長沙市動漫受眾市場實證研究論文.doc 全文
The animation empirical research is the weak link of the domestic correlative
research. Neglecting market investigation and inaccurate audience orientation are the
important reasons for the national animation industry’s stagnancy. In view of these
facts, Changsha animation audience’s choice, preference and attitude toward domestic
animation are empirical studied by the method of questionnaire survey, and the data
obtained are deep analyzed in this paper.
Empirical research in this paper has been divided into two processes. First,
various forms of tables and diagrams are used to display the result of questionnaire
inquire in the first hierarchy, that is, the answers of nine questions in the questionnaire
are displayed intuitively by using frequency table, permutation table, histogram,
circular diagram, etc, and these answers are analyzed and investigated in sequence.
Second, the inner links between correlated variables are deep studied by using
hypothesis analysis and correlation analysis. The results demonstrated as follows:
1. The audience have significant differences in their animation choice and
preference, the age level difference is the chief reason of these differences; But
audience’s attitude toward domestic animation are comparatively similar, most
audience prefer domestic animation, and they review the future of domestic animation
2.Watching animation has become the general behavior of contemporary juvenile,
the chief animation consumer groups are preschool children and adults, and the
feminine animation expense is higher than the male.
3.Japanese animation occupies the mainstream status in our country, but domestic
animation still appeal to children under 14.
4. The audience signify their agreement on the main problems of domestic
animation in different degree, childish storyline is the most antipathetic problem to
5. The audience’s interest in