發(fā)布時間:2018-07-13 14:08
【摘要】:在人與人之間聯(lián)系愈發(fā)緊密的多元化現(xiàn)代社會中,既存在競爭和對抗,也強調(diào)合作與共贏。人們在追求個人利益最大化的同時,還越來越重視對公共利益的保護。而對公共利益的重視與保護狀況,標志著一國法律現(xiàn)代化與民主化的程度。我國民事訴訟法在2012年修改時首次納入了公益訴訟制度,足以體現(xiàn)現(xiàn)行立法對公共利益保護的重視與決心。但是,相關(guān)規(guī)定較為籠統(tǒng)和簡單,沒能很好地解決由誰通過什么途徑來實現(xiàn)公共利益司法救濟這個關(guān)鍵問題。檢察機關(guān)作為法律監(jiān)督機關(guān)及公共利益的代表者,有必要對公共利益的保護進行更為深入的探索和嘗試,其中就包括在其受到侵害的情形下以啟動訴訟程序的方式來尋求司法救濟。但是,如果要讓檢察機關(guān)承擔這一職能,其途徑是什么,理論基礎(chǔ)是什么,具體又該如何運作?帶著這樣的問題,本文從民事公訴的內(nèi)涵探討與功能分析入手,梳理了國外與國內(nèi)的立法發(fā)展歷程,厘清了中國語境下民事公訴實踐的現(xiàn)狀及存在的問題,分析了我國民事公訴立法的必要與可行,并就民事公訴的立法建構(gòu)以及程序設(shè)計提出了自己的管窺之見。 本文除緒論與結(jié)語之外,一共分為6章,可概括為四個部分。 緒論從檢察監(jiān)督的片面性與公益保護的缺失現(xiàn)狀這兩個角度分析了本文的選題背景,在理論與實踐兩方面突出了選題意義,界定了文章的研究思路和研究方法,指出了可能的創(chuàng)新與不足。 第一部分為本文的第2章,著重探討民事公訴的內(nèi)涵與特性,同時介紹其功能及與相關(guān)制度的關(guān)系。在大多數(shù)情況下,“公訴”一詞較為廣泛地應(yīng)用于刑事訴訟領(lǐng)域,但其實深挖公訴制度的歷史淵源與性質(zhì)功能,不難發(fā)現(xiàn)民事公訴實乃該制度應(yīng)有之義。本章第一節(jié)在明確這一前提的基礎(chǔ)上,對民事公訴進行了概念界定,剖析了民事公訴中“公”的特殊含義,并突出了對民事公訴權(quán)的雙重屬性評價。第二節(jié)探討了民事公訴的具體特性,從主體的特定性、目的的特殊性總結(jié)出制度本身的雙重性,再延展至具體運行過程中適用范圍的有限性與既判力的擴張性。第三節(jié)分析了民事公訴的功能追求,這一訴訟制度,承載了諸多功能:在立法構(gòu)建層面,有助于完善民事訴訟制度;在司法實踐層面,有助于優(yōu)化檢察權(quán)配置;在社會管理層面,,有助于化解社會矛盾、實現(xiàn)社會公正。第四節(jié)將民事公訴與相關(guān)的訴訟制度進行比較分析,梳理其與傳統(tǒng)民事訴訟、民事公益訴訟、行政公訴的關(guān)系,進一步明確民事公訴的界限與特性。 第二部分包括本文的第3章與第4章,重點考察國內(nèi)外民事公訴的立法與實踐狀況。該部分內(nèi)容在比較考察國外民事公訴立法的相關(guān)情況之后,回顧了我國的立法史源,而后介紹并評價了我國實踐運行情況。 第3章是對國外民事公訴立法的比較考察,該章選取了大陸法系、英美法系幾個具有代表性的國家以及對我國立法影響深遠的俄羅斯民事公訴立法狀況進行比較研究,在分析其共性、個性的基礎(chǔ)上歸納出三種基本的立法模式與體例,并就國外的立法經(jīng)驗進行總結(jié)。盡管法、德、美、俄等國的政治體制不同,法律文化存在差異,檢察機關(guān)的定性與職能也有所區(qū)別,但是都一致認同檢察機關(guān)可以運用民事公訴的方式主張與維護公共利益。這方面的比較研究可以為我國民事公訴立法提供有益的啟發(fā),作為在我國法律體制下進行同類改革的基礎(chǔ)和借鑒。 第4章,我國民事公訴的立法與實踐考察,梳理了我國民事公訴的立法歷程與具體實踐,并試圖客觀理性地進行評價。雖然民事公訴目前在我國并沒有得到法律的正式認可,但是并不意味著歷史上找不到這項制度的蹤跡;仡櫸覈砬逡詠碇两▏跗诘牧⒎ㄊ,可以從其中看出民事公訴立法的發(fā)展軌跡。在當代中國,民事公訴制度得到了前所未有的關(guān)注與重視,立法界與實務(wù)界都在進行不懈的嘗試與推動。這些探索留下了不可磨滅的功績,同時也存在需要規(guī)范之處,有待在今后的立法與實踐工作中進一步完善。 第三部分即第5章論證了我國立法確立民事公訴制度的必要與可能。要通過立法確立一項新型法律制度,必須先分析其必要性與可行性。必要性分析提供的是必要條件,可行性分析提供的則是充分條件,兩相結(jié)合才是民事公訴立法的充要條件。從必要性來看,民事公訴順應(yīng)了現(xiàn)代民法的發(fā)展趨勢,應(yīng)對了保護公共利益的社會需求,完善了公益保護法律體系的法治訴求。從可行性來看,民事訴權(quán)的合理拓展為民事公訴奠定了理論基礎(chǔ),檢察監(jiān)督范疇的現(xiàn)代拓展為其提供了職能保障,司法探索獲得的良好效果為其積累了實踐經(jīng)驗,與其他主體比較得出的權(quán)能優(yōu)勢讓檢察機關(guān)有充分理由擔綱起民事公訴的職責。 第四部分,即第6章和第7章,在前文的基礎(chǔ)上重點建構(gòu)了我國民事公訴立法的基本框架與具體程序。 第6章主要介紹我國民事公訴立法的價值取向、基本原則與模式選擇,為我國立法確立民事公訴制度提供了大體的框架與思路。民事公訴的價值取向,除了正義、效率之外,還專門強調(diào)了“公益”。雖然從嚴格意義上講,公益與公平、正義、效率等不同,并非法律制度得到普適性認知的價值。但是法的價值具有特殊性,在不同的法律制度中有不同的強調(diào)與側(cè)重。維護公益是民事公訴最根本也是最直接的價值目標,正是因為有這樣重要的社會效益,民事公訴法律制度注定能夠引起社會的廣泛共鳴,也因此而變得富有意義。雖然公益性與正義性存在著一定程度的價值融合,但是筆者認為將公益性單列出來,更能體現(xiàn)民事公訴的制度內(nèi)涵。第二節(jié)論證了民事公訴立法的基本原則,從公權(quán)強制性與私權(quán)自主性的制約,到法律監(jiān)督與公益代表的結(jié)合,再到主動介入與有限救濟的衡平,都體現(xiàn)出民事公訴是在不同利益與價值的沖突與協(xié)調(diào)中尋找平衡支點,最終促成維護公共利益、實現(xiàn)社會公正的終極目標。第三節(jié)闡釋了我國民事公訴立法的模式與體例選擇。在總結(jié)分析國外立法不同模式與體例及學界不同觀點的基礎(chǔ)上,結(jié)合我國的政治體制、法律體系與實踐需求,提出了我國模式與體例選擇的設(shè)想。 第7章設(shè)計了民事公訴的具體程序,旨在確立整體模式的前提之下,將民事公訴的程序性問題進一步細化,為制度運行提供更為詳盡的參考。民事公訴屬于民事訴訟的類型之一,又不同于一般的民事訴訟,其在訴訟主體、受案范圍等方面都體現(xiàn)出自身的個性特征,適用的程序具有自己的獨特性,需要在一般民事訴訟程序之外補充規(guī)定民事公訴的特殊程序。本章按照訴訟階段順序,將具體程序分解為起訴、受理、審理、結(jié)案、執(zhí)行、審判監(jiān)督六個階段,盡可能對民事公訴在不同階段需要適用的特殊程序進行分析與論證,希望能夠為民事公訴立法的具體化與實踐的可操作性提供一些參考和幫助。 最后是結(jié)語,基于民事公訴的立法必然與實踐可行,提出了我國民事檢察監(jiān)督制度的前景展望,相信民事公訴制度終將成為我國民事檢察監(jiān)督職能發(fā)展的嶄新領(lǐng)域。
[Abstract]:In the modern society , which is more and more closely connected with human beings , there are both competition and confrontation , and also emphasize cooperation and win - win . In pursuit of the maximization of personal interests , people pay more and more attention to the protection of public interest .
In addition to the preface and the conclusion , this paper is divided into six chapters , which can be summarized into four parts .
In this paper , the author analyses the background of topic selection from the aspects of the aspects of procuratorial supervision and the present situation of the lack of public welfare protection , and highlights the significance of choosing the topic in both theory and practice , and defines the research thinking and the research method , and points out the possible innovations and disadvantages .
The first part of this chapter is divided into two chapters in this paper , focusing on the connotation and characteristics of civil public prosecution , and also introducing its function and its relationship with the relevant system . In most cases , the term " public prosecution " is widely used in the field of criminal procedure .
At the level of judicial practice , it is helpful to optimize the configuration of prosecutorial power ;
At the level of social management , it is helpful to resolve social contradictions and realize social justice . In the fourth section , the civil public prosecution is compared with the relevant litigation system , and its relationship with traditional civil litigation , civil public interest litigation and administrative public prosecution is analyzed , and the limits and characteristics of civil public prosecution are further clarified .
The second part includes chapter 3 and chapter 4 of the article , focusing on the legislation and practice of civil prosecution at home and abroad . After comparing the relevant circumstances of the civil public prosecution legislation , this part reviews our country ' s legislation historical source , then introduces and evaluates the practice operation of our country .
Chapter 3 is a comparative study on the legislation of civil public prosecution in foreign countries . This chapter compares the civil law system , Anglo - American law system with several representative countries as well as the far - reaching Russian civil prosecution legislation status , and summarizes the legislative experience abroad . Although the law , Germany , the United States , Russia and other countries have different political systems and different legal culture , the qualitative and function of the procuratorial organs are different , but the comparative study in this regard can provide beneficial inspiration for the civil prosecution legislation in China , and serve as the basis for the similar reform under the legal system of our country .
Chapter 4 , the legislation and practice of civil public prosecution in China , combs the legislative course and concrete practice of civil prosecution in our country , and tries to objectively and rationally evaluate . Although civil public prosecution is not formally accepted by law in our country , it doesn ' t mean that it can ' t find the track of this system .
In the third part , Chapter 5 demonstrates the necessity and possibility of establishing the civil public prosecution system in our country .
In the fourth part , Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 , on the basis of the foregoing , the basic framework and specific procedures of the civil prosecution legislation in China are mainly constructed .
Chapter II discusses the value orientation , basic principle and mode choice of civil public prosecution legislation in our country , and provides a general framework and thinking for the establishment of civil public prosecution system in our country .
Chapter 7 designs the specific procedure of civil public prosecution , which is aimed at establishing the whole model , and provides more detailed reference for the system operation . The civil public prosecution belongs to one of the types of civil litigation , and it is different from the general civil action . The procedure is divided into the special procedures of prosecution , acceptance , trial , conclusion , execution and trial supervision .
Finally , the conclusion is that the legislation of civil prosecution is necessary and feasible , and the prospect of our civil prosecutorial supervision system is put forward . It is believed that the civil prosecution system will become a new field of the development of civil prosecutorial supervision function in our country .
[Abstract]:In the modern society , which is more and more closely connected with human beings , there are both competition and confrontation , and also emphasize cooperation and win - win . In pursuit of the maximization of personal interests , people pay more and more attention to the protection of public interest .
In addition to the preface and the conclusion , this paper is divided into six chapters , which can be summarized into four parts .
In this paper , the author analyses the background of topic selection from the aspects of the aspects of procuratorial supervision and the present situation of the lack of public welfare protection , and highlights the significance of choosing the topic in both theory and practice , and defines the research thinking and the research method , and points out the possible innovations and disadvantages .
The first part of this chapter is divided into two chapters in this paper , focusing on the connotation and characteristics of civil public prosecution , and also introducing its function and its relationship with the relevant system . In most cases , the term " public prosecution " is widely used in the field of criminal procedure .
At the level of judicial practice , it is helpful to optimize the configuration of prosecutorial power ;
At the level of social management , it is helpful to resolve social contradictions and realize social justice . In the fourth section , the civil public prosecution is compared with the relevant litigation system , and its relationship with traditional civil litigation , civil public interest litigation and administrative public prosecution is analyzed , and the limits and characteristics of civil public prosecution are further clarified .
The second part includes chapter 3 and chapter 4 of the article , focusing on the legislation and practice of civil prosecution at home and abroad . After comparing the relevant circumstances of the civil public prosecution legislation , this part reviews our country ' s legislation historical source , then introduces and evaluates the practice operation of our country .
Chapter 3 is a comparative study on the legislation of civil public prosecution in foreign countries . This chapter compares the civil law system , Anglo - American law system with several representative countries as well as the far - reaching Russian civil prosecution legislation status , and summarizes the legislative experience abroad . Although the law , Germany , the United States , Russia and other countries have different political systems and different legal culture , the qualitative and function of the procuratorial organs are different , but the comparative study in this regard can provide beneficial inspiration for the civil prosecution legislation in China , and serve as the basis for the similar reform under the legal system of our country .
Chapter 4 , the legislation and practice of civil public prosecution in China , combs the legislative course and concrete practice of civil prosecution in our country , and tries to objectively and rationally evaluate . Although civil public prosecution is not formally accepted by law in our country , it doesn ' t mean that it can ' t find the track of this system .
In the third part , Chapter 5 demonstrates the necessity and possibility of establishing the civil public prosecution system in our country .
In the fourth part , Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 , on the basis of the foregoing , the basic framework and specific procedures of the civil prosecution legislation in China are mainly constructed .
Chapter II discusses the value orientation , basic principle and mode choice of civil public prosecution legislation in our country , and provides a general framework and thinking for the establishment of civil public prosecution system in our country .
Chapter 7 designs the specific procedure of civil public prosecution , which is aimed at establishing the whole model , and provides more detailed reference for the system operation . The civil public prosecution belongs to one of the types of civil litigation , and it is different from the general civil action . The procedure is divided into the special procedures of prosecution , acceptance , trial , conclusion , execution and trial supervision .
Finally , the conclusion is that the legislation of civil prosecution is necessary and feasible , and the prospect of our civil prosecutorial supervision system is put forward . It is believed that the civil prosecution system will become a new field of the development of civil prosecutorial supervision function in our country .
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