Trade and Development in Sub-Saharan Africa:The Case of Beni
發(fā)布時(shí)間:2021-07-03 18:09
【文章來源】:華中師范大學(xué)湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直屬院校
【文章頁數(shù)】:346 頁
1.1 Problem Statement
1.2 Significance of the Study
1.3 Objectives of the study
1.4 Research questions
1.5 Hypothesis
1.6 Literature review
1.6.1 Definition of development
1.6.2 The link between Trade and Economic Development
1.6.3 Theories of development's perceptions of trade
1.7 Research Methodology
1.8 Structure of the study
Ⅱ-Theoretical framework:Dependency theory
2.1 Definition of dependency theory
2.2 Dependency theory's assumptions
2.3 A political dimension of dependency theory
Ⅲ-Assessing Africa's international trade
3.1 Africa's intra-trade
3.2 Africa's foreign trade (merchandise and services trade)
3.3 Benin's marginalization in trade
Ⅳ-The exogenous causes of Africa's marginalization in the trade exchanges:Amatter of economic interests
4.1 The legacy of Colonialism on African countries' economies
4.1.1 Colonialism in Africa or the disruptive element in African economic history
4.1.2 The reasons for Africa's colonization
4.1.3 The colonial administration and its mechanisms
4.1.4 The negative impacts of colonialism on African economies
4.1.5 The impact of colonialism on the current trade patterns in Africa:the case of cotton
4.2 Globalization and its neocolonial facet as a major factor to African marginalization
4.2.1 The means of neocolonialism
4.2.2 An example of the persistent neocolonialism in Africa:The Francafrique
4.3 Economic Effect of Colonial and Neocolonialism on African consumerist culture
4.4 The tug-of-war between developing countries and developed countries in agricultural trade
4.4.1 World Trade Organisation: a battleground between developed countries and developing countries
4.4.2 The failed trade negotiations or the disagreement
4.4.3 The Cottongate in WTO's dispute settlement mechanism and the involvement of Benin
Ⅴ-The endogenous causes of Africa's marginalization in the trade exchanges:The responsibility of the local elites
5.1 Lack of a genuine political willingness: a neopatrimonial system
5.2 The lack of adequate trained workforce
5.2.1 Benin, education and the issue of international trade language barriers and the lack of skills in international trade
5.2.2 The lack of information on Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures
5.3 The lack of adequate infrastructures
5.4 The lack of independent trade and development policies
5.4.1 The era of planned development in Benin
5.4.2 The neoliberal policies era
5.5 Dependency theory and the current Beninois trade policy
5.5.1 Revealing Benin
5.5.2 An analysis of Benin's trade policy through path dependency
Ⅵ-The effects of the current trade patterns on Africa's development
6.1 Effects of trade on Africa in a globalized world
6.1.1 A still fragile Economic growth and with no social justice
6.1.2 The vulnerability of the African continent in a globalized world
6.1.3 Vulnerability of African economies in Free trade
6.2 The effects of trade on Africa on the productive apparatus
6.2.1 Impacts of international trade exchanges as currently applied to Africa's primary sector (extractive industries)
6.2.2 Food insecurity as a consequence of import of foodstuffs
6.2.3 Land grabbing and people eviction from their lands
6.2.4 Political instability for the sake of mineral resources
6.3 A low pace of industrialization
6.4 The effects of the current international trade patterns on the productive apparatus of Africa
6.4.1 The "African" wax textile and the problem of second-hand clothing and footwear
6.4.2 The issue of access to drugs
6.4.3 The construction and the import of steel
6.5 The effects of international trade on employment and environment
6.5.1 Impacts of international trade on employment in Africa
6.5.2 The effects of International trade on Africa's environment
【文章來源】:華中師范大學(xué)湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直屬院校
【文章頁數(shù)】:346 頁
1.1 Problem Statement
1.2 Significance of the Study
1.3 Objectives of the study
1.4 Research questions
1.5 Hypothesis
1.6 Literature review
1.6.1 Definition of development
1.6.2 The link between Trade and Economic Development
1.6.3 Theories of development's perceptions of trade
1.7 Research Methodology
1.8 Structure of the study
Ⅱ-Theoretical framework:Dependency theory
2.1 Definition of dependency theory
2.2 Dependency theory's assumptions
2.3 A political dimension of dependency theory
Ⅲ-Assessing Africa's international trade
3.1 Africa's intra-trade
3.2 Africa's foreign trade (merchandise and services trade)
3.3 Benin's marginalization in trade
Ⅳ-The exogenous causes of Africa's marginalization in the trade exchanges:Amatter of economic interests
4.1 The legacy of Colonialism on African countries' economies
4.1.1 Colonialism in Africa or the disruptive element in African economic history
4.1.2 The reasons for Africa's colonization
4.1.3 The colonial administration and its mechanisms
4.1.4 The negative impacts of colonialism on African economies
4.1.5 The impact of colonialism on the current trade patterns in Africa:the case of cotton
4.2 Globalization and its neocolonial facet as a major factor to African marginalization
4.2.1 The means of neocolonialism
4.2.2 An example of the persistent neocolonialism in Africa:The Francafrique
4.3 Economic Effect of Colonial and Neocolonialism on African consumerist culture
4.4 The tug-of-war between developing countries and developed countries in agricultural trade
4.4.1 World Trade Organisation: a battleground between developed countries and developing countries
4.4.2 The failed trade negotiations or the disagreement
4.4.3 The Cottongate in WTO's dispute settlement mechanism and the involvement of Benin
Ⅴ-The endogenous causes of Africa's marginalization in the trade exchanges:The responsibility of the local elites
5.1 Lack of a genuine political willingness: a neopatrimonial system
5.2 The lack of adequate trained workforce
5.2.1 Benin, education and the issue of international trade language barriers and the lack of skills in international trade
5.2.2 The lack of information on Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures
5.3 The lack of adequate infrastructures
5.4 The lack of independent trade and development policies
5.4.1 The era of planned development in Benin
5.4.2 The neoliberal policies era
5.5 Dependency theory and the current Beninois trade policy
5.5.1 Revealing Benin
5.5.2 An analysis of Benin's trade policy through path dependency
Ⅵ-The effects of the current trade patterns on Africa's development
6.1 Effects of trade on Africa in a globalized world
6.1.1 A still fragile Economic growth and with no social justice
6.1.2 The vulnerability of the African continent in a globalized world
6.1.3 Vulnerability of African economies in Free trade
6.2 The effects of trade on Africa on the productive apparatus
6.2.1 Impacts of international trade exchanges as currently applied to Africa's primary sector (extractive industries)
6.2.2 Food insecurity as a consequence of import of foodstuffs
6.2.3 Land grabbing and people eviction from their lands
6.2.4 Political instability for the sake of mineral resources
6.3 A low pace of industrialization
6.4 The effects of the current international trade patterns on the productive apparatus of Africa
6.4.1 The "African" wax textile and the problem of second-hand clothing and footwear
6.4.2 The issue of access to drugs
6.4.3 The construction and the import of steel
6.5 The effects of international trade on employment and environment
6.5.1 Impacts of international trade on employment in Africa
6.5.2 The effects of International trade on Africa's environment