商業(yè)演講的多模態(tài)語篇分析 ——以 iPhone 5C 發(fā)布會(huì)為例
1.1 Research Background
The modern society is packed with communications. When fulfilling a job, no matter what the profession is, and no matter how much a man knows about his job, specialized knowledge alone is far from enough to guarantee success. Communication skills are critical in everyday life, so on the list of the importance of various factors in recruiting someone, communication skills are ranked on the top. It is especially true in business. Along with the deepening of economic globalization, economic cooperation and communication is ubiquitous. At present, most business cooperation is achieved by interpersonal communications, so the use of effective and efficient language in business field has been regarded as a critical skill for the success of business.
Among various forms of business communication, business presentations play a key role in business activities. As Wikipedia explains, a presentation is the process of presenting a topic to audience. In business environment, it is typically a demonstration, lecture, or speech about a product, a proposal or simply some ideas. To ensure better communicative effects, multimedia devices are frequently uses in business presentations.
In the era of the multimedia, it sees an increasing awareness that meaning is hardly made by language alone. The media and modes for communication have changed greatly. People communicate through various kinds of modes simultaneously, such as space, gestures, gaze, posture, motion, sound, tone of voice, music, three-dimension objects, oral, written, image, tables, diagrams, pictures, etc.( Baldry & Thibault,2006). Each of them is considered as an independent mode of communication and with all the modes integrated, communication is enhanced.
1.2 Objectives and Significance of the Research
By analyzing a business presentation from Apple, the research aims to discover the characteristics of linguistic, visual and auditory semiotics in modern business presentations, and explore how the interpersonal function, interactive meaning and speech emotion exchange realized respectively by different semiotics.
By doing this, the research ultimate targets to help business presenters improve their speeches as well as other supporting facilities such as body language, PPT and audios. This thesis would hopefully shed some light on how to conduct good business presentations in modern times.
The significance of the present research can be illustrated from the following two aspects. Firstly, theoretical significance is intended to be presented as references to later researches. Through a brief literature review, it can be found that there are rare multimodal researches on business presentations. In this research, characteristics of linguistic, visual and auditory semiotics are studied by analyzing a typical business presentation. Qualitative and quantitative methods will be applied and the findings can be of some help to future researches.
Further, this study has practical significance by giving suggestions on the topic of business communication. This study aims to analyze a typical multimodal discourse and find out how different resources interplay with the other to realize the interaction in business. Thus, the study can achieve the objective of enlightening business operators of the meaning-making processes so as to improve their multimodal discourse literacy. By enhancing communicative effects, it will bring economic benefits for companies, especially in the context of a gloomy global economy.
2.1 General Introduction to Mode and Modality
According to Forceville (2009:22), mode can be simply defined as “interpretable semiotic system through specific perception process”. In this way classification of mode can be related to five perception processes, i.e. 1) image and visual mode; 2) sound and auditory mode; 3) olfactory mode; 4) gustatory mode; 5) tactile mode. However, under real-scene communication circumstances, communication forms are often mixed up with modes. For example, both written language and gesture belong to visual mode; oral language, music and other kinds of sound all belong to auditory mode.
Multimodality is a term brought up by discourse analysts and widely discussed by linguists and semioticians in recent years. It is consistent with the new development of discourse and is used to emphasize the importance of the research of semiotics apart from verbal text, such as those different modes defined above. That is to say, multimodality is an integrated whole with two or more modes intertwining and interacting with each other. Lemke (1998) further explains that “the result of multimodal semiosis is multiplicative”, rather than a simple addition of meaning of different modes. Some other scholars also pose their own way of explaining the term “Multimodality”. Van Leeuwen defines it as: “Multimodality means the combination of different semiotic modes – for example, language and music – in a communicative artifact or event”. (2005:281)”
2.2 Review of Researches on MDA
As mentioned above, many scholars pay close attention to MDA in the recent twenty years. The scholars study MDA in many disciplinary fields within different schools of linguistics. However, among the many schools of linguistics, the MDA from the socio-semiotic approach becomes the main stream which is the general view of systemic functional linguistics. Systemic functional linguistics developed by Michael Hailliday (1978, 1994) and extended by Martin (2002), sees language as social “semiotic” (Halliday, 1989) and makes four claims concerning language. That is “functional” in terms of what it can do or what can be done with it. “Semantic” is used to construe meanings. “Contextual” for these meanings are influenced by social and cultural context in which they are changed. And “semiotic” is a process of making meanings by selecting from the total set of options that constitute what can be meant (Halliday, 2007).
Halliday (1978) has claimed that “the grammar of a language is not a code, not a set of rules for producing correct sentences, but a resource for making meanings.” As a resource, a meaning potential, language is defined as a multi semiotic system that includes context, semantics and lexicogrammar, and phonology or graphology in linguistic terms. Halliday makes out “three kinds of meaning that are embodied in human as a whole, forming the basis of the semiotic organization of all natural languages” (Halliday, 1985).
Pioneering works of applying systemic-functional theories to visual images, architectures and sculptures include O’Toole’s (1994) The Language of Displayed Art and Kress and van Leeuwen’s (1996) Reading Images. Following these works, further applications of systematic functional grammar to other semiotic resources can be found in the analysis of multimodal discourses in mathematics, science, and three-dimensional museum displays. The innovative works have provided insights into the nature of intra-semiosis-meaning within different semiotic resources, as well as inter-semiosis-meaning across different semiotic resources (Baldry and Thibaut, 2006; Lemke, 1998; O’Halloran, 1999; Royce, 1998)
3.1 Interpersonal Function in Language ................. 13
3.1.1Mood System ............. 14
3.1.2 Modality System .............. 16
4.1 Methodology ................... 33
4.2 Data Collection ........... 33
CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION ................ 59
5.1 A summary of Major Findings ................. 59
5.2 Implications of the Study ............ 60
4.1 Methodology
Scientific methodologies are critical to academic researches. The present study adopts quantitative and qualitative methods and collects political speeches and business presentations from other companies to conduct comparison in the process.
The first phase aims to explore the features of three typical semiotic patterns used in this genre with contractive, quantitative and qualitative methods. The second phase, in sector 4.4, aims to investigate how the different modes interact and cooperate with each other to make business presentations more persuasive by analyzing the research results investigated in previous part.
5.1 A Summary of Major Findings
In response of the three research questions, we summarize our findings of the research as follows.
Firstly, in the multimodal discourse of business presentations, interpersonal function is realized mainly by verbal linguistic semiotics, but its dominance is weakened by the integration of other modals in communication. The language featured by plain and objective mood and modality, has created a sincere communication.
Secondly, interactive meaning of the visual contact is realized by frame, perspective and other technical device of the camera. Most of the images are offering information with close-up frame, eye-level perspective and high modality of colors.
Thirdly, the non-verbal auditory semiotics cooperates closely with language and images in terms of speed and rhythm. As for speech emotions, positive and neutral emotions are widely used in business communications, which makes the speaker approachable and convincing.
Finally, it can be generalized that the business multimodal discourse is dominated by verbal speech with multi modals function simultaneously. The integration of different semiotics enhances the credibility, efficiency and interactive effect of the communication. Therefore, to maximize the interaction between business spokesman and the customers, it is recommended that business presentations appropriately allocate different semiotics according to our findings.