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不可隨處小便 (2012-01-15 14:34:14)
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蕭紅,你這個(gè)饑餓的賤人 2014-10-05 12:19:32
今夜我們都是巴西人 2014-07-09 13:14:06
我是自己摔倒的 2012-08-09 09:27:54
北京哀情故事 2012-07-24 16:14:10
欽州三娘灣海豚母子情深 2012-07-16 16:39:20
評(píng)論(14) 以下網(wǎng)友留言?xún)H代表其個(gè)人觀點(diǎn)或看法,不代表時(shí)空網(wǎng)的觀點(diǎn)和立場(chǎng)。
2012-01-30 21:09:52
Happy Spring Festival!
2012-01-30 21:07:44
It's very good!
2012-01-30 21:06:06
Well done!
2012-01-17 15:02:31
well said and well written
2012-01-16 20:09:55
funny chinglish。
2012-01-16 06:45:04
2012-01-15 22:14:43
2012-01-15 22:04:33
2012-01-15 21:46:27
American soldiers are not duly appointed representatives of the American government or it's people. They are a well oiled killing machine. If they want to piss on their dead enemies, so be it. I don't give a fuck, good for them.
2012-01-15 21:45:18
I think that it should be said that the acts of four individuals does not represent the beliefs of the country. It is very unfortunate that similar acts have occurred in the recent past. What those taking part in these acts fail to understand is that these very acts not only give the whole country a bad reputation, but they provide motivation and a recruitment tool for the exact organization (if you can call it that) that we are trying to dismantle. It is indeed a sad day, because this shameful conduct is counter-productive.
2012-01-15 21:44:13
it is shameful and I am embarrassed as an American but I am not losing any sleep about it. They do a lot worse.
2012-01-15 21:42:53
It would be naive of you to think that the number of innocent civilians killed in 'Americas War on Terror' is no less significant than the number you stated...
Maybe not, but the act in itself, is grotesque, and does nothing to repair America's already tattered reputation.
Your ignorance for another Country's practices aside - Americas current and past Human rights track record is hardly pristine. This whole tit for tat, my country is better than your country playground bullshit is getting old.
2012-01-15 21:40:42
Not quite as shameful as killing ~2,500 innocent civillians in a cowardly terrorist attack which, lest we forget, kicked off the entire 'wait to get through airport security' business. Don't get me wrong, I don't agree with what they did but let's keep SOME perspective here...
Pissing on the corpse of an enemy in an active combat zone < Killing a large number of innocent civillians just to try and make a point
Oh and btw, we in the U.S. will start taking tips on Human Rights from the Chinese as soon as the Chinese government ends the practices of slave labor, harvesting organs from prisoners and their tacit approval of the killing of baby girls in the guise of population control.
2012-01-15 21:39:19
The video showing four US soldiers peeing on Taliban dead bodies does not have the size and length of the repsonsible dicks fully presented to the world, it is a shame.
The four guys must have been thinking with dicks, how much more time will your fellow countrymen have to take through the airport security just for your momentary urination cum?Taliban will not solve this humiliation with the same amount of yellow body fluid,those stupid and uneducated GIs,see what you have brought to your country? Kennedy will turn over in his tomb.
博主回復(fù): That is exactly what I want to say in the blog post.
2012-01-16 09:45:37