cultural relations 的翻譯結果
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cultural relations
During the initial stage (1949—1956) after the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, the cultural relations with the West is an organic part of the Sino-Western relations as well as an important aspect for China’s diplomacy.
Research on International Cultural Relations in the Globalization Era
To guide the construction of socialist harmonious society with scientific outlook on development is to carry out the objective and task of “social harmony” into concrete demands of building harmonious economic,political and cultural relations.
Reflections on the Research of Sino-Western Cultural Relations in Late Ming and Early Qing: On Problems
With profoud contents,complete theoretic system,apparent specialty,his cultural idea,under direction of democracy and science,stressing basic inner meaning,character of culture,cultural relations between China and west and Chinese traditional cultural value,shall be the precious intellectual heritage worthy of studying and taking care of.
Cultural Relations among Several Different Languages Seen from the Word “Sheep”
Cultural Relations of the Central Plains with the Middle Yangtze River Valley in the Xia-Shang Period
The second chaptermainly introduces Byzantine literati's important activities included political and culturalactivities from 14th-15th which increased the cultural relations between Byzantine Empire andItaly.
The Study on Sino-Italian Cultural Relations and Historical Enlightenment from 16~(th) to 18~(th) Century
Analysis of the historical and cultural relations with the city and urban renewal contradictions.
During Qing Dynasty, the central government's reuniting the Northwestern area had greatly strengthened the political economical and cultural relations between the Northwestern frontier area and inland area.
清王朝對西北地區(qū)的重新統(tǒng)一 ,使西北邊疆地區(qū)和內地的政治、經濟、文化的聯系不斷加強。
The Performance of National Concept from Political, Economic and Cultural Relations Between Han Nationality and Minority Nationality
This article has briefly analyzed the scientific view of the logical Positivism,thought it has the real diagnosis principle and the scientific principle two big characteristics,and promulgates its basic flaw: This kind of the scientific view emphasis science and the humanities world clearly division,neglects the science the humanities value as well as the science and the cultural relations;
查詢“cultural relations”譯詞為用戶自定義的雙語例句
cultural relations
Those 1960s initiatives constitute a framework for formulating a post-Cold War cultural relations policy.
However, the information economy is a major force restructuring not only the curriculum but, also, our social and cultural relations, established notions of knowledge, authority, and rights, and our notions of subjectivity.
The study revealed that geopolitical location, cultural relations and language are determining factors in shaping preferences whether in co-authorship, cross-reference or cross-citation.
economic and cultural relations with sending countries play important roles in the determination process.
This exercise in economic geography is linked to other questions such as power and cultural relations, urban planning practices and the discourses of racism.
The article presents a comparative study of the development of the faculties of memory of children, aged 9 and 11, of the Han, Sala, Hui, Mongolian, Tu and Tibetan nationalities living in nine different regions of the Qinghai Plateau. The indicators include cognition speed, memory scope, recollection of pictures and association memory.The study indicates that the faculties of memory of the children among the Han, Sala and Hui nationalities show no distinctive differences, whereas the faculties of memory of the...
The article presents a comparative study of the development of the faculties of memory of children, aged 9 and 11, of the Han, Sala, Hui, Mongolian, Tu and Tibetan nationalities living in nine different regions of the Qinghai Plateau. The indicators include cognition speed, memory scope, recollection of pictures and association memory.The study indicates that the faculties of memory of the children among the Han, Sala and Hui nationalities show no distinctive differences, whereas the faculties of memory of the children of these three nationalities and that of the Mongolian, Tu and Tibetan children bear marked dissimilarity. Also, facuities, of memory between the children of the Mongolian, Tu and Tibetan nationalities show marked distinctions, which stem from differences in their cultural relations with other nationalities in the past, their geographical and economic environments, their language facility and, most importantly, their educational backgrounds which exert a direct influence on the development of the children's memory.The result of the research also shows that there are certain common characters between the nationalities under study in the development of the children's faculties Of memory.
Chuandong prehistoric site found in 1978 is situated west about 4km of the city of Pudingcounty, Guizhou Province.The first systematic excavation of the site was undertaken by theMuseum of Guizhou Province and institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology,ACademia Sinica in 1981. This paper mainly describes the results of the preliminary study of thisexcavation and discusses some problems of the site.The cultural relics--bearing sediments were divided into 10 layers (unreaching bottom of thedeposits)....
Chuandong prehistoric site found in 1978 is situated west about 4km of the city of Pudingcounty, Guizhou Province.The first systematic excavation of the site was undertaken by theMuseum of Guizhou Province and institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology,ACademia Sinica in 1981. This paper mainly describes the results of the preliminary study of thisexcavation and discusses some problems of the site.The cultural relics--bearing sediments were divided into 10 layers (unreaching bottom of thedeposits). Abundant cultural relics which include over 3000 stone artifacts, about 500 specimensof the polished bone tools, some bone and antler artifacts, the plentiful remains of using fire(containing 4 "foycrs", about 7000 pieces of burned broken bone and one ash layer). 30 pieces ofhuman fossils, 13 species of mammalian fossils and more than 10000 pieces of mammalian bonefragments were found in situ.1.Industrial charactersOn the basis of the preliminary study of the remains from Chuandong prehistoric site excavated in 1981, some characters of the assemblage could be shown as follows:(1) Flakes were produced by three methods: edge crushing, hammer percussion and bipolartechnique. The former two are the main way for making flake and the last is very rare in our colICChons.(2) The used flakes without trim are more common.(3) The mabrity of these tools were retouched on the ventral surface of the flakes and areisrgcr in size. The tools could be divided into three types: scrapers, pointed tools and choppersinduding a few chopping tools. They were so finely trimmed as with regular shape and sharpedge. Most of end scrapers have a sharp cutting edge which is difTerent from the same type ofother sites in'China.(4) The polished bone tools are subdivided into six types, such as spades, awls, needles, flattool with a fork. no edge's slub and nat utensil latter similars to hairpin of Neolithic age inChina. All bone tools were carefully manufactured with delicate shape.2. DiscUSSion of some problems(1) The division of cultural pattern and stage The industry found in Cbuandong prehistoric site could be subdivided into two patterns and two stages: the early one and late one. Thedifferences on the relics of the early and late stages see table I in Chinese.(2) The period of the site According to 14C dating, the early stage is about 16000ybp(L8)while the late stage is dated to be 8080±100ybp(L3), 8670±100ybp(L4), 8540±100ybp(L5)and 9600±100ybp(L6). Therefore, the early stage belongs to upper Pleistocenc or latepaleolithic stage and the late stage is attributed to early Holocene or Mesolithic and even to early Neolithic in China. Owing to no existing of the characters of Mesolithic and early Neolithicculture, such as microlith, polished stone tools and ceramics in the assemblage, the industry ofthe late stage is called as Epi-paleolithic one and itS period is named as Epi-paleolithic.(3) Cultural relation and named problem Judging by the main characters of the assemblage from Chuandong prehistoric site. the artifacts of lower part is closely related to those fromthe upper part of Ma'anshan site of Tongzi county, Guizhou Province and Fulin site ofHanyuan county, Sichuan Province while relics of the upper part belong to Maomaodong Culture but there arc some less important differences between the industries in Chuandong andMaomaodong prehistoric sites. We propose that the assemblage from upper part of Chuandongsite should be called Chuandong cultural parttcrn of Maomaodong Culture.As mentioned above, the important significance of the site has been clearly known and itsscientific situation has also laid more solid foundation in prehistoric archeology of China.
The stone artifacts studied in this paper were classified by using the final artificial scars of them as the unique indicator. Twelve stone artifaCts found in 1994 from the Paleolithic site at Lianhuacchishan hill of Zhangzhou county are described and 27 pieces of the stone artifacts gathered in 1990 are restudied. Then the age of this site and its paleolithic cultural relation with those found in the regions around Fujian Province are also discussed. On the basis of the classification, measurements and...
The stone artifacts studied in this paper were classified by using the final artificial scars of them as the unique indicator. Twelve stone artifaCts found in 1994 from the Paleolithic site at Lianhuacchishan hill of Zhangzhou county are described and 27 pieces of the stone artifacts gathered in 1990 are restudied. Then the age of this site and its paleolithic cultural relation with those found in the regions around Fujian Province are also discussed. On the basis of the classification, measurements and statistic analysis of the stone artifacts, some characters are as follows: 1. Though most of the artifaCts are small in size and make up 66.7% of the total artimcts, some pieces of middle and large size are induded in the assemblage. 2. The flakes are corrunolily produced by direct percussion and occasionally by bipolar technique. Most of the flakes are regIJlar in shape.3. The tools are mainly Inade of flakes which occupy 69.2% of the total tools. The main type of the tools is scraper of the broad edge category, in addition to this, there are a few pieces of the choppers and chopping tool. T'he pointed tools are very rare, only two specimens the tab of which are uncertain, they are (?) one graver and (?) one pick.4. The tools are crudely tri ̄d by hard hammer and the complex mode is main process of the retouched tools so all the tools are irregular in shape. The edge margins are zigZag. Most edgeS of the tools are more obtuse and more than half of the specimens with angle exceeding 60°.According to the available knowledge of the Paleolithic archeology of the regions around Fujian Province, the stone artifacts from the site at Lianhuachishan hill may be fater than those from all sites ofjiangxi Province and tentatively dated tO be upper paleolithic age. In the light of paleolithic cultural patterns, the assemblage does not belong to the Paleolithic main industry of South China. It has close relation with those from the Daguling Paleolithic site of kin'yu county, Jiangxi Province and even more intimate to the industry in which a maprity of small stone artifacts appeared as the main character. As the amount of the stone artifacts found in the Lianhuachishan Paleolithic site is not large enough, it is difficult to dedde whether the assemblage could be regarded as a cultural variety of the industry which is charaCterized by majority of small stone artifacts found in upper Paleolithic of South China or representing a new Pattern of the upper paleolithic in South China.
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