發(fā)布時間:2024-07-10 21:25
教師流失是教育領域的焦點,而教師抗逆力能夠幫助教師堅守工作崗位。教師對于職業(yè)的堅守對于自身能力提高和學生培養(yǎng)都具有重要意義。教師抗逆力特質使得教師在復雜情境中仍然選擇堅守教育崗位,因此其培養(yǎng)不容忽視。近年來,教師抗逆力的研究層出不窮,但是既有研究多關注在職教師職業(yè)發(fā)展過程中的抗逆力,力圖緩解教師職業(yè)倦怠繼而解決教師離職現(xiàn)象,少有研究著眼于職前教師抗逆力。職前教師即將成為教師,對職前教師抗逆力的培養(yǎng)可以從源頭解決教師流失問題,因此對職前教師抗逆力的研究是不可或缺的。針對這方面研究不足,本研究以華中師范大學一名英語教育碩士 Leah為研究對象探究職前教師抗逆力水平及其抗逆力形成影響因素。本研究主要圍繞以下研究問題展開:1.Leah的抗逆力發(fā)展處于什么水平?她的抗逆力如何體現(xiàn)?2.在她的抗逆力形成過程中哪些因素起到了促進作用?本研究采用敘事探究研究方法,以Kumpfer(1999)抗逆力理論模型為參照,借助抗逆力量表和社會支持量表、訪談等研究工具,結合課堂觀察及實物收集方法獲得數(shù)據(jù),旨在探討職前教師抗逆力水平及其抗逆力形成影響因素,力圖對職前教師抗逆力培養(yǎng)提供啟示。研究發(fā)現(xiàn):Leah抗逆力發(fā)...
【文章頁數(shù)】:62 頁
1. Introduction
1.1 Research background
1.2 Research significance
1.3 Research purposes and research questions
1.4 Layout of the dissertation
2. Literature Review
2.1 Teacher resilience
2.1.1 Definition of teacher resilience
2.1.2 Measurement of resilience
2.1.3 Affecting factors to teacher resilience
2.1.4 Studies on teacher resilience
2.1.5 Studies on preservice teacher resilience
2.2 Summary of the previous studies
3. Theoretical Framework
4. Methodology
4.1 Narrative inquiry
4.2 Research setting
4.3 Participant selection
4.4 Research instrument
4.4.1 Scale
4.4.2 Interview
4.5 Data collection and data analysis
4.5.1 Data collection
4.5.2 Data analysis
5. A Narrative Inquiry into Leah's Resilience Development
5.1 Leah's resilience level
5.2 The manifestation of Leah's resilience
5.2.1 Adjusting to adversity in childhood
5.2.2 Thriving in learning and teaching
5.3 Contributing factors to Leah's resilience
5.3.1 Relationship in early childhood
5.3.2 Social support during schooling
5.3.3 Social support during teaching
5.3.4 Personal traits
6. Discussion
6.1 Leah's resilience level
6.2 Factors contributing to Leah's resilience
6.2.1 Contextual relationships
6.2.2 Personal traits
7. Conclusion
7.1 Major findings
7.2 Implications
7.3 Limitations
【文章頁數(shù)】:62 頁
1. Introduction
1.1 Research background
1.2 Research significance
1.3 Research purposes and research questions
1.4 Layout of the dissertation
2. Literature Review
2.1 Teacher resilience
2.1.1 Definition of teacher resilience
2.1.2 Measurement of resilience
2.1.3 Affecting factors to teacher resilience
2.1.4 Studies on teacher resilience
2.1.5 Studies on preservice teacher resilience
2.2 Summary of the previous studies
3. Theoretical Framework
4. Methodology
4.1 Narrative inquiry
4.2 Research setting
4.3 Participant selection
4.4 Research instrument
4.4.1 Scale
4.4.2 Interview
4.5 Data collection and data analysis
4.5.1 Data collection
4.5.2 Data analysis
5. A Narrative Inquiry into Leah's Resilience Development
5.1 Leah's resilience level
5.2 The manifestation of Leah's resilience
5.2.1 Adjusting to adversity in childhood
5.2.2 Thriving in learning and teaching
5.3 Contributing factors to Leah's resilience
5.3.1 Relationship in early childhood
5.3.2 Social support during schooling
5.3.3 Social support during teaching
5.3.4 Personal traits
6. Discussion
6.1 Leah's resilience level
6.2 Factors contributing to Leah's resilience
6.2.1 Contextual relationships
6.2.2 Personal traits
7. Conclusion
7.1 Major findings
7.2 Implications
7.3 Limitations