2015年google專利_專利查詢_【推薦】Google專利搜索Google Patent Search
【推薦】Google專利搜索Google Patent Search
Understanding a search result
Each Google Patent Search result represents an individual patent. We display results based on their relevance to the specific search terms you've entered. We display a number of details about each patent in the list of results.
Explanation of terms
* 1.
Patent Title: The title of each entry in the search results is the title of that specific patent.
* 2.
U.S. Patent Number: The patent office assigns a unique number to each patent.
* 3.
Filing Date: The filing date is the date on which the patent was filed with the USPTO. The filing date is when the inventors applied for the patent and should not be confused with the issue date, which is the date the patent office granted the patent. If we don’t have a filing date for a patent, this field will be blank.
* 4.
Assignee name: The assignee is the person or organization to which the rights of the patent are assigned. If we don’t have an assignee for a patent, this field will be blank.
* 5.
Patent snippet: We include a snippet of text from the patent to show where the specific search terms were found.
About This Patent page
Each patent in Google Patent Search has its own page, which consists of several sections. When we don't have information for a given section, we do not include that section in the About page. If there is not enough information available to create a useful About page, we do not create one.
Explanation of terms
* 1.
Patent summary: Summarizes all the details we have about the patent, including dates of interest, associated parties and classifications. We also provide a link to view each patent on the USPTO site. The details included vary from patent to patent, depending on what information we have for that patent.
* 2.
Claims: Lists the specific claims made by the patent.
* 3.
Drawings: Displays thumbnail links of drawings in the body of the patent.
* 4.
Search within this patent: Allows users to search the text of an individual patent for specific keywords and phrases. Results are displayed underneath the search box.
* 5.
Citations: Lists other patents that were cited by the patent described on the page.
* 6.
Referenced by: Lists other patents that reference the patent described on the page.不錯(cuò)哦 可是只能搜索美國專利真的不錯(cuò)!
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