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Soul of the Historical Expression World 歷史話語世界的精魂 短句來源 On the Historical Characteristics of Rhyme Schemes in Ci Poems of the Song Dynasty 論宋詞聲韻的歷史特征 短句來源 The Historical Relations and Artistic Tradition of Literary Description of Human Nature in the Late 20th Century China 20世紀晚期中國文學人性書寫的歷史關(guān)系和藝術(shù)傳統(tǒng) 短句來源 Transformation of Cultural Media and the Historical Perspective of Literary Criticism 文化媒介轉(zhuǎn)型與文學批評的歷史視野 短句來源 On the Historical Causes for the Rise of the Realistic Social Anatomist School and their Artistic Features 試論社會剖析派現(xiàn)實主義形成的歷史原因及其藝術(shù)表現(xiàn)特征 短句來源 更多 The Chosen History and the Historical Choice——Development of Realism in Chinese Literature of 20th.Century 選擇的歷史和歷史的選擇——現(xiàn)實主義在20世紀中國文學中的命運 短句來源 To Poke the Historical Dense Fog -- - - - A Summarization on the Study of ZHANG Zi-ping in the Resent Years 撥開歷史的迷霧——近年來張資平研究綜述 短句來源 From Single Semantic Perspective to Plural Semantic Perspectives of History:The Historical Reflection on Chinese Modern Literary Studies 從歷史的單一視角到歷史的多義解釋——中國現(xiàn)代文學研究歷史反思 短句來源 The literary history and the historical literature 文學的歷史與歷史的文學 短句來源 The Tracing Historical Novel shifts the deferment in linguistics into the historical narrative pattern, denying the possibility of reappearance of history. 追蹤歷史的新歷史小說把語言學中能指與所指的延宕關(guān)系移入到歷史敘事領(lǐng)域,否認了敘事再現(xiàn)歷史真相的可能; 短句來源 The Historical Evaluation Theory and the Artistic Structure of Records of the History “通變”理論與《史記》藝術(shù)結(jié)構(gòu) 短句來源 Notes and Definition ——The historical investigation of the concept of Chinese modern informal essay 詮釋與界說——中國現(xiàn)代隨筆概念的歷史性考察 短句來源 The Historical Evolution of Chinese Female Literature in Three Different Times 中國女性文學的三次歷史性演進 短句來源 The historical warning function and persuasive function in ancient novels 古代小說的史鑒功能和勸戒功能——中國古代小說評點派研究二題 短句來源 The Historical Problems of Modern Chinese Literature History 中國現(xiàn)代文學史的歷史學問題 短句來源 更多
查詢“the historical”譯詞為用戶自定義的雙語例句
the historical
It is the central task for China to put forward the restructuring and design methods, assessment principles and relevant core technical specifications based on the empirical researches on the historical industrial building and site.
The historical aspects of ceramics production, as well as the modern approaches to the technical side of ceramics production, especially sol-gel technology as the path to modern nanotechnologies, are discussed.
The historical aspects of the synthesis, study, and application of heterocyclic azo compounds of the pyridine series in analytical chemistry are considered.
Biological Activity in Modern and Buried Soils of the Historical Center of St.
Petersburg was determined using soil samples taken from sections located at the historical center of this city nearby the Kazan Cathedral and the Twelve Colleges building (now the main building of St.
The paper gives a general picture about the historical source of prolonged exclamation as a rhetoric figure and its specific features, which made this rhetoric figure prevalent in the literature of Wei and Jin Dynasties. Then the paper goes a step further to elaborate on the particular content of the Wei-Jin prolonged exclamation: an embodiment of the then scholars' elegant graces and their unyielding to convention and restraints, and at the same time a symbol of their mental distress and detachment from...
The paper gives a general picture about the historical source of prolonged exclamation as a rhetoric figure and its specific features, which made this rhetoric figure prevalent in the literature of Wei and Jin Dynasties. Then the paper goes a step further to elaborate on the particular content of the Wei-Jin prolonged exclamation: an embodiment of the then scholars' elegant graces and their unyielding to convention and restraints, and at the same time a symbol of their mental distress and detachment from the social reality. These efforts on the part of this paper present to us a new aspect of the literary style in Wei and Jin Dynasties.
Having reevaluated the reasonability of Cheng Fangwu's comments on the historical
The acadamic circles always tend to have partiality for great Histrical events or well-known theoretucul works. This tendency generally leads to the separation of stud- ies in the historical and social aspects from those in ideaological aspect. This paper attempts to study the two aspects in a integrated way without touching upon the clessical works themselves (i.e. those handed down and recent archaeological findings) and to put emphasis on the study of their "applications" In the meantime this paper...
The acadamic circles always tend to have partiality for great Histrical events or well-known theoretucul works. This tendency generally leads to the separation of stud- ies in the historical and social aspects from those in ideaological aspect. This paper attempts to study the two aspects in a integrated way without touching upon the clessical works themselves (i.e. those handed down and recent archaeological findings) and to put emphasis on the study of their "applications" In the meantime this paper treats of the social stratum of literati and officialdom, the chief "carrier" of politics and academies, in ancient china, whose psycholiogical tendencies had vital bearings on social politics and academies Ethics forms a category both in width and in depth and it is hoped that this paper will invite com- ments and advice from expents in this field.
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