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起源于俄國形式主義文學(xué),前景化是西方文論中的重要理論之一。本文對前景化的理論進行了一些探討,并研究這一理論是如何有效的應(yīng)用于詩歌分析的。作為人類文明的瑰寶,詩歌這一文學(xué)形式是語言的藝術(shù)。詩歌語言源于日常語言,是在日常語言基礎(chǔ)上進行了一定的變異形成的。而前景化的語言特征就是詩歌語言和日常語言的區(qū)別所在。本文通過對前景化的概念以及與前景化這一概念密切相關(guān)的其他術(shù)語,如變異、突出和常規(guī)的探討,給那些尚不了解前景化的讀者一個簡單而又清晰的輪廓。 前景化是有動機的變異。在詩歌中,前景化與變異的關(guān)系是:前景化是作者為了吸引讀者注意而有意使某些語言特征突出的一種現(xiàn)象,而各種類型的變異是實現(xiàn)前景化的工具,它們的最終目的是為了使讀者注意到詩人想要表達的思想內(nèi)容和想要取得的美學(xué)效果。并且只有那些對表達整體主題思想有用的前景化特征才屬于真正意義上的前景化。因此,在本文所進行的詩歌分析中,為了更好的分析詩集中出現(xiàn)的前景化特征,作者采用了變異分析法,從不同的變異角度對詩集中出現(xiàn)的前景化特征進行了分析。同時,為了使讀者對變異分析法有一個初步的了解,作者在第二章的理論部分引用其他詩人的詩歌簡單地對詩集中可能出現(xiàn)...
【文章頁數(shù)】:78 頁
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Research Motivation
1.3 The Significance of This Research
1.4 The Organization and Methodology of This Thesis
Chapter Two A Preliminary Study on Foregrounding
2.1 The Concept of Foregrounding
2.2 The Function of Foregrounding
2.3 The Discrimination of Some Terms Related to Foregrounding
2.3.1 Norm and Deviation
2.3.2 Prominence, Deviation and Foregrounding
2.4 The Adoption of Deviation Analysis to the Study of Foregrounding
2.4.1 Lexical Deviation
2.4.2 Grammatical Deviation
2.4.3 Phonological Deviation
2.4.4 Semantic Deviation
2.4.5 Deviation of Register
Chapter Three Lexical Deviation—Nonce-meaning
3.1 Nonce-meaning
3.2 The Conversion of Word Class
Chapter Four Grammatical Deviation—Enjambment, Insertion and Inversion
4.1 Enjambment
4.1.1 Those that may be rewritten as one single sentence and cannot be further divided without destroying its meaning.
4.1.2 Another kind of enjambment refers to those that are separated by a colon or a comma.
4.2 Insertion and Inversion
4.2.1 Insertion
4.2.2 Inversion
4.3 Other Grammatical Deviations
4.3.1 The omission of articles
4.3.2 The use of “no” to express negative feeling.
4.3.3 Others
Chapter Five Semantic Deviation and Figures of Speech
5.1 Simile
5.2 Metaphor
5.3 Metonymy
5.4 Oxymoron
5.5 Pun
Chapter Six Phonological Deviation—the Rhyming Scheme of Clerihew
Chapter Seven Deviation of Register—Informal words and Slang
7.1 Informal Words
7.2 The Slang
7.3 Words of Other Fields
Chapter Eight Conclusion
8.1 The Conclusion of the Thesis
8.2 Limitations of the Thesis
8.3 Suggestions for Further Study
【文章頁數(shù)】:78 頁
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Research Motivation
1.3 The Significance of This Research
1.4 The Organization and Methodology of This Thesis
Chapter Two A Preliminary Study on Foregrounding
2.1 The Concept of Foregrounding
2.2 The Function of Foregrounding
2.3 The Discrimination of Some Terms Related to Foregrounding
2.3.1 Norm and Deviation
2.3.2 Prominence, Deviation and Foregrounding
2.4 The Adoption of Deviation Analysis to the Study of Foregrounding
2.4.1 Lexical Deviation
2.4.2 Grammatical Deviation
2.4.3 Phonological Deviation
2.4.4 Semantic Deviation
2.4.5 Deviation of Register
Chapter Three Lexical Deviation—Nonce-meaning
3.1 Nonce-meaning
3.2 The Conversion of Word Class
Chapter Four Grammatical Deviation—Enjambment, Insertion and Inversion
4.1 Enjambment
4.1.1 Those that may be rewritten as one single sentence and cannot be further divided without destroying its meaning.
4.1.2 Another kind of enjambment refers to those that are separated by a colon or a comma.
4.2 Insertion and Inversion
4.2.1 Insertion
4.2.2 Inversion
4.3 Other Grammatical Deviations
4.3.1 The omission of articles
4.3.2 The use of “no” to express negative feeling.
4.3.3 Others
Chapter Five Semantic Deviation and Figures of Speech
5.1 Simile
5.2 Metaphor
5.3 Metonymy
5.4 Oxymoron
5.5 Pun
Chapter Six Phonological Deviation—the Rhyming Scheme of Clerihew
Chapter Seven Deviation of Register—Informal words and Slang
7.1 Informal Words
7.2 The Slang
7.3 Words of Other Fields
Chapter Eight Conclusion
8.1 The Conclusion of the Thesis
8.2 Limitations of the Thesis
8.3 Suggestions for Further Study