玻璃纖維化學(xué)鍍銀的工藝研究Ξ.pdf 全文
2007 年 5 月
電 鍍 與 精 飾
第 29 卷第 3 期 總 174 期
文章編號(hào): 100123849 2007 0320013205
陳步明, 郭忠誠, 張杰磊
昆明理工大學(xué) 材料與冶金學(xué)院, 云南 昆明 650093
摘要: 采用A gNO 3 活化劑代替?zhèn)鹘y(tǒng)的 PdC l2, 進(jìn)行化學(xué)鍍銀包覆玻璃纖維降低了工藝成本; 通過超
聲波粗化、敏化、活化等工藝對(duì)玻璃纖維進(jìn)行了前處理, 討論了主鹽、還原劑、 pH 等因素對(duì)化學(xué)鍍
銀沉積速度、電阻率及鍍層含量的影響, 從而確定了最佳的工藝配方。使低密度的銀包玻璃纖維作
關(guān) 鍵 詞: 玻璃纖維; 化學(xué)鍍銀; 沉積速度; 電阻率
中圖分類號(hào): TQ 153116 文獻(xiàn)標(biāo)識(shí)碼: A
Study on Process of Silver Electroless Plating
on Surface of Glass F ibre
2 , 2 , 2
CH EN Bu m ing GU O Zhong cheng ZHAN G J ie lei
Facu lty of M aterials and M etallu rgical Engineering, Kunm ing U n iversity of Science and
T echno logy, Kunm ing 650093, Ch ina
Abstract: A A g electro less p lating p rocess of glass fib re is em p loyed w ith rep lacing the
conven tional PdC l2 activato r by A gNO 3 to reduce the co st of the p rocess. T he glass fib res w ere
, ,
p retreated th rough u ltrason ic coarsen ing p rocess sen sitizing p rocess activating p rocess and so,
on T he effects of the concen tration of A gNO 3 and the gluco se pH and the loadage on the
p roperties, such as the electro less depo sition rate, the film th ickness of A g, the resistivity, w ere
discu ssed. T he low den sity A g2coated glass fib re m ay be u tilized fo r E lectrom agnetic sh ieldingapp lication s as an electroconductive filler of m acrom o lecu le m aterials
Keywords: glass fib re; silver electro less p lating; depo sition rate; resistivity
引 言
與樹脂結(jié)合等優(yōu)點(diǎn), 是一種優(yōu)良的導(dǎo)