本文選題:工業(yè)化中后期 + 文化產業(yè)。 參考:《西南財經大學》2012年博士論文
【摘要】:當一個國家進入工業(yè)化中后期以后,傳統(tǒng)產業(yè),包括傳統(tǒng)農業(yè)和傳統(tǒng)工業(yè)的增長速度逐漸放緩,經濟增長需要尋找新的增長點,需要調整原有的產業(yè)結構,并且需要轉變原有的經濟增長方式。工業(yè)化在增加一個國家財富和提高人民生活水平的同時,也給一個國家經濟和社會帶來了不利影響,環(huán)境污染嚴重,自然資源枯竭,市場需求飽和。要實現(xiàn)經濟的可持續(xù)增長,就必須要打破原有經濟增長方式所帶來的生態(tài)環(huán)境限制、自然資源限制、市場容量限制。工業(yè)化中后期階段是一個國家產業(yè)結構發(fā)生重大變化的關鍵時期。在這個階段,我們不僅面臨著調整產業(yè)結構的巨大壓力,同時也面臨著產業(yè)結構調整升級的難得機遇。而文化產業(yè)屬于綠色環(huán)保產業(yè),滿足了新的產業(yè)必須有助于保護生態(tài)環(huán)境的需要;文化產業(yè)屬于低自然資源消耗產業(yè),可以解決自然資源供給不足對經濟增長的制約;文化產業(yè)的產品和服務主要是滿足人們的文化精神生活的需要,與傳統(tǒng)產業(yè)主要滿足人們的物質需要有明顯差異,可以消除產品和服務市場需求不足的制約。文化產業(yè)還是各國解決就業(yè)不足勞動力過剩問題的重要產業(yè)。文化是一種重要的資源,它對于一個國家的生存與發(fā)展至關重要,是民族進步的根本動力。人類社會的每一次巨大進步都首先是人類文化的升華與躍進,人類社會的物質文明只不過是人類文化進步的外化而已。文化產業(yè)的發(fā)展則是文化本身的經濟化。文化產業(yè)對其他產業(yè)具有巨大的支持帶動作用,文化產業(yè)對旅游產業(yè)、信息產業(yè)、工業(yè)升級改造、傳統(tǒng)產業(yè)現(xiàn)代化都具有巨大的推動作用。因此,文化產業(yè)是工業(yè)化中后期社會和后工業(yè)社會經濟的支柱產業(yè)和主導產業(yè)。正因為如此,文化產業(yè)成為西方國家進入工業(yè)化中后期以及后工業(yè)社會發(fā)展經濟的主打產業(yè),從原來的無足輕重的派生性產業(yè)成長為國民經濟的支柱產業(yè)和主導產業(yè)。發(fā)達資本主義國家英國、法國、德國、美國、日本等在工業(yè)化基本完成后紛紛提出了文化立國戰(zhàn)略。在工業(yè)化中后期階段及后工業(yè)社會,文化產業(yè)的產值總量持續(xù)增加,在GDP中的比例甚至超過傳統(tǒng)產業(yè)。 在經歷了近30年的外延擴張式的高速增長之后,種種跡象表明,我國工業(yè)化進程已經進入工業(yè)化中后期階段。當前,我國傳統(tǒng)的產業(yè)結構和經濟增長方式正面臨著嚴峻的形勢,出口市場難以持續(xù)擴大,傳統(tǒng)產業(yè)產能嚴重過剩,生態(tài)環(huán)境破壞嚴重,自然資源供給匱乏。在傳統(tǒng)經濟增長方式和產業(yè)結構下面,我們難以實現(xiàn)經濟的持續(xù)較快增長。要保持我國經濟的可持續(xù)增長,我們原有的經濟增長方式和產業(yè)結構需要進行根本性改革。我們需要走出原有的主要依靠自然資源和廉價勞動力作為投入要素的經濟增長方式,我們需要培育和發(fā)展新的經濟增長點來調整產業(yè)結構。適時進行產業(yè)結構調整和產業(yè)升級,是時代賦予我們的艱巨任務。文化產業(yè)屬于人力資本密集型產業(yè),屬于低自然資源消耗產業(yè),屬于市場容量大、需求彈性高產業(yè),大力發(fā)展文化產業(yè),將是我國轉變經濟增長方式,調整產業(yè)結構的重要推動力量。不僅如此,文化產業(yè)還具有提升國家軟實力、改善國際形象的特有作用。文化產業(yè)還是維系本國文化傳統(tǒng)的重要手段。正是基于這樣的認知,作者決定將此作為博士論文研究課題。 本論文在篇章結構上共分為八章。第一章是緒論。在該部分,作者簡單介紹了論文問題提出的時代背景,那就是工業(yè)化中后期社會經濟增長動力的缺失以及社會面臨著系列需要解決的棘手問題。在該章,作者還對課題研究的目的、主要使用的研究方法,以及可能的創(chuàng)新點、不足之處進行了簡要介紹。 第二章,文化產業(yè)發(fā)展研究綜述。在該章,作者歸納總結了學者們對文化產業(yè)范疇的不同定義以及分類情況,還對文化產業(yè)研究中的一些重要思想觀點進行了整理和簡要介紹。 第三章,部分國家工業(yè)化后期文化產業(yè)發(fā)展概述。作者分別選擇了歐洲的英國、法國和德國,美洲的美國以及亞洲的日本作為個案,就這些國家工業(yè)化中后期階段以及后工業(yè)社會文化產業(yè)發(fā)展歷史進行了比較全面系統(tǒng)的分析,在此基礎上,就這些國家文化產業(yè)發(fā)展中存在的共性進行了歸納概括。 第四章,文化產業(yè)涵義、特點以及工業(yè)化中后期文化產業(yè)作用研究。作者首先對文化產業(yè)的涵義進行了界定。明確提出了文化產業(yè)所具有的七個特點。一是部分文化產品的公共產品屬性明顯。二是文化產品消費的自我累積效應。三是文化產品不同時空的共享性。四是不同消費者文化產品消費效用的差異性。五是文化產業(yè)的競爭力在于文化創(chuàng)意。六是文化產業(yè)具有高初始投入的特點。七是文化商品價值量構成的多元性。然后從經濟發(fā)展、政治穩(wěn)定、國家軟實力提升等方面闡述了文化產業(yè)在工業(yè)化中后期的重要作用。 第五章,文化產業(yè)發(fā)展影響因素分析及發(fā)展水平衡量指標。該章從產業(yè)經濟學角度出發(fā),從七個方面闡述了文化產業(yè)發(fā)展的影響因素。這七個因素是:地域文化資源稟賦是影響文化產業(yè)發(fā)展的重要因素,文化產業(yè)投入因素,文化創(chuàng)新能力因素,文化產品和服務的市場需求因素,文化產業(yè)組織狀況因素,經濟政治體制因素,經濟發(fā)展水平因素。本文的中國文化產業(yè)發(fā)展指數主要是從產業(yè)經濟學角度來考量和制定的。主要考慮的因素包括文化產業(yè)的投入、文化產業(yè)發(fā)展的外部環(huán)境、文化產業(yè)的產出等細分指標。 第六章,中國文化產業(yè)發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀及存在的問題。內容涉及中國文化產業(yè)的形成,中國文化產業(yè)的發(fā)展,當前我國文化產業(yè)發(fā)展的整體狀況,文化產業(yè)內部結構,各地區(qū)文化產業(yè)發(fā)展情況,我國文化產業(yè)發(fā)展中存在的問題等方面。作者認為,當前中國文化產業(yè)仍處于發(fā)展的初期階段,才剛進入文化產業(yè)快速發(fā)展階段,文化產業(yè)總量低,人均文化消費水平低,缺乏國際競爭力,不同地區(qū)文化產業(yè)發(fā)展差異較大。接著,作者從文化管理體制、文化產業(yè)市場經濟發(fā)育、文化產業(yè)資本投入、文化公共產品供給、文化消費需求等方面分析了造成這種現(xiàn)狀的原因。 第七章,中國工業(yè)化中后期文化產業(yè)發(fā)展的有利條件及對策。涉及的內容有:當前中國經濟發(fā)展所處階段,中國發(fā)展文化產業(yè)的有利條件,工業(yè)化中后期階段中國大力發(fā)展文化產業(yè)的客觀必要性,文化產業(yè)發(fā)展定位,推進文化產業(yè)發(fā)展的基本措施。 第八章,結語。對本文主要內容進行了簡單概括。 本文的創(chuàng)新點主要有三個方面。 第一個方面的創(chuàng)新是比較全面地闡述了文化產業(yè)的特點以及文化產業(yè)在工業(yè)化中后期經濟社會發(fā)展中的作用。作者明確指出了文化產業(yè)的七個方面的特點。一是部分文化產品的公共產品屬性明顯。二是文化產品消費的自我累積效應。很多文化恰恰是因為不同時空人們的認同和消費而發(fā)揚光大,茁壯成長,代代流傳。三是文化消費不同時空的共享性。四是不同消費者文化產品消費效用的差異性。五是文化產業(yè)的生命力在于文化創(chuàng)意。六是文化產業(yè)具有高初始投入的特點。七是文化商品價值構成的多元化。文化在人類社會發(fā)展進程中發(fā)揮著重要作用,進入工業(yè)化中后期,文化的作用更加突出。一是人類生活的各個領域各個方面都是文化核心價值觀念的外化和體現(xiàn)。二是文化模式與經濟發(fā)展模式之間有著明顯的因果關系。三是文化還影響到人們對追求財富所付出的努力的態(tài)度。四是文化產業(yè)對于調整產業(yè)結構有重要作用。五是一些產業(yè)的發(fā)展受到人們的文化水平的深刻影響。六是文化影響到社會制度安排,而不同的制度安排又會對經濟發(fā)展產生深刻影響。七是人類的文化取向會影響到人們對知識的獲取,而知識的積累和科學技術的進步又會對經濟增長產生重要影響。八是文化價值觀念還會影響社會對生育的態(tài)度,影響到人口的增長,進而影響到社會經濟的增長。九是文化還對產業(yè)組織產生影響,文化差異是產生交易費用的重要原因。十是文化產業(yè)的發(fā)展是轉變經濟增長方式的客觀需要。十一是文化發(fā)展還會對一個國家政治穩(wěn)定、國家軟實力的增長、和諧社會建設產生重要影響。 第二個方面的創(chuàng)新是比較全面地分析了文化產業(yè)發(fā)展的影響因素及文化產業(yè)發(fā)展水平的衡量指標體系。在文化產業(yè)發(fā)展的影響因素方面,本文強調了七個方面的因素。一是地域文化資源稟賦是影響文化產業(yè)發(fā)展的重要因素。二是文化產業(yè)投入狀況也是影響文化產業(yè)發(fā)展的重要因素。三是文化創(chuàng)新能力是文化產業(yè)核心競爭力的重要組成部分。四是文化產品和服務的市場需求因素。五是文化產業(yè)組織因素。六是文化產業(yè)發(fā)展的制度因素。七是經濟發(fā)展水平因素。本文的中國文化產業(yè)發(fā)展指數主要是從產業(yè)經濟學角度來考量和制定的。主要考慮的因素包括文化產業(yè)的投入、文化產業(yè)發(fā)展的外部環(huán)境、文化產業(yè)的產出等細分指標。 第三個方面的創(chuàng)新是就中國工業(yè)化中后期階段發(fā)展文化產業(yè)的必要性、產業(yè)定位及對策進行了比較系統(tǒng)的分析和探討。本文提出了工業(yè)化中后期階段文化產業(yè)的五大作用。一是尋找新的支柱產業(yè)是保持國民經濟持續(xù)增長的需要。二是轉變經濟增長方式和調整產業(yè)結構的需要。三是滿足人民群眾快速增長的文化生活的需要。四是加強國際合作交流提升我國軟實力的需要。五是解決我國勞動力就業(yè)的需要。在文化產業(yè)發(fā)展定位方面,作者提出應當明確文化產業(yè)在國民經濟中的支柱產業(yè)和主導產業(yè)地位。我國文化產業(yè)的發(fā)展主要應當采取七個方面的措施。一是增強文化產業(yè)創(chuàng)新能力。二是完善文化產業(yè)管理體制。三是充分發(fā)揮政府和市場兩種資源配置機制,推動資本渠道多元化。四是走集群化發(fā)展道路,完善文化產業(yè)鏈,調整文化產業(yè)結構。五是加強文化知識產權保護。六是拓展文化產品和服務消費市場。七是推動文化產業(yè)走向國際市場。
[Abstract]:When a country enters the middle and late industrialization, the growth rate of traditional industries, including traditional and traditional industries, is gradually slowing down. Economic growth needs to find new growth points. It needs to adjust the original industrial structure and change the original mode of economic growth. Industrial industrialization is increasing the wealth of a country and improving the people's life. At the same time, it also brings adverse effects on the economy and society of a country. Environmental pollution is serious, natural resources are exhausted and market demand is saturated. To achieve sustainable economic growth, it is necessary to break the ecological environment restrictions brought by the original economic growth mode, the restriction of natural resources, the limit of market capacity. At this stage, we not only face the great pressure to adjust the industrial structure, but also face the rare opportunity to adjust and upgrade the industrial structure, and the cultural industry belongs to the green industry, which meets the needs of the new production industry to protect the ecological environment. The chemical industry is a low natural resource consumption industry, which can solve the constraints of the insufficient supply of natural resources to the economic growth. The products and services of the cultural industry are mainly to meet the needs of people's cultural and spiritual life, and have obvious differences with the material needs of the traditional industries, which can eliminate the lack of demand for products and service markets. Cultural industry is an important industry for all countries to solve the problem of overemployment. Culture is an important resource. It is essential to the survival and development of a country. It is the fundamental motive force for national progress. Material civilization is only the externalization of human cultural progress. The development of cultural industry is the economy of culture itself. The cultural industry has a huge support and driving effect on other industries. Cultural industry has a great impetus to the tourism industry, information industry, industrial upgrading and transformation, and the traditional industry is present. Industry is the pillar and leading industry in the late industrial and post industrial society and the post industrial society and economy. For this reason, the cultural industry has become the main industry in the western countries to enter the middle and late industrialization and the post industrial society to develop the economy. From the original insignificant derivative industry, it has become the pillar industry and leading industry of the national economy. The developed capitalist countries, Britain, France, Germany, the United States, Japan, and so on, have put forward a cultural national strategy after the basic industrialization. In the late stage of industrialization and the post industrial society, the total output value of the cultural industry continues to increase, and the proportion of the GDP is even more than the traditional industry.
After nearly 30 years of rapid expansion of extension, all kinds of signs indicate that the process of industrialization in China has entered the middle and late stages of industrialization. At present, the traditional industrial structure and economic growth mode of our country are facing a severe situation, the export market is difficult to continue to expand, the production capacity of the traditional industry is serious excess, and the ecological environment is broken. Under the traditional economic growth mode and industrial structure, it is difficult to achieve sustained and rapid economic growth under the traditional economic growth mode and industrial structure. In order to maintain the sustainable economic growth of our country, our original economic growth mode and industrial structure need fundamental reform. We need to go out of the original natural resources. We need to cultivate and develop new economic growth points to adjust the industrial structure. It is the arduous task of the times to adjust the industrial structure and upgrade the industry. The cultural industry belongs to the human capital intensive industry, belongs to the low natural resource consumption industry, and belongs to the low natural resource consumption industry. The big market capacity, the high demand elasticity industry, and the vigorous development of the cultural industry will be the important driving force for our country to change the mode of economic growth and adjust the industrial structure. Not only that, the cultural industry also has the unique role of promoting the soft power of the country and improving the international image. The cultural industry is also an important means to maintain the national cultural tradition. It is the base of the culture industry. In this sense, the author decided to take this as a research topic of doctoral dissertation.
This paper is divided into eight chapters. The first chapter is the introduction. In this part, the author briefly introduces the background of the issue of the thesis, that is, the lack of economic growth in the middle and late industrialization of industrialization and the difficult problems that the society is facing with a series of needs to be solved. The research methods, possible innovations and shortcomings are briefly introduced.
The second chapter is a summary of the research on the development of cultural industry. In this chapter, the author summarizes the scholars' different definition and classification of the category of cultural industry, and also collate and briefly introduce some important ideas in the study of cultural industry.
The third chapter introduces the development of cultural industry in the late stage of industrialization in some countries. The author chooses the European Britain, France and Germany, America and Asia as a case, and makes a comprehensive and systematic analysis of the history of the middle and late industrialization and the development history of the post industrial social and cultural industry. The generalities in the development of cultural industries in these countries are summarized.
The fourth chapter, the meaning of cultural industry, characteristics and the role of cultural industry in the middle and late industrialization of industrialization. First, the author defines the meaning of cultural industry. It puts forward seven characteristics of cultural industry. First, the property of the public products of some cultural products is obvious. Two is the self cumulative effect of the consumption of cultural products. Three is the culture of culture. The share of different time and space. Four is the difference of consumption utility of different consumer cultural products. Five is cultural industry competitiveness lies in cultural creativity. Six is the characteristics of cultural industry with high initial investment. Seven is the diversity of cultural commodity value composition. And then from economic development, political stability, national soft strength promotion and so on. This paper expounds the important role of cultural industry in the middle and later stage of industrialization.
The fifth chapter, the analysis of the influence factors of the development of cultural industry and the index of the level of development. From the angle of industrial economics, this chapter expounds the influence factors of the development of cultural industry from seven aspects. The seven factors are that the endowment of regional culture resources is an important factor affecting the development of cultural industry, the input factors of the cultural industry, and the cultural innovation can Factors of force, market demand factors of cultural products and services, factors of cultural industry organization, economic and political system, and level of economic development. The main consideration of the Chinese cultural industry development index in this paper is from the perspective of industrial economics. The main considerations include the input of cultural industry and the development of cultural industry. The external environment, the output of the cultural industry and other subdivision indicators.
The sixth chapter, the present situation and existing problems in the development of Chinese cultural industry, including the formation of Chinese cultural industry, the development of Chinese cultural industry, the overall situation of the development of cultural industry in China, the internal structure of the cultural industry, the development of cultural industries in various regions, and the problems in the development of the Chinese cultural industry. At present, China's cultural industry is still in the early stage of development, just entering the rapid development stage of cultural industry, low cultural industry, low level of per capita cultural consumption, lack of international competitiveness, and great differences in the development of cultural industries in different regions. Then, the author is from the cultural management system, the development of the cultural industry market economy, and the cultural industry capital. Investment, the supply of cultural public goods, and the demand for cultural consumption have analyzed the reasons for this situation.
The seventh chapter is the favorable conditions and Countermeasures for the development of Chinese cultural industry in the middle and late stages of industrialization. The contents are as follows: the current stage of China's economic development, the favorable conditions for the development of cultural industry in China, the objective necessity of developing the cultural industry in the middle and late stages of industrialization, the development of cultural industry and the development of the cultural industry. The basic measures.
The eighth chapter, the conclusion, briefly summarizes the main contents of this article.
There are three main points in the innovation of this article.
The first aspect of the innovation is a comprehensive exposition of the characteristics of the cultural industry and the role of cultural industry in the economic and social development of the late industrialization. The author clearly points out the characteristics of the seven aspects of the cultural industry. First, the properties of the public products of some cultural products are obvious. Two is the self accumulation effect of the consumption of cultural products. A lot of culture is precisely because of the identity and consumption of people in different time and space, flourish, thrive, and spread from generation to generation. Three is the sharing of cultural consumption in different time and space. Four is the difference of consumption utility of different consumer cultural products. Five is the vitality of cultural industry lies in cultural creation. Six is the high initial investment of cultural industry. Seven is the diversity of the value composition of cultural commodities. Culture plays an important role in the process of human social development. In the middle and late industrialization, the role of culture is more prominent. First, every aspect of human life is the externalization and embodiment of the core values of culture. Two is the model of culture and the mode of economic development. There is a clear causal relationship between the three is that culture also affects people's efforts to seek wealth. Four, the cultural industry plays an important role in the adjustment of the industrial structure. Five is the profound influence of the development of some industries on the cultural level of the people. Six is the cultural influence on the social system arrangement and the different institutional arrangements. It will have a profound impact on economic development. Seven, the cultural orientation of human beings will affect people's acquisition of knowledge, and the accumulation of knowledge and the progress of science and technology will have an important impact on economic growth. Eight, cultural values will also affect the attitude of society to fertility, affect the growth of the population, and affect the social economy. Growth. Nine is culture also has an impact on industrial organization, cultural differences are the important reasons for the production of transaction costs. Ten, the development of cultural industry is the objective need to change the way of economic growth. Eleven is the cultural development will also have an important impact on a country's political stability, the growth of national soft power, and the construction of a harmonious society.
The innovation of the second aspects is a comprehensive analysis of the factors affecting the development of cultural industry and the measurement index system of the development level of cultural industry. In the aspects of the influence factors of the development of cultural industry, this article emphasizes seven factors. First, the endowment of regional cultural resources is an important factor affecting the development of cultural industry. Two is culture. Industrial input is also an important factor affecting the development of cultural industry. Three is the cultural innovation ability is an important component of the core competitiveness of cultural industry. Four is the market demand factor of cultural products and services. Five is the organizational factor of cultural industry. Six is the institutional factors of the development of cultural industry. Seven is the level of economic development. China's cultural industry development index is mainly measured and formulated from the perspective of industrial economics. The main considerations include the input of the cultural industry, the external environment of the development of cultural industry, and the subdivision of the output of the cultural industry.
The third aspects of innovation are the necessity of the development of cultural industry in the middle and late stages of China's industrialization, the analysis and discussion of the industrial orientation and countermeasures. This paper puts forward the five roles of the cultural industry in the middle and late stages of industrialization. One is to find a new pillar industry to keep the sustained growth of the national economy. Two is the need for the sustainable growth of the national economy. The need to change the way of economic growth and adjust the industrial structure. Three is the need to meet the people's rapid growth of cultural life. Four is to strengthen the international cooperation and exchange and promote the soft strength of our country. Five is to solve the needs of the employment of China's labor force. In the orientation of the development of cultural industry, the author puts forward that the cultural industry should be defined in the national culture industry. The pillar industries and leading industries in the economy.
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