In order to indicate the characteristic essence of financial accounting, the author recognize that financial statements are the central feature of financial reporting and other methods of communicating information such as notes to financial statements, supplementary schedules and other reports are secondary means. Any item recognized in the financial statements should meet four recognition criteria (definitions, measurability, relevance and reliability). Accounting processes including measurement, recording and reporting are all based on recognition. Hence, the information from financial statements may be described as showing a true and fair view of the financial position, performance and cash flow of an entity.
But nowadays, many people feel that notes to financial statements and other means of financial reporting seems to be more important than financial statements. And information from disclosure seems to be more useful than that from recognition.
According to the author’s opinion, such viewpoint is far away from the truth. Financial accounting doesn’t show the sign of financial forecast.
The fundamental functions of financial accounting are neither intended to provide probable future information nor to produce nonfinancial information. The main objective of financial accounting is to reflect the true picture of the economic activities and results of a business enterprise through financial statements.
Here comes the conclusion: As a discipline, financial accounting is a historical science; as a kind of practice, financial accounting is an informative system which function is to provide historical financial information of business enterprises.