The Relationship between Teachers’ Perception on Principals’
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【文章頁數(shù)】:73 頁
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Background to the Study
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Objectives of the Study
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Significance of the Study
1.6 Scope and Limitation of the Study
Chapter 2: Literature Review
2.1 Definition of Keys Term
2.2 Leadership and Leadership Styles
2.3 Types of Leadership
2.3.1 Great Man Theory (1840s)
2.3.2 Trait Theory (1930s-1940s)
2.3.3 Behavioral Theory(1940s-1950s)
2.3.4 Contingency or Situational Theory (1960s)
2.3.5 Transactional Theory (1970s)
2.3.6 Transformational Theory (1970s)
2.4 Job Satisfaction
2.5 Teacher's Job Satisfaction
2.6 Leadership Style and Job Satisfaction
2.7 School Principal and School Leadership in Cambodia
Chapter 3: Methodology
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Sampling Design
3.3 Instruments
3.4 Validity and Reliability of the Questionnaires
3.5 Research Procedure
3.6 Data Analysis
3.7 Research Ethic
Chapter 4: Result
4.1 The Demographic Profiles of the Participants
4.2 The Findings of Research Questions
4.2.1. Leadership Styles Commonly Practiced by School Principals
4.2.2. The Level of Teachers'Job Satisfaction
4.2.3. The Correlation Between Teachers' Job Satisfaction and Leadership Styles
Chapter 5: Discussion, Implication, and Recommendation
5.1 Discussion of Results of the Research Questions
5.1.1 Leadership Styles Commonly Practiced by Public High School Principals
5.1.2 The Level of Teachers'Job Satisfaction in Phnom Penh City
5.1.3 The Relationship Between Leadership Styles and Teachers'Job Satisfaction
5.2 The Implication for Public High School Education in Phnom Penh
5.3 Recommendation for Further Study
Chapter 6: Conclusion
6.1 Conclusion
Questionnaire (English Version)
Questionnaire (Khmer Version)