發(fā)布時間:2023-11-11 13:28
CHAPTER 1: 水滴在固體表面蒸發(fā)的過程中存在三種蒸發(fā)模式:恒定接觸半徑模式、恒定接觸角模式和混合模式。從1977年發(fā)現(xiàn)這三種模式開始到現(xiàn)在,一直有許多研究來嘗試著解釋這三種模式出現(xiàn)的原因和三種模式間相變的原理。不幸的是,至今為止,這些模式的機理還是一個存在爭論的問題。而且,很少有工作對于固體基底表面的形貌對蒸發(fā)模式的影響做出解釋。 在本文中,我們將定量地引入釘扎力并建立模型,以求對水滴在固體表面蒸發(fā)模式的機理做出一個解釋。我們將在球罐高度逐漸增加的PDMS(聚二甲硅氧烷)球罐微米三角陣列上,用水滴蒸發(fā)和接觸角縮進的方法進行試驗,以驗證我們理論的有效性,并研究固體基底形貌對蒸發(fā)模式的影響 CHAPTER 2: 眾所周知,人體穴位處的電學性質和非穴位處是不完全相同的,例如穴位處有較低的電阻抗和較高的紅外透射率。但是,在針刺的情況下,這些性質會如何改變卻不是十分明確。在本工作里,12位志愿者(9位男性,3位女性,平均年齡25.3歲±0.4歲)將參加金屬針和激光針對穴位點以及對應非穴位點的刺激,以研究針刺對人體皮膚電阻的影響。實驗表明,金屬針和激光針的刺激都會顯著的降低人體的皮膚電阻。...
【文章頁數(shù)】:52 頁
CHAPTER 1:Morphology Tunable Evaporation Mode and Pinning Force
Section 1:Wetting Properties and Evaporation Modes
1.1 Wetting Properties
1.1.1 Wetting and Contact Angle
1.1.2 Lotus Effect
1.2 Evaporation Modes
1.2.1 Coffee Stain
1.2.2 Evaporation Modes
Section 2:Pinning Force and Evaporation Modes
2.1 Explanation to Evaporation Modes
2.2 Effects of Surface Morphology
Section 3:Contact Angle Acquisition System
3.1 Fabrication of PDMS Spherical Cap Micron-arrays
3.2 Water Droplets Evaporating and Receding
3.3 Measurements of Contact angles and radii
Section 4:Relation between Morphology and Evaporation Modes
4.1 Theory Prediction
4.2 Experiments of Evaporation and receding
4.3 Results
Section 5:Conclusions
CHAPTER 2:Skin Impedance Decrease:Using Metallic and Laser Needles
Section 1:Properties of Acupoints and Meridians
1.1 An Introduction to Acupoints and Meridians
1.1.1 An Introduction to Acupuncture
1.1.2 Explanations of Acupuncture
1.2 Properties of Acupoints and Meridians
1.2.1 Structure of meridians
1.2.2 Reactions to Stimulations
Section 2:Real-time Skin Impedance Acquisition System
2.1 Volunteers and Methods of Acupuncture
2.2 Real-time Acquisition System
Section 3:Electric Properties of Acupoints
3.1 Lower Impedance
3.2 Skin Impedance Decrease
3.3 Possible Mechanisms
Section 4:Conclusions
【文章頁數(shù)】:52 頁
CHAPTER 1:Morphology Tunable Evaporation Mode and Pinning Force
Section 1:Wetting Properties and Evaporation Modes
1.1 Wetting Properties
1.1.1 Wetting and Contact Angle
1.1.2 Lotus Effect
1.2 Evaporation Modes
1.2.1 Coffee Stain
1.2.2 Evaporation Modes
Section 2:Pinning Force and Evaporation Modes
2.1 Explanation to Evaporation Modes
2.2 Effects of Surface Morphology
Section 3:Contact Angle Acquisition System
3.1 Fabrication of PDMS Spherical Cap Micron-arrays
3.2 Water Droplets Evaporating and Receding
3.3 Measurements of Contact angles and radii
Section 4:Relation between Morphology and Evaporation Modes
4.1 Theory Prediction
4.2 Experiments of Evaporation and receding
4.3 Results
Section 5:Conclusions
CHAPTER 2:Skin Impedance Decrease:Using Metallic and Laser Needles
Section 1:Properties of Acupoints and Meridians
1.1 An Introduction to Acupoints and Meridians
1.1.1 An Introduction to Acupuncture
1.1.2 Explanations of Acupuncture
1.2 Properties of Acupoints and Meridians
1.2.1 Structure of meridians
1.2.2 Reactions to Stimulations
Section 2:Real-time Skin Impedance Acquisition System
2.1 Volunteers and Methods of Acupuncture
2.2 Real-time Acquisition System
Section 3:Electric Properties of Acupoints
3.1 Lower Impedance
3.2 Skin Impedance Decrease
3.3 Possible Mechanisms
Section 4:Conclusions