Dissertations and Theses Collection (DTC)
Dissertations and Theses Collections (DTC) is an online union collection of Hong Kong and Macau postgraduate students’ doctoral and master dissertations and theses indexed in the library catalogues or institutional repositories of eight Hong Kong and Macau universities.
These eight libraries are:
1. Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK),
2. City University of Hong Kong (CityU),
3. Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU),
4. Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU),
5. Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (HKUST)
6. Lingnan University (LU)
7. University of Hong Kong (HKU)
8. University of Macau (UM).
DTC facilitates users to search the dissertations and theses in any or
all of the above university library catalogues or institutional repositories simultaneously. It
also creates links to
the dissertations and theses records indexed in the
libraries of your choice,
and leads you to their abstracts and full text, if open
access is available
from the corresponding libraries or institutional repositories.
The information is as current as the online union collection is indexed and maintained by each individual university library and institutional repository.
DTC is created and maintained by the Systems Section and Special Collections & Archives of the HKBU Library.
Best viewed in JavaScripts enabled Internet Explorer 6.X, 1024 X 768, with Chinese UTF-8 display. Last updated on 11-10-2011