發(fā)布時間:2017-09-13 08:27
【摘要】: 本文采取對比分析的方法,通過第一人稱,研究應用語言學領域英漢學術期刊論文中的作者身份。本研究從六種中外權威的學術期刊中隨機挑選了57篇應用語言學實證性論文,組成漢語學術論文語料庫(CRA)和英語學術論文語料庫(ERA)。采用定量和定性相結合的研究方法,確定第一人稱的出現(xiàn)頻率、語篇功能和語義所指。兩個語料庫的對比表明,英漢學術論文在第一人稱使用上存在較大差異。 主要發(fā)現(xiàn)包括:(1)盡管漢語學術論文語料庫中出現(xiàn)了為數(shù)不少的第一人稱,但均為復數(shù)形式,甚至是在唯一作者的文章中也沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)第一人稱單數(shù);(2)我們一共找到了九種第一人稱的語篇功能,并按照作者身份的強弱排序。中國學者更傾向于在中等或低等風險度的語篇功能上使用第一人稱;(3)第一人稱可用于指代作者,作者+讀者,作者+他人,整個話語群體,或者泛指人。在采用“觀點持有者”或“創(chuàng)作者”這兩種身份時,中國人往往更喜歡用包含性的“我們”,把讀者也包含在內。 總之,中國人在學術語篇中構建的作者身份要弱一點。中國集體主義的文化和自我表現(xiàn)層面的社會化傾向可能是出現(xiàn)這種現(xiàn)象的原因。
【關鍵詞】:作者身份 學術論文寫作 第一人稱
- Abstract8-9
- 摘要9-10
- List of Abbreviations10-11
- List of Figures and Tables11-12
- Chapter 1 Introduction12-14
- 1.1 Research background12-13
- 1.2 Aims of this study and organization of this thesis13-14
- Chapter 2 Literature Review14-35
- 2.1 Impersonality of academic writing14-16
- 2.2 Studies of writer identity in academic writing16-22
- 2.2.1 Identity and discourse16-17
- 2.2.2 Studies of voice17-18
- 2.2.3 Ivanic's framework of writer identity in academic writing18-22
- 2.3 Studies of first person pronouns22-31
- 2.3.1 Semantic reference of first person pronouns22-27
- Inclusive and exclusive we22-23
- Generic use of first person pronouns23-25
- Semantic mappings of first person plurals in academic writing25-27
- 2.3.2 Discourse functions of first person pronouns in academic writing27-31
- Fortanet,Harwood,and Kuo's models27-28
- Tang and John,Starfield and Ravelli and Hyland's models28-31
- 2.4 Cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural studies31-32
- 2.5 Research gap and research questions32-35
- 2.5.1 Research gap and significance of this study32-33
- 2.5.2 Research questions33-35
- Chapter 3 Methodology35-38
- 3.1 Data collection35-36
- 3.1.1 Selection of the discipline and journals35
- 3.1.2 Selection of articles35-36
- 3.2 The corpora36
- 3.3 Data analysis36-38
- Chapter 4 Results and Discussion38-60
- 4.1 Overall frequency of first person pronouns38-40
- 4.2 Discourse functions of first person pronouns and writer identities40-51
- 4.2.1 The author as the representative to represent a group of people40-42
- 4.2.2 The author as the guide to organize texts or state purposes42-43
- 4.2.3 Reflexive I to state the origin or settings of the article43
- 4.2.4 The author as the recounter of research process43-45
- 4.2.5 The author as the person who cites him/herself45-46
- 4.2.6 The author as the person who states his/her own limitations46
- 4.2.7 The author as the suggestion-holder to give teaching/research suggestions46-47
- 4.2.8 The author as the opinion-holder to give opinions47-48
- 4.2.9 The author as the originator to state results/claims48-51
- 4.3 A comparison of English and Chinese articles in their use of first person pronouns51-52
- 4.4 Writer identity and semantic reference of first person pronouns52-56
- 4.5 Discussion56-60
- 4.5.1 Cultural collectivism and individualism56-57
- 4.5.2 Social orientation of Chinese people in self-representation and the weak writer identity in academic texts57-60
- Other orientation in self-representation and the use of first person pronouns58
- Authority orientation in self-representation and the use of first person pronouns58-60
- Chapter 5 Pedagogical Implications and Conclusion60-65
- 5.1 Pedagogical implications60-62
- 5.1.1 Awareness raising60-61
- 5.1.2 Syllabus design61
- 5.1.3 Material development61-62
- 5.2 Conclusion62-65
- 5.2.1 A summary of findings62-63
- 5.2.2 Limitations and suggestions for further research63-65
- References65-71
- Appendix71-76
- Acknowledgements76-77
- 學位論文評閱及答辯情況表77
中國碩士學位論文全文數(shù)據(jù)庫 前1條
1 劉香;英語學術論文中作者身份的對比研究[D];浙江師范大學;2011年