Japan Low Birthrate and Aging Population Local Finance Local
On the Sustainability of Japan's Local Fiscal System under the Conditions of a Low Birthrate and Aging Population
Shi Jinfang (Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian)
Abstr:The long - lasting depression of the macro economy, low birthrate and increasing aging population in Japan have led to a sharp decline of local fiscal revenues, sudden growth of spending on social security, expan- sion of government debt and deterioration of local finance since the 1990s. The fiscal scales of Japanese local governments tend to be diminishing as a result the decreasing population and a low birthrate. This paper first examines the local fiscal situation of Japan and the existing problems before analyzing the status quo of local fi- nance, regional differences and the impact of a low birthrate and the increasingly aging population. Finally, the paper indicates that the characteristics of the main categories of local governments' taxes should be further de- fined and that tax rates should be formulated according to local fiscal requirements and status quo. Meanwhile, the central government should consider expanding the scope of taxation, introducing common tax and transfer- ring the source of consumption tax to local governments to ensure the sustainable development of the Japanese local fiscal system.
Keyword::Japan Low Birthrate and Aging Population Local Finance Local Tax