1 Experimental materials
5.1.2 EIS data of low frequency impedance
5.1.3 Potentiodynamic polarization curve of Al alloy
5.1.4 Sample used for simulation
5.1.5 Surface photographs of H900 epoxy coating
5.2 Simulation parameters
5.2.1 Comparison of experimental test results with predicted results
5.3 Conclusions of this chapter
Chapter 6 Conclusions
Introduction to Author & Supervisor
【文章來源】:北京化工大學(xué)北京市 211工程院校 教育部直屬院校
【文章頁數(shù)】:107 頁
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Mechanism of anticorrosive coatings
1.2.1 Protective mechanism of anti-corrosion coatings
1.2.2 Failure mechanisms of anti-corrosion coatings
1.3 Coatings for aluminum alloy
1.3.1 Research background
1.3.2 Selection of different anti corrosive coatings
1.4 Coating failure detection methods
1.4.1 Conventional detection methods
1.4.2 Electrochemical methods
1.4.3 Spectroscopy methods
1.4.4 Coating service life prediction
1.5 The significance and main contents of this thesis
1.5.1 The significance of this thesis
1.5.2 Main contents of the thesis
Chapter 2 Experimental methods
2.1 Substrate and coatings
2.2 Preparation of samples
2.3 Experimental conditions
2.4 Corrosion performance test
2.4.1 Electrochemical impedance test
2.4.2 SEM observation of coating and substrate
2.4.3 Infrared testing of coatings
2.5 Pearson correlation analysis
Chapter 3 Degradation of ED1000 epoxy coating on AI alloy
3.1 EIS results of ED 1000 epoxy coating in 3.5 wt.%NaCl solution
3.1.1 EIS results of ED 1000 epoxy coating (35 μm) in 3.5 wt.%NaCl solution
3.1.2 Equivalent electric circuit fitting of ED 1000 epoxy coating sample (35 μm)
3.1.3 FTIR, SEM and EDS results of ED1000 epoxy coating sample (35 μm)
3.2 EIS results of ED 1000 epoxy coating (75 μm)
3.2.1 Equivalent circuit fitting results of ED1000 epoxy coating sample (75 μm)
3.2.2 FTIR and SEM analysis results of the ED1000 epoxy coating (75 μm)
3.3 EIS results of ED 1000 epoxy coating sample (75 μm) under condition of heatcycling
3.3.1 Fitting results of ED 1000 epoxy coating sample (75 μm) under heat cycling condition
3.3.2 FTIR and SEM analyses of ED 1000 epoxy coating (75 μm) under heat cyclingcondition
3.4 Comparison of impedance parameters of ED 1000 epoxy coating with twothicknesses
0.01Hz by Pearson" s="" correlationcoefficient'=""> 3.5 Study on the correlation between phase angle and |Z|0.01Hz by Pearson's correlationcoefficient
3.6 Conclusion of this chapter
Chapter 4 Degradation of H900 epoxy coating on Al alloy
4.1 EIS results of H900 epoxy coating sample (35μm) in 3.5 wt.%NaCl solution
4.1.1 Electric equivalent circuits fitting of H900 epoxy coating sample (35 μm)
4.1.2 FTIR, SEM and EDS results of H900 epoxy coating sample (35 μm)
4.2 EIS plots of H900 epoxy coating sample (75 μm)
4.2.1 Equivalent circuit fitting results of H900 epoxy coating sample (75 μm)
4.2.2 FTIR and SEM results of H900 epoxy coating (75 μm)
4.3 EIS plots of H900 epoxy coating sample (130 μm)
4.3.1 Electric Equivalent circuit results of H900 epoxy coating(130 μm)
4.3.2 FT-IR and SEM analysis of H900 130 μm epoxy coating
4.4 EIS plots of H900 epoxy coating sample (245 μm)
4.4.1 Equivalent circuit fitting result of H900 epoxy coating sample (245 μm)
4.5 Comparison of the impedance parameters of H900 epoxy coating
4.6 EIS results of H900 epoxy coating (75 μm) under heat cycling condition
4.6.1 Electric Equivalent Circuits results of H900 epoxy coating sample (75 μm) underheat cycling condition
4.6.2 FTIR and SEM of the H900 epoxy coating (75 μm) under heat cycling condition
4.7 EIS results of H900 epoxy coating(130 μm) under heat cycling condition
4.7.1 Fitting results of H900 epoxy coating(130 μm) under heat cycling condition
4.7.2 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and EDS of H900 epoxy coating(130 μm)under heat cycling condition
4.8 EIS results of H900 epoxy coating (245 μm) under heat cycling condition
4.8.1 Fitting parameters H900 epoxy coating (245 μm) under heat cycling condition
4.8.2 FTIR and SEM result of H900 epoxy coating 245 μm under heat cycling condition
4.9 Comparison of impedance characteristics of ED 1000 epoxy coating and H900epoxy coating
0.01Hz by Pearson" s="" correlationcoefficient'=""> 4.10 Study on the correlation between phase angle and |Z|0.01Hz by Pearson's correlationcoefficient
4.11 Conclusion of this chapter
Chapter 5 Service life prediction of epoxy coatings
5.1 Parameters used for numerical simulation
5.1.1 Experimental materials
5.1.2 EIS data of low frequency impedance
5.1.3 Potentiodynamic polarization curve of Al alloy
5.1.4 Sample used for simulation
5.1.5 Surface photographs of H900 epoxy coating
5.2 Simulation parameters
5.2.1 Comparison of experimental test results with predicted results
5.3 Conclusions of this chapter
Chapter 6 Conclusions
Introduction to Author & Supervisor