

發(fā)布時間:2018-08-07 15:21
【摘要】:隨著現(xiàn)代城市高層建筑越來越多,人為活動范圍逐漸上升到高層空間,研究近地面氮氧化物和二氧化硫濃度變化顯得日趨重要。開展城市地區(qū)氮氧化物與二氧化硫濃度的晝夜變化與垂向變化研究,對認識其變化規(guī)律具有重要科學意義,對控制該地區(qū)的大氣污染也具有實際意義。本文于2014年4月和5月對西安東郊工業(yè)、商業(yè)、居民混合區(qū)70m高度范圍內(nèi)的氮氧化物和二氧化硫濃度以及氣象指標進行了6個晝夜的時間與空間高分辨率觀測,利用相關(guān)分析等方法研究了西安市東郊氮氧化物和二氧化硫濃度的晝夜變化規(guī)律、垂向分布以及氣象因子對這兩種污染物濃度變化的影響,得出了以下結(jié)論:(1)觀測期間西安東郊4月和5月氮氧化物濃度晝夜變化均呈四個階段的變化特點。4月氮氧化物平均濃度為0.075 mg/m3,變化范圍為0.023-0.142mg/m3。第一階段在0:00~6:00之間,平均濃度為0.066mg/m3,變化范圍為0.036~0.111 mg/m3,濃度較低。第二階段在8:00~12:00之間,平均濃度為0.091 mg/m3,變化范圍為0.049~0.142 mg/m3,濃度最高。第三階段在14:00~16:00之間,平均濃度為0.059mg/m3,變化范圍為0.023~0.095 mg/m3,濃度最低。第四階段在18:00~22:00之間,平均濃度為0.080 mg/m3,變化范圍為0.044~0.127 mg/m3,濃度較高。5月氮氧化物平均濃度為0.072 mg/m3,變化范圍為0.019~0.123 mg/m3。第一階段在0:00~6:00之間,平均濃度為0.076 mg/m3,變化范圍為0.047~0.109 mg/m3,濃度較低。第二階段在8:00~12:00之間,平均濃度為0.083 mg/m3,變化范圍為0.055~0.122 mg/m3,濃度最高。第三階段在14:00~16:00之間,平均濃度為0.053mg/m3,變化范圍為0.019~0.084 mg/m3,濃度最低。第四階段在18:00~22:00之間,平均濃度為0.078mg/m3,變化范圍為0.046~0.123 mg/m3,濃度較高。(2)西安東郊4月和5月二氧化硫濃度晝夜變化均呈現(xiàn)四個階段的變化特點,4月二氧化硫平均濃度為0.034 mg/m3,變化范圍為0.017~0.051 mg/m3。第一階段在0:00~4:00之間,平均濃度為0.035 mg/m3,變化范圍為0.021~0.051 mg/m3,濃度較高。第二階段在6:00~12:00之間,平均濃度為0.036 mg/m3,變化范圍為0.020~0.51mg/m3,濃度最高。第三階段在14:00~18:00之間,平均濃度為0.029mg/m3,變化范圍為0.017~0.041 mg/m3,濃度最低。第四階段在20:00~22:00之間,平均濃度為0.032mg/m3,變化范圍為0.020~0.045 mg/m3,濃度較低。5月二氧化硫平均濃度為0.031 mg/m3,變化范圍為0.014~0.049 mg/m3。第一階段在0:00~4:00之間,平均濃度為0.033 mg/m3,變化范圍為0.017~0.045 mg/m3,濃度較高。第二階段在6:00~12:00之間,平均濃度為0.035 mg/m3,變化范圍為0.018~0.049 mg/m3,濃度最高。第三階段在14:00~18:00之間,平均濃度為0.025mg/m3,變化范圍為0.014~0.035 mgdm3,濃度最低。第四階段在20:00~22:00之間,平均濃度為0.031 mg/m3,變化范圍為0.019~0.046 mg/m3,濃度較低。夜間時段(20:00~次日6:00)氮氧化物和二氧化硫濃度都高于白天時段(8:00~18:00)。上午時段(8:00~12:00)氮氧化物和二氧化硫濃度都高于下午時段(14:00~18:00),而與夜間時段(20:00~次日6:00)相近。4月份氮氧化物和二氧化硫平均濃度水平均高于5月份,且變化幅度更大。(3)隨著高度的增加,4月和5月氮氧化物濃度逐漸增大,氮氧化物濃度與高度變化呈正相關(guān)。根據(jù)氮氧化物濃度垂向變化,可分為0-19m、22-55m和58-70m三個層段。第一層段平均濃度為0.063 mg/m3,變化范圍為0.028~0.113 mg/m3,濃度最低。第二層段平均濃度為0.077 mg/m3,變化范圍為0.041-0.131 mg/m3,濃度最高。第三層段平均濃度為0.068 mg/m3,變化范圍為0.034~0.105 mg/m3,濃度居中。隨著高度的增加,4月和5月二氧化硫濃度逐漸增大,二氧化硫濃度與高度變化呈正相關(guān)。根據(jù)二氧化硫濃度垂向變化,可分為0-19m、22-49m和52-70m三個層段。第一層段平均濃度為0.025 mg/m3,變化范圍為0.014~0.034 mg/m3,濃度最低。第二層段平均濃度為0.037 mg/m3,變化范圍為0.022~0.054 mg/m3,濃度最高。第三層段平均濃度為0.032 mg/m3,變化范圍為0.018~0.048 mg/m3,濃度居中。(4)西安市東郊4月氮氧化物濃度變化范圍在0.023~0.142 mg/m3之間,氮氧化物一級超標率為8%。5月氮氧化物濃度變化范圍在0.019-0.123 mg/m3之間,未有超標濃度出現(xiàn)。4月份二氧化硫濃度變化范圍在0.017~0.051 mg/m3之間,5月份二氧化硫濃度變化范圍在0.014~0.049 mg/m3之間,兩個月均未有超標濃度出現(xiàn)。(5)西安東郊春季氮氧化物和二氧化硫濃度與溫度呈明顯正相關(guān),相關(guān)系數(shù)分別為0.83和0.67。西安東郊春季氮氧化物和二氧化硫濃度與相對濕度呈明顯負相關(guān),相關(guān)系數(shù)分別為-0.75和-0.48。西安東郊春季氮氧化物和二氧化硫濃度與風速及氣壓均呈明顯負相關(guān)。(6)氮氧化物和二氧化硫的日變化趨勢一致,均呈下降后上升再下降后上升的趨勢,且氮氧化物濃度水平總體高于二氧化硫,氮氧化物濃度變化幅度較大,二者呈正相關(guān)性。
[Abstract]:With the increasing number of high-rise buildings in modern cities and the gradual increase of human activities to high level space, it is becoming more and more important to study the change of the concentration of nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide near the ground. It is also of practical significance to control atmospheric pollution in this area. In April 2014 and May, 6 day and night time and spatial high-resolution measurements were carried out on the concentration of nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide in the 70m high range of the industrial, commercial and residential areas of the eastern suburb of Xi'an, and the correlation analysis and other methods were used to study the Xi'an city. The diurnal variation of the concentration of nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide in the eastern suburb and the influence of the vertical distribution and the meteorological factors on the changes of the concentration of the two pollutants have been concluded as follows: (1) the diurnal changes of the nitrogen oxide concentration in the eastern suburbs of Xi'an in April and May were both in four stages, and the average concentration of nitrogen oxides was 0.075 mg in.4 months. /m3, the range of change is between the first stage of 0.023-0.142mg/m3. from 0:00 to 6:00, the average concentration is 0.066mg/m3, the range of change is 0.036 ~ 0.111 mg/m3, and the concentration is low. The average concentration is 0.091 mg/m3, the range is 0.049 ~ 0.142 mg/m3, the concentration is the highest. The third stage is between the third stages, The average concentration is 0.059mg/m3, the range of change is 0.023 ~ 0.095 mg/m3, the concentration is the lowest. The fourth stage is from 18:00 to 22:00, the average concentration is 0.080 mg/m3, the range of change is 0.044 ~ 0.127 mg/m3, the average concentration of nitrogen oxide is 0.072 mg/m3, and the range is from 0.019 to 0.123 mg/m3. in the first stage. The mean concentration is 0.076 mg/m3, the range of change is 0.047 ~ 0.109 mg/m3, the concentration is low. The second stage is from 8:00 to 12:00, the average concentration is 0.083 mg/m3, the range of change is 0.055 to 0.122 mg/m3, the concentration is the highest. The average concentration is 0.053mg/m3, the range is 0.019 to 0.084 mg/m3, the concentration is 0.019 to 0.084 mg/m3, the concentration is 0.019 to 0.084 mg/m3. The fourth stage was between 18:00 to 22:00, the average concentration was 0.078mg/m3, the range of change was 0.046 ~ 0.123 mg/m3, and the concentration was high. (2) the diurnal changes of SO2 concentration in April and May in the eastern suburb of Xi'an all showed the characteristics of four stages, the average concentration of sulfur dioxide in April was 0.034 mg/m3, the range of change was 0.017 to 0.051 mg/m3. first. From 0:00 to 4:00, the average concentration is 0.035 mg/m3, the range of change is 0.021 ~ 0.051 mg/m3 and the concentration is high. The average concentration is 0.036 mg/m3, the range of change is 0.020 ~ 0.51mg/m3, the concentration is the highest. The average concentration is 0.029mg/m3, and the range of change is 0.. The concentration of 017 ~ 0.041 mg/m3 is the lowest. The fourth stage is from 20:00 to 22:00, the average concentration is 0.032mg/m3, the range of change is 0.020 ~ 0.045 mg/m3, the average concentration of sulfur dioxide is 0.031 mg/m3, the range is 0.014 to 0.049 mg/m3., the average concentration is 0.033 mg/m3, and the range of change is 0.033 mg/m3. The concentration of 0.017 ~ 0.045 mg/m3 is high. The second stage is between 6:00 and 12:00, the average concentration is 0.035 mg/m3, the range is 0.018 ~ 0.049 mg/m3, the concentration is the highest. The average concentration is 0.025mg/m3, the range of change is 0.014 to 0.035 mgdm3, and the concentration is the lowest. Fourth phase is in the fourth phase The mean concentration was 0.031 mg/m3, the range of change was 0.019 ~ 0.046 mg/m3, the concentration was lower. The nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide concentration in the night period (20:00 to 6:00) were higher than those in the daytime period. The average concentration level of nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide in the night period (20:00 to 6:00) was higher than that in May, and the change was greater. (3) the nitrogen oxide concentration in April and May increased gradually with the increase of height, and the concentration and height of nitrogen oxides changed Cheng Zhengxiang. According to the vertical change of nitrogen oxide concentration, it can be divided into 0-19m, 22-55m and 58-70m three layers. The average concentration of the first layer is 0.063 mg/m3, the range of change is 0.028 ~ 0.113 mg/m3, the concentration is the lowest. The average concentration of the second layer is 0.077 mg/m3, the range is 0.041-0.131 mg/m3, the concentration is the highest. The average concentration of the third layer is 0.068 mg/m3, the range is 0.034 to 0.105 mg/m3, and the concentration is middle. With height. With height. With height. With height. With height. With height. With height. With height. With height. With height. With height. With height. With height. With height. With height. With height. With height. With height. With height. With height. With height. With height. With height. With height. With height. With height. With height. With height. With height The concentration of sulfur dioxide increased gradually in April and May, and the concentration of sulfur dioxide was positively correlated with the height change. According to the vertical change of sulfur dioxide concentration, it can be divided into three layers of 0-19m, 22-49m and 52-70m. The average concentration of the first layer is 0.025 mg/m3, the range of change is 0.014 ~ 0.034 mg/m3, the concentration is the lowest. The average concentration of the second layer is 0.037 m. G/m3, the range of change is 0.022 ~ 0.054 mg/m3, the concentration is the highest. The average concentration of third layer is 0.032 mg/m3, the range of change is 0.018 ~ 0.048 mg/m3, the concentration is in the middle. (4) the range of nitrogen oxide concentration in the eastern suburb of Xi'an in April is between 0.023 to 0.142 mg/m3, and the first order of nitrogen oxides is 8%.5 month nitrogen oxide concentration range in 0.019-0. Between 123 mg/m3, no superstandard concentration occurred between 0.017 and 0.051 mg/m3, the concentration of sulfur dioxide was between 0.017 and 0.051 mg/m3. In May, the range of sulfur dioxide concentration was between 0.014 and 0.049 mg/m3, and there was no excess concentration in two months. (5) the concentration of nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide in the eastern suburb of Xi'an was positively correlated with the temperature. The concentrations of nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide in the eastern suburbs of Xi'an, Xi'an, were negatively correlated with the relative humidity in spring, respectively. The correlation coefficients were -0.75 and -0.48. in the eastern suburb of Xi'an, respectively, and the concentrations of nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide in the eastern suburb of Xi'an were negatively correlated with the wind speed and pressure. (6) the diurnal variation trend of the nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide was the same. After the decline, the rising trend of the rise then decreased, and the level of the nitrogen oxide concentration was higher than that of the sulfur dioxide. The concentration of nitrogen oxides changed greatly, and the two had a positive correlation.


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