本文關(guān)鍵詞:個體語言技能資本投資研究 出處:《山東大學(xué)》2012年博士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文
更多相關(guān)文章: 語言經(jīng)濟學(xué) 語言技能資本 交際收益 孔子學(xué)院
【摘要】:人類的交流和社會經(jīng)濟活動離不開語言,基本上每個人都至少熟練掌握一種語言。語言經(jīng)濟學(xué)家從理論和實證的角度論證了語言技能的人力資本屬性,認為語言技能資本投資是一種重要的人力資本投資形式。隨著全球化進程的加速發(fā)展,不同國家、不同民族之間的經(jīng)濟交往和教育文化交流日益頻繁和不斷深入,個體所面臨的語言環(huán)境越來越多元化,經(jīng)濟社會活動對人們所掌握的語言技能的要求也越來越高。在這一時代背景下,為更好地適應(yīng)國際化發(fā)展帶來的機遇和挑戰(zhàn),在工作和人際交往中更具競爭力,各國民眾都在努力學(xué)習(xí)和掌握母語以外的其他語言。面對越來越復(fù)雜而多元的語言教育,在時間、貨幣等資源約束下個體該如何進行語言技能資本投資決策以實現(xiàn)效用最大化?理性的個體如何進行外語投資決策,學(xué)習(xí)哪種外語,學(xué)習(xí)一種還是幾種外語,進行語言選擇和投資決策時受哪些因素的影響,對這些問題的探討變得日益普遍而現(xiàn)實。 與此同時,各國政府對本國的語言教育也日漸重視,一方面是加強本國的外語教育,提升本國居民的外語技能以在國際競爭中占據(jù)更大優(yōu)勢,另一方又在積極向外推廣本國語言,提升本國語言的影響力和國際地位。無論是對內(nèi)的外語教育,還是對外的語言國際推廣,其政策目標的實現(xiàn)歸根結(jié)底依賴于對個體語言技能資本投資決策的影響和改變。那么政府到底能對個體的語言技能資本投資決策產(chǎn)生什么影響,是如何影響的?在對微觀個體的行為決策進行系統(tǒng)分析的基礎(chǔ)上,引入政府變量,探討政府影響個體語言技能資本投資的措施和影響機制,顯然對我們深入研究個體語言技能資本投資行為和政府語言規(guī)劃和語言政策的制定具有重要意義。 為此,本文在國內(nèi)外已有研究的基礎(chǔ)上,借助主流經(jīng)濟的理論和方法,以語言經(jīng)濟學(xué)和人力資本投資理論為基礎(chǔ),從語言技能資本投資的特殊性入手,以成本—收益分析為主線,以語言教育市場和勞動力市場為進行供求分析的起點,對個體語言技能資本投資進行較為系統(tǒng)全面而深入的研究,以期對個體的語言技能資本投資決策提供理論指導(dǎo)和解釋,完善語言經(jīng)濟學(xué)關(guān)于個體語言行為的基本理論,為我國的外語教育和漢語國際推廣提供學(xué)理支持。 本文試圖回答三大問題:(1)語言技能資本投資的基本原理是什么,如何構(gòu)建語言技能資本投資的基本分析框架?(2)如何建立語言技能資本投資的成本—收益分析模型,在無政府影響和有政府影響兩種情況下,個體如何進行語言技能資本投資決策,其投資決策受哪些因素的影響?(3)年齡、母語、國籍以及父母的收入等個體的微觀特征對其語言技能資本投資行為是否有影響,有哪些影響? 圍繞上述三個問題,全文共分7章,第1章是導(dǎo)論,第2章是語言技能資本投資的基本原理,第3、4章是分析無政府影響下,基于語言技能資本投資不同收益形式建立兩條分析路徑,分析個體語言技能資本投資決策以及主要影響因素,第5章加入政府變量,以孔子學(xué)院為例分析政府對個體語言技能資本投資的影響,第6章以母語非漢語者學(xué)習(xí)漢語為例,采用問卷調(diào)查的形式,實證分析年齡、國籍以及家庭背景等個體微觀特征對語言選擇和學(xué)習(xí)行為的影響,第7章是回顧與總結(jié)。具體安排如下: 第1章為導(dǎo)論。主要介紹問題的緣起、現(xiàn)有研究成果、論文研究思路與框架。 第2章為個體語言技能資本投資的基本原理。本章從語言本身的經(jīng)濟屬性和語言技能資本投資的特殊性兩個角度闡釋個體語言技能資本投資的基本原理,并在此基礎(chǔ)上介紹語言技能資本投資研究的主要要素及其相互關(guān)系,是本文分析的前提和基礎(chǔ)。文章首先,從功能屬性、產(chǎn)品屬性和價值屬性三個維度闡釋了語言的經(jīng)濟屬性。其次,深入剖析了語言技能資本及其投資的特殊性,提出語言技能資本投資的收益特性和外部性特性,并分析這種特性對個體語言投資的影響。最后,以成本—收益為主線構(gòu)建了個體語言技能資本投資研究的主要分析要素圖,列舉影響個體語言技能資本投資的主要因素及其相互關(guān)系。 第3章為基于經(jīng)濟收益的個體語言技能資本投資分析。本章分析無政府影響下,以獲取經(jīng)濟收益為目的的個體語言技能資本投資,建立個體語言技能資本投資的成本—收益模型和包含人力資本的消費者效用函數(shù),分析理性個體如何將時間和產(chǎn)品在工作、語言技能資本投資和消費之間進行分配以及市場變量變動對個體投資決策的影響等問題。提出三個觀點:(1)投資回報率是個體決定是否進行語言技能資本投資以及投資多少的重要決策因素,其主要由語言技能資本存量、語言教育產(chǎn)品價格、語言技能人才的工資率等因素決定。(2)語言技能資本投資通過影響個體的財富約束間接影響個體效用,消費者效用最大化時滿足用于語言技能資本生產(chǎn)的時間和用于家庭生產(chǎn)的時間的邊際產(chǎn)品價值相等。(3)勞動力市場是個體語言技能資本投資收益得以實現(xiàn)的社會中介,語言技能資本投資受勞動力市場的“需求約束”的影響;語言教育產(chǎn)品是個體購買生產(chǎn)語言技能資本投入要素的場所,語言技能資本投資受語言教育產(chǎn)品市場中產(chǎn)品“獲取難度”的影響。 第4章為基于交際收益的個體語言技能資本投資分析。本章分析無政府影響時,以獲得交際收益為目的個體語言技能資本投資。交際收益是語言技能資本投資區(qū)別于其它人力資本投資的重要特性,從該視角進行分析為我們研究語言經(jīng)濟學(xué)提供了一種新的路徑。本章梳理了多種語言、多個社區(qū)和兩種語言、兩個社區(qū)兩種情況下個體語言技能資本投資博弈模型,得到一些重要啟示。在評述現(xiàn)有理論基礎(chǔ)上,建立了三種語言、三個社區(qū)情形下個體的語言技能資本投資決策模型。分析得出,與基于經(jīng)濟收益的投資決策不同,在交際收益視角下,個體是否學(xué)習(xí)一種語言主要由他國語言的使用者數(shù)量、他國居民學(xué)習(xí)本國語言的人口數(shù)量和代表性個體學(xué)習(xí)他國語言的成本等因素決定。 第5章為政府影響下的個體語言技能資本投資分析。本章引入政府變量,探討了政府對個體語言技能資本投資采取的主要措施以及產(chǎn)生的主要影響,特別以孔子學(xué)院為例進行分析,從學(xué)理層面解釋了孔子學(xué)院對個體投資漢語的影響及影響機制。從經(jīng)濟收益視角看,排除以強制手段干預(yù)個體語言技能資本投資決策的情況,政府主要通過影響語言教育產(chǎn)品市場的供求和勞動力市場上對掌握某種語言技能資本的勞動者的供求等因素來影響和改變個體的語言技能資本投資決策。從交際收益視角看,政府的目的是提高本國居民的交際收益,政府可以通過給本國居民提供外語學(xué)習(xí)補貼或向他國居民提供學(xué)習(xí)本國語言補貼的方式來實現(xiàn)。在一定的預(yù)算約束下,為實現(xiàn)國家效用最大化,政府應(yīng)該選擇最優(yōu)的本國居民學(xué)習(xí)外語的人口數(shù)量比例和使他國居民學(xué)習(xí)本國語言的人口數(shù)量比例的組合,使得二者的邊際效用之比等于本國居民全部學(xué)習(xí)外語的成本和他國居民全部學(xué)習(xí)本國語言的成本之比。同時,文章從孔了學(xué)院在國際漢語教育市場的定位和作用以及對個體投資漢語的成本與收益的影響兩方面,闡釋了孔子學(xué)院建設(shè)不僅滿足了國際社會對漢語的需求,而且創(chuàng)造了更大需求。 第6章為母語非漢語者漢語學(xué)習(xí)行為的實證分析。本章以母語非漢語的漢語學(xué)習(xí)者為對象開展問卷調(diào)查,分析人們習(xí)一種語言的主要原因和目的,以及個體的微觀特征對語言選擇行為的影響,是對本文前面關(guān)于個體語言技能資本投資理論分析的呼應(yīng)和補充。調(diào)查結(jié)果顯示,為獲得經(jīng)濟收益和個人興趣是當(dāng)前母語非漢語者學(xué)習(xí)漢語的主要的動因和目的,同時個體學(xué)習(xí)漢語的原因和目的受到國籍、母語等因素的影響。文章提出關(guān)于加快漢語走向世界的四點啟示和建議:(1)獲得經(jīng)濟收益是當(dāng)前母語非漢語者學(xué)習(xí)漢語的主要目的,加快我國經(jīng)濟發(fā)展,在世界國際勞動力市場中創(chuàng)造更多與漢語技能相關(guān)的就業(yè)崗位,是“漢語熱”持續(xù)升溫的根本推動力;(2)對漢語和中華文化的喜愛和興趣是當(dāng)前母語非漢語者學(xué)習(xí)漢語的重要原因,加強中華文化建設(shè)和國際傳播,增強中華文化在世界上的影響力和感召力,既是漢語加快走向世界的重要目標,同時也是重要途徑;(3)學(xué)習(xí)成本是影響個體學(xué)習(xí)漢語的重要因素,但目前母語非漢語者對學(xué)習(xí)漢語“成本低”的認同比較低,通過降低學(xué)習(xí)者學(xué)習(xí)成本的方式來吸引個體學(xué)習(xí)漢語是推動漢語國際傳播的重要途徑;(4)母語非漢語者學(xué)習(xí)漢語的原因和目的存在顯著的國別差異、母語差異,同時受到年齡、是否華裔等其他個體特征和家庭特征的影響。因此,為更好地滿足和適應(yīng)漢語學(xué)習(xí)者的需求,應(yīng)加大漢語教學(xué)和漢語國際推廣的國別研究、群體研究,針對不同學(xué)習(xí)者的特征采取針對性的策略。 第7章為回顧與總結(jié)。對本文的主要觀點、結(jié)論、創(chuàng)新與不足進行總結(jié),提出后續(xù)研究方向。 本文對個體的語言技能資本投資進行了開創(chuàng)性的系統(tǒng)研究,是語言經(jīng)濟學(xué)深入分析個體語言學(xué)習(xí)行為的一項基礎(chǔ)性研究成果,為國家的語言規(guī)劃和語言國際推廣提供了微觀基礎(chǔ)。本文在經(jīng)濟社會對個體的語言技能要求越來越高,個體面臨的語言技能資本投資選擇問題日益復(fù)雜而重要的全球化背景下,基于語言技能資本投資的經(jīng)濟收益和交際收益建立個體投資的兩條分析路徑,使得對個體語言技能資本投資行為的分析既清晰又有針對性,這在國內(nèi)外尚屬首次,具有重要的理論價值和現(xiàn)實意義。文章一方面以勞動力市場和語言教育產(chǎn)品市場為基礎(chǔ)分析市場變化和政府對個體語言技能資本投資決策的影響,另一方面又通過實證分析探討個體微觀特征對個體語言學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)行為的影響,具有較大的創(chuàng)新性和學(xué)術(shù)延展性。
[Abstract]:Human communication and social economic activities cannot do without language, basically everyone master at least one language. The language of economists to demonstrate the human capital attribute of language skills from theoretical and empirical perspective, that language skills of capital investment is an important form of human capital investment. With the accelerated development of globalization. Different countries, different nationalities and economic interaction between education and cultural exchanges have become increasingly frequent and in-depth, facing the individual language environment is more and more diversified, economic and social activities have on people's language skills are increasingly high requirements. Under this background, in order to better adapt to the international development opportunities and the challenge, more competitive in work and interpersonal communication, all the people in other languages to learn and master foreign language. In the face of increasingly complex and multi element Language education, in time, money and other resource constraints to the individual language skills in capital investment decisions in order to achieve maximum utility? How to carry out rational individual foreign investment decision, what kind of foreign language learning, learning one or several foreign languages, linguistic choice and investment decision-making factors which influence the discussion of these the problem becomes more and more universal and practical.
At the same time, the governments of the national language education also attaches great importance to foreign language education, one is to strengthen the country's residents to enhance their language skills to occupy a greater advantage in the international competition, the other party has actively to promote the national language, improve their language influence and international status. Both in foreign language education the foreign language or international promotion, to achieve its policy goals after all depend on the influence on the individual skills of capital investment decision and change. So in the end what the government can have an impact on individual capital investment decision is how to affect the language skills? Based on individual behavior decision. The government of the government measures affecting the individual variables, language skills and influence mechanism of capital investment, obviously to the study of language skills of individual capital investment Capital behavior and government language planning and language policy formulation are of great significance.
Therefore, based on the domestic and foreign research on the theories and methods of mainstream economics, the economics of language and the human capital investment theory, starting from the particularity of language skills for capital investment, on the cost-benefit analysis as the main line, with the language education market and labor market as the starting point for the analysis of supply and demand, a comprehensive and in-depth research on individual language skills more capital investment system, in order to provide theoretical guidance and explanation of individual capital investment decision skills, improve the basic theory about the language behavior of individual language economics, provide theoretical support for China's foreign language education and the international promotion of Chinese.
This paper attempts to answer three questions: (1) what is the basic principle of language skills for capital investment, the basic analysis framework of how to construct the language skills of capital investment? (2) how to establish the language skills of the cost of capital investment benefit analysis model, in the absence of government influence and government effect of two kinds of circumstances, how to carry out the individual language skills of capital investment decision, investment decisions are affected by what factors? (3) age, mother tongue, the microscopic characteristics of nationality and the income of the parents, whether individual have influence on their language skills, capital investment behavior, what is the impact?
On the above three issues, this thesis consists of 7 chapters, the first chapter is the introduction, the second chapter is the basic principle of language skills for capital investment, chapter 3,4 is the analysis of the government under the influence of the establishment of the two language skills path analysis of capital investment returns based on the analysis of individual factors of language skills as well as the effects of the capital investment decision, the fifth chapter into government variables, by Confucius College as an example of government influence on the individual skills of capital investment, the sixth chapter to non-native Chinese learners of Chinese as an example, in the form of a questionnaire, empirical analysis, age, nationality, family background and other characteristics of the individual affects the choice of language and learning behavior, the seventh chapter it is reviewed and summarized as follows:
The first chapter is the introduction. It mainly introduces the origin of the problem, the existing research results, the research ideas and the framework of the paper.
The second chapter is the basic principle of individual language skills in capital investment. This chapter from the two aspects of language itself special economic attribute and language skills explain individual language skills capital investment capital investment principle, mainly introduces the research elements of capital investment skills of language and on the basis of their mutual relations, is the premise and foundation of the analysis. Firstly, from the functional attributes, product attributes and attribute value of the three dimensions to explain the economic attribute of language. Secondly, analyzes the particularity of language skills and capital investment, the income characteristics and external characteristics of language skills for capital investment, and to analyze the impact of the characteristics of the individual language investment. Finally as the main line, on the cost-benefit analysis of construction of the main elements of the language skills of individual capital investment, cited the impact of capital investment and individual language skills Factors and their relationships.
The third chapter is the analysis of individual language skills based on capital investment income. This chapter analyzes the influence of government investment, individual language skills for the purpose of capital to obtain economic benefits, the cost income model including human capital and consumer utility function to establish individual language skills for capital investment, analysis of rational individuals to take time and the product in the work between the language skills of capital investment and consumption distribution and market variables changes on individual investment decisions. Put forward three points of view: (1) the rate of return on investment is an important factor to decide whether the individual decision language skills of capital investment and the number of investment, which is mainly composed of language skills, capital stock, language education product prices, determinants of language skills talent wage rate. (2) language skills affect the wealth constraint of individual capital investment through the indirect effects of a The utility body, the utility maximization is satisfied for language skills capital production time and production time for families to the marginal product value equal. (3) the labor market is a social intermediary individual language skill capital realized investment income, capital investment by the language skills of the labor market demand the influence of language education; the product is buying individual elements of the production of language skills of capital input places, affected by the "language education market difficult to obtain" language skills of capital investment.
The fourth chapter is the analysis of individual language skills communication based on capital investment income. The effect of this chapter, in order to obtain benefits for the purpose of communication. Communicative language skills of individual capital investment income is an important characteristic of language skills is different from other capital investment in human capital investment, analysis provides a new path for us to study the language from the perspective of economics. This chapter reviews the multiple languages, multiple communities and two kinds of language, language skills game model of individual capital investment in two communities in two case, get some important enlightenment. In the review of the existing theory on the basis of establishing the three languages, language skills, capital investment decision model of individual three community. Case analysis, different economic income and investment decision based on the communication from the perspective of individual income, whether learning a language mainly by the language user number The amount of the population of his native language is determined by the number of the population of the native language and the cost of the representative individual to learn the language of his language.
The fifth chapter is the analysis of individual language skills under the influence of government capital investment. This chapter mainly discusses the introduction of government variables, main measures taken by the government to the individual language skills as well as the emergence of capital investment, especially in the Confucius Institute as an example, from the theoretical level to explain the mechanism of the influence of individual Chinese investment and influence of Confucius college. From the economic benefit perspective, exclude the intervention of individual language skills capital investment decision to force the means of government, mainly through the impact of product market and the labor market supply and demand of language education to master a language skills workers of the capital supply and demand and other factors to influence and change the individual investment decisions. From the communicative language skills of capital gains from the perspective of the government, the purpose is to improve the resident communication income, the government can give local residents to provide subsidies to him or foreign language learning Chinese residents to provide subsidies to the study of a foreign language. In the implementation of budget constraints, to achieve national utility maximization, the government should choose the optimal proportion of the population of the residents of the country and make the combination of learning a foreign language of his country residents to learn their language population proportion, the ratio is equal to all residents of the country than to learn a foreign language he's cost and all residents of the study of a foreign language as the cost of the marginal utility of the two. At the same time, this article from the two hole located in the College of international Chinese education market and the role and influence of the cost and income of individual Chinese investment, explains Confucius College of construction not only meet the global demand for Chinese. It creates a greater demand.
The sixth chapter is the empirical analysis of Chinese learning behavior of native Chinese. In this chapter the non-native Chinese learners as the survey object, analysis the main reason people learning a language and purpose, and the micro characteristics of the individual influence on language choice behavior, is of the above analysis on the individual skills of capital the investment theory of echo and complement. The survey results show that in order to obtain economic benefits and personal interest is the main motivation and purpose of the non Chinese speakers learning Chinese language at present, at the same time, the reason and purpose of individual learning Chinese by nationality, language and other factors. The paper put forward four Enlightenments and suggestions on accelerating the Chinese to the world. (1) to obtain economic benefits is the main purpose of non Chinese learners of Chinese language at present, speeding up China's economic development, and create more in the international labor market in the world Chinese skills related jobs, "is the fundamental driving force of Chinese fever"; (2) to the Chinese language and culture and love interest is the main cause of the non Chinese speakers learning Chinese language at present, strengthen the construction of culture and international communication, enhance the influence of Chinese culture in the world and charisma, is Chinese to speed up the important goal of the world at the same time, it is also an important way; (3) the cost of learning is an important factor affecting Chinese individual learning, but the native Chinese to learn Chinese "low cost" identity is relatively low, by reducing the cost of learning the way to attract individuals to learn Chinese is an important way to promote Chinese international communication the Chinese learners; (4) the reason and purpose of Chinese country differences exist, significant differences at the same time by non-native speakers, age, whether the Chinese and other individual characteristics and Therefore, in order to better meet and adapt to the needs of Chinese learners, we should increase the national research and group research of Chinese teaching and Chinese international promotion, and take targeted strategies according to the characteristics of different learners.
The seventh chapter is a review and summary. The main points of this article, the conclusion, the innovation and the shortage are summarized, and the direction of the follow-up research is put forward.
The language skills of individual capital investment is the first systematic study, in-depth analysis of the economics of language is a fundamental research achievement of individual language learning behavior, provides a micro basis for the national language planning and language international promotion. Based on the individual's language skills of economic and social requirements more and more high, the language skills of capital the investment choice of globalization is becoming increasingly complex and important individual faces, two path analysis of language skills in capital investment income and investment income to build individual communication based on the
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