1993年-1997年 山東工業(yè)大學(現山東大學),化學工程專業(yè),,本科
1997年-2002年 中國科學院山西煤炭化學研究所,化學工藝專業(yè),博士
2002年-2004年, 清華大學深圳研究生院,博士后
主要研究方向包括新型炭材料,鋰離子電池、電化學電容器和燃料電池等領域納米能源材料的物理化學性能及其相關器件系統(tǒng)集成與應用技術。目前共主持和參加省部級以上研究課題6項、國家自然科學基金重點項目2項、面上項目2項、青年基金1項,博士后基金1項及一些橫向合作項目,已獲授權發(fā)明專利8項,共申請發(fā)明專利41項,其中申請PCT專利2項、美國專利1項、日本專利1項,獲授權中國發(fā)明專利11項。在Energy & Environmental Science, Angewandte Chemie-international Edition,Nano Energy, Chemical Communications(2篇), Journal of Materials Chemistry(2篇), Carbon(7篇), Journal of Power Sources(8篇), Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Electrochemistry Communications, Journal of the Electrochemistry Society (3篇), Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry(4篇), Electrochimica Acta, Energy Sources, 《新型炭材料》等國內外雜志上發(fā)表論文90余篇。其中SCI收錄期刊近60余篇, SCI引用370多次。
2008年 和2009年“汽車用動力型鋰離子電池系統(tǒng)的開發(fā)和產業(yè)化”成果分別獲東莞市科技獎市長獎和廣東省科學技術獎二等獎(排名第四)
(1) Baohua Li, Cuiping Han, Yan-Bing He, Cheng Yang, Hongda Du, Quan-Hong Yang, and Feiyu Kang.Facile synthesis of Li4Ti5O12 /C composite with super rate performance. Energy & Environmental Science, In Press, 2012 . (SCI, IF 9.61)
(2) Chengjun Xu, Baohua Li, Hongda Du,Feiyu Kang. Energetic zinc ion chemistry: The rechargeable zinc ion battery. Angewandte Chemie-international Edition, 2012, 51, 933–935.(SCI, IF 12.73)
(3) Xue-Cheng Chen, Wei Wei, Wei Lv, Fang-Yuan Su, Yan-Bing He, Baohua Li, Feiyu Kang and Quan-Hong Yang. Graphene-Based Nanostructure with Expanded Ion Transport Channels for High Rate Li-ion Battery. Chemical Communications, 2012. 48(47): 5904-5906 .(SCI, IF 6.169).
(4) Shaoxin Zhou, Sumwai Chiang, Jinzao Xu, Hongda Du, Baohua Li, Chengjun Xu, Feiyu Kang. Modeling the in-plane thermal conductivity of a graphite/polymer composite sheet with a very high content of natural flake graphite. Carbon, 2012,50(14): 5052-5061. (SCI, IF 5.378)
(5) Dengyun Zhai, Baohua Li, Hongda Du, Guangyao Gao, Lin Gan, Yanbing He, Quanhong Yang, Feiyu Kang. The preparation of graphene decorated with manganese dioxide nanoparticles by electrostatic adsorption for use in supercapacitors, Carbon, 2012,50(14): 5034-5043. (SCI, IF 5.378)
(6) Wei Lv, Cong-Hui You, Sida Wu, Baohua Li, Zhen-Ping Zhu, Maozhang Wang, Quan-Hong Yang, Kang, Feiyu. pH-Mediated fine-tuning of optical properties of graphene oxide membranes, Carbon, 2012,50(9): 3233-3239. (SCI, IF 5.378)
(7) Shaoxin Zhou, Yuan Zhu, Hongda Du, Baohua Li, Feiyu Kang. Preparation of oriented graphite / polymer composite sheets with high thermal conductivities by tape casting. New Carbon Materials, 2012, 27(3):192-196 (SCI, IF 0.888)
(8) Hongfei Li, Baohua Li*, Chengjun Xu, Chunguang Wei, Feiyu Kang. Effect of nanocomposite additives on corrosion inhibition of Zn anode in neutral solution. Material Science Forum, 2012,722,17-24. (EI)
(9) Jun Ma, Baohua Li, Feiyu Kang. Improved electrochemical performances of nanocrystalline LiFePO4/C composite cathode via V-doping and VO2(B) coating.Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Accepted, In Press. Corrected Proof, Available online 27 December 2011(SCI, IF 1.381)
(10) Chunguang Wei, Chengjun Xu, Baohua Li, Ding Nan,Jun Ma,Feiyu Kang. Formation and conversion mechanisms between single-crystal gamma-MnOOH and manganese oxides. Materials Research Bulletin, 2012,47(7): 1740-1746. (SCI, IF 2.105)
(11) Chunguang Wei, Chengjun Xu, Baohua Li, Hongda Du, Feiyu Kang. Preparation and characterization of manganese dioxides with nano-sized tunnel structures for zinc ion storage Original Research Article. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 30 January 2012. (SCI, IF 1.381)