

發(fā)布時間:2018-08-23 10:04
【摘要】:本文以重慶主城區(qū)城市野生草本植物為研究對象,通過典型取樣法,調(diào)查主城區(qū)陸生生境中野生草本群落的物種構(gòu)成、群落特征、生長環(huán)境等,通過分析其科屬構(gòu)成、生活型構(gòu)成、生物量分配、多樣性指數(shù)、分布特征的等指標(biāo),了解重慶主城區(qū)野生草本植物組成與分布特點及其與生境的關(guān)系。并通過重要值排序篩選100種城市野生草本植物進行園林利用價值評價研究,為后續(xù)對重慶主城區(qū)野生草本植物的研究和開發(fā)利用以及鄉(xiāng)土野生草本應(yīng)用于生態(tài)園林提供理論基礎(chǔ)。主要結(jié)論如下:(1)重慶主城區(qū)城市陸生生境下共出現(xiàn)野生草本235種,隸屬于53科167屬。從科屬構(gòu)成來看,重慶主城區(qū)野生草本大科大屬較少,小科小屬較多,從生活型構(gòu)成來看,重慶主城區(qū)野生草本共涉多年生、夏季一年生、冬季一年生三種生活型,匍匐型、蓮座型、分枝型、叢生型、藤蔓型、短時期蓮座型、偽蓮座型和直立型八種生長型。從外來種與鄉(xiāng)土種構(gòu)成來看,鄉(xiāng)土植物比例達(dá)到85.96%,國外來源物占14.04%。從物種季節(jié)性構(gòu)成來看春季優(yōu)勢物種56種,秋季優(yōu)勢物種72種,兩季共優(yōu)種107種。(2)以調(diào)查的1438個野生草本樣方為對象,通過優(yōu)勢種進行群落類型劃分,共劃分出148個群叢,56個群系,6個群系組。對1438個野生草本樣方整理為643個基本分類單元,通過聚類分析將所調(diào)查的野生草本共劃分為101個群落類型。不同城市生境類型中野生草本群落數(shù)量依次為荒草地林緣林間隙建設(shè)閑廢地園林道路邊坡。從優(yōu)勢種生活型來看,建設(shè)閑廢地、荒草地兩種生境,一年生群落明顯高于多年生群落,其余三種生境,多年生群落數(shù)量略高于一年生群落。從生長型來看,建設(shè)閑廢地與荒草地兩種生境矮生長型的優(yōu)勢種與高生長型的優(yōu)勢種比例相差不大,而其余三種生境中矮生長型比例明顯高于高生長型。(3)從不同生境物種豐富度來看,各生境類型所出現(xiàn)野生草本物種數(shù)依次為荒草地(W)林緣林間隙(F)建設(shè)閑廢地(C)道路邊坡(S)園林(G);就不同生境樣方平均物種數(shù)而言,不同生境間的樣方平均物種數(shù)存在顯著性差異,其中道路邊坡樣方平均物種數(shù)最低,荒草地樣方平均物種數(shù)最高。不同生境類型間野生草本群落多樣性指數(shù)均表現(xiàn)為:荒草地(W)園林(G)林緣及林間隙(F)建設(shè)閑廢地(C)道路邊坡(S)。在不同生境梯度下,野生草本群落多樣性指數(shù)特征表現(xiàn)為:(1)野生草本群落多樣性指數(shù)均隨坡度的增加而減少;(2)野生草本群落多樣性系數(shù)隨光照的減弱而減少;(3)土壤越干旱貧瘠,野生草本多樣性系數(shù)越低;(4)野生草本群落多樣性系數(shù)在適度人為干擾條件下最高。(4)全年所有出現(xiàn)物種,隨著所分布的生境類型數(shù)增加物種數(shù)遞減。從不同生境間物種相似度來看,重慶主城區(qū)不同生境間野生草本物種相似度不高,除建設(shè)閑廢地與荒草地之間外,其余各生境間相似性系數(shù)均小于0.5。(5)通過調(diào)查發(fā)現(xiàn)全年合計重要值0.05的優(yōu)勢種有凬草(Humulus scandens)、蒲兒根(Sinosenecio oldhamianus B.Nord.)、黃鵪菜(Youngia japonica DC.)、異葉黃鵪菜(Youngia heterophylla)、紅花酢漿草(Oxalis corymbosa DC.)等26種。在不同生境梯度下,優(yōu)勢種構(gòu)成表現(xiàn)為:(1)坡度梯度下:0°-15°以揚子毛茛(Ranunculus sieboldii Miq.)、馬蘭(Kalimeris indica Sch.-Bip.)、紅花酢漿草最為優(yōu)勢;16°-60°以蒲兒根、凬草、異葉黃鵪菜表現(xiàn)最為優(yōu)勢;60°以凬草、蒲兒根、野菊(Dendranthema indicum Des Moul.)最為優(yōu)勢。(2)光照梯度下:全光照條件下以異葉黃鵪菜、狗尾草(Setaria viridis Beauv.)、馬蘭表現(xiàn)最為優(yōu)勢;稍蔭環(huán)境以黃鵪菜、野菊花、紅花酢漿草為主要優(yōu)勢種;半蔭環(huán)境以凬草、蒲兒根、野菊花為主要優(yōu)勢種,全蔭環(huán)境以接骨草(Sambucus chinensis Lindl.)、凬草、扁竹根(Iris japonica Thunb.)為主要優(yōu)勢種。(3)土壤及水分條件梯度下:壤土環(huán)境以揚子毛茛、馬蘭表現(xiàn)最為優(yōu)勢,沙壤土以蒲兒根、狗尾草表現(xiàn)最為優(yōu)勢;石骨子土以小白酒草(Conyza canadensis Cronq.)表現(xiàn)最為優(yōu)勢,礫石土以蜈蚣草(Pteris vittata L.)表現(xiàn)最為優(yōu)勢,巖石表層及縫隙以凬草表現(xiàn)最為優(yōu)勢。(6)對測量生物量的7種廣布種發(fā)現(xiàn)生物量及分配規(guī)律如下:(1)7種野生草本均在荒草地的總生物量最大,且營養(yǎng)分配比例最高。(2)6種野生草本地下/地上的比值均在建設(shè)閑廢地達(dá)到最高,黃鵪菜地下/地上的比值在建道路邊坡達(dá)到最高。(3)4種野生草本繁殖分配比例在群聚度較低、資源量較少的生境中較高。(7)利用層次分析法構(gòu)建城市野生草本園林利用價值評價模型,對選定的100種重慶主城區(qū)野生草本進行評價分析,按綜合得分高低分為四個利用等級。第I等級為可以廣泛開發(fā)利用的草本,如蒲兒根、黃鵪菜、扁竹根等既具有觀賞價值又有一定生態(tài)價值的草本植物;第II等級為可以適度開發(fā)利用的野生草本,如鵝觀草(Roegneria kamoji Ohwi)、皺葉狗尾草(Setaria plicata T.Cooke)、聚花過路黃(Lysimachia congestiflora Hemsl.)等只存在少數(shù)弱項的草本;第III等級為可以選擇性開發(fā)利用的野生草本,如白花紫露草(Tradescantia fluminensis)等有一定觀賞價值但對生境要求較高的草本;第IV等級為可暫不開發(fā)的野生草本。
[Abstract]:Taking the urban wild herbaceous plants in the main urban area of Chongqing as the research object, this paper investigated the species composition, community characteristics and growth environment of the wild herbaceous communities in the terrestrial habitats of the main urban area of Chongqing by means of typical sampling method. By analyzing the family and genera composition, life form composition, biomass distribution, diversity index and distribution characteristics of the wild herbaceous communities in the main urban area of Chongqing, the main urban area of Chongqing was understood. The composition and distribution characteristics of wild herbs and their relationship with habitats in Chongqing were studied. 100 species of urban wild herbs were selected according to the ordination of important values to evaluate their landscape utilization value. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) There are 235 species of wild herbs in the urban terrestrial habitats of Chongqing, belonging to 53 families and 167 genera. Eight growth types are life type, creeping type, lotus type, branching type, clump type, vine type, short-term lotus type, pseudo-lotus type and erect type. According to the composition of exotic species and native species, the proportion of native plants is 85.96%, and that of foreign sources is 14.04%. From the seasonal composition of species, 56 dominant species in spring and 72 dominant species in autumn are found. (2) 148 groups, 56 groups and 6 groups were classified according to the dominant species. The 1438 wild herbage samples were classified into 643 basic taxa and 101 community types by cluster analysis. The number of wild herbaceous communities in urban habitats was in turn that in the gap between grassland and forest edge to construct garden road slopes in idle land.From the view of dominant species life forms,the annual community was obviously higher than that of perennial community in the two habitats of waste land and grassland,and the number of perennial community in the other three habitats was slightly higher than that of annual community. The proportion of the dominant species of dwarf growth type and the dominant species of high growth type in the two habitats of waste land and grassland was similar, but the proportion of dwarf growth type in the other three habitats was significantly higher than that of high growth type. (3) From the view of species richness in different habitats, the number of wild herbaceous species in each habitat type was in the order of wilderness grassland (W) forest edge forest. Gap (F) construction of waste land (C) road slope (S) garden (G); in terms of the average number of species in different habitats, the average number of species in different habitats, the average number of species in road slope is the lowest, the average number of species in waste grassland is the highest. The results showed that: (1) Diversity index of wild herbaceous community decreased with the increase of slope degree; (2) Diversity index of wild herbaceous community decreased with the decrease of illumination; (3) Diversity index of soil herbaceous community decreased with the decrease of illumination. The higher the aridity and barrenness, the lower the diversity coefficient of wild herbage. (4) The diversity coefficient of wild herbage community was the highest under moderate human disturbance. (4) All species appeared throughout the year, and the number of species decreased with the increase of the number of habitat types. The similarity coefficients of the other habitats were less than 0.5. (5) The dominant species with the total important value of 0.05 were Humulus scandens, Sinosenecio oldhamianus B. Nord., Youngia japonica DC., Youngia heterophylla, Youngophylla. 26 species of Oxalis corymbosa DC. (Oxalis corymbosa DC.) and others. Under different habitat gradients, the dominant species composition is as follows: (1) Ranunculus sieboldii Miq., Kalimeris indica Sch. - Bip. (Ranunculus sieboldii Miq.), Kalimeris indica Sch. - Bip. (Oxalis corymbosa DC.) and other 26 species of Oxalis corymbosa DC. (Ranunculus sieboldii Miq.), Kalimeris indica Sch - Bip. (Kalimeris indica Sch), Oxalis corymbosa C. (Oxa (2) Under the light gradient: under full-light conditions, the heterophyll yellow partridge, Setaria viridis Beauv., Malan was the most dominant; under shade environment, the main dominant species were yellow partridge, wild chrysanthemum, red flower oxalis; under half-shade environment, the main species were milkweed, pueraria, wild chrysanthemum, wild chrysanthemum. The dominant species were Sambucus chinensis Lindl. (Sambucus chinensis Lindl.), Agaricus japonica Thunb. (3) Under the gradient of soil and water conditions, Ranuncula chinensis was the dominant species in loam environment, Malan was the dominant species, Pueraria and Canadensis was the dominant species in sandy loam soil, Conyza ad was the dominant species in stone loam. Ensis Cronq.) was the most dominant in the gravel soil, and Pteris vittata L. was the most dominant in the gravel soil. Agaricus was the most dominant in the rock surface and crevices. (6) The biomass and distribution patterns of the seven widely distributed species were as follows: (1) The total biomass of the seven wild herbs were the largest in the barren grassland, and the proportion of nutrient distribution was the highest. (3) The proportions of reproduction and distribution of the four wild herbs were higher in the habitats with lower population density and less resources. (7) The evaluation of the utilization value of urban wild herb garden was constructed by using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The 100 selected wild herbs in the main urban area of Chongqing were evaluated and analyzed, and were divided into four utilization grades according to their comprehensive scores. The wild herbs, such as Roegneria kamoji Ohwi, Setaria plicata T. Cooke, Lysimachia congestiflora Hemsl., which have only a few weaknesses, and the wild herbs, such as Tradescantia fluminensis, which can be selectively exploited and utilized, have certain ornamental value. A herbaceous plant with a higher value but higher requirement for habitat; grade IV is a wild herb that can not be developed temporarily.


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