發(fā)布時間:2022-09-17 16:08
【文章頁數(shù)】:113 頁
1 Introduction and review of literature
1.1 Problem statements
1.2 Previous study and the existing scientific issue
1.3 Causes of Consecutively monoculture problems
1.4 Disorder in soil physio-chemical properties
1.4.1 Ammonium ions (NH_4~+) disorder in consecutively monoculture teaplantations
1.4.2 Aluminum toxicity (Al~(+3)) in consecutively monoculture tea plantations
1.4.3 Soil heavy metal contaminations in consecutively monoculture teaplantations
1.5 Allelopathy
1.5.1 Direct Allelopathy/Autotoxicity mechanism in consecutively monoculturetea plantations
1.5.2 Indirect Allelopathy in consecutively monoculture plantations
1.6 Environment-friendly remediated mechanism study
1.7 Research purpose
1.8 Objectives of the study
2 Materials and methods
2.1 Test area overview
2.2 Sampling from different tea plantations of different ages
2.3 Experimental design for restoration study
2.4 Replanting of tea seedling in fresh and consecutive monoculture tea soil
2.5 Quality parameters analysis
2.5.1 Chromatographic conditions for theanine
2.5.2 The chromatographic conditions for caffeine
2.5.3 The chromatographic conditions for tea polyphenols
2.5.4 The total amount of free amino acids determination
2.6 Growth index and yield determination
2.7 Soil physio-chemical properties determination
2.8 Analysis of Acidity and Salt Content of Rhizosphere Soil
2.9 Analysis of low molecular weight organic acids (LMWOA) in rhizosphere soils
2.9.1 Pharmaceutical reagents
2.9.2 Chromatographic conditions
2.9.3 Preparation of standards and their standard curve production
2.9.4 Preparation and determination of organic acids from rhizosphere soil
2.10 Determination of soil microbial biomass C(SMB-C)and P(SMB-P)
2.11 Analysis of soil enzymatic activities
2.12 Identification and quantification of allelochemicals from tea root exudates andleaves litters
2.12.1 Standards materials and their calibration curves
2.12.2 Allelochemicals determination from leaves litters and rhizoplane (rootexudates)
2.12.3 The chromatographic conditions for allelochemical determination
2.13 Root-associated bacterial communities structure, composition and diversityanalysis across different tea plantations of different ages
2.13.1 DNA Extraction and Purification
2.13.2 The metagenomic analysis of the root-associated bacterial communities. 232.13.3 High throughput sequences statistical and Bioinformatics Analysis
2.13.3 High throughput sequences statistical and Bioinformatics Analysis
2.14 Quantitative PCR analysis in situ of total bacteria in ratooning monoculture teasoil
2.15 Quantitative PCR analysis in situ of Pseudomonas population in ratooningmonoculture tea soil
2.16 Invitro-interactions of allelochemicals with selected model bacteria
2.16.1 Preparation of LB medium
2.16.2 Preparation of LB agar plates
2.16.3 Preparation of soil serial dilution
2.16.4 Sub-culturing of bacteria
2.16.5 Enrichment and preservation of bacteria
2.16.6 The influence of identified allelochemicals on the growth of selectedmodel microbes
2.16.7 Biotransformation of catechin and effect on soil pH
3 Results
3.1 The performance of tea plants in consecutively ratooned monoculture systems283.2 Soil physio-chemical properties determination
3.2 Soil physio-chemical properties determination
3.3 Analysis of rhizoplane exudates in consecutively monoculture tea plantation
3.4 Analysis of catechins from leaves litters in consecutive monoculture teaplantation
3.5 16S rRNA-based meta-genomic analysis of tea root-associated bacteria
3.6 Distinct and overlapping bacterial communities of root-associated bacterialcommunities across different tea plantations of different ages
3.7 Abundance of total bacteria, Pseudomonas and Bacillus genera by by Colonyforming units quantitative-PCR methods
3.8 Correlation of bacterial abundance with soil physio-chemical properties
3.9 Correlations of bacterial abundance with allelochemicals
3.10 Invitro interactions of different types of allelochemicals with model growthpromoting bacteria
3.11 Invitro interactions of different types of allelochemicals with model Catechinsdegrading bacteria
3.12 Biotransformation of catechins and their effect on pH
3.13 Available nutrient status in the tea rhizosphere soil under different fertilizers
3.14 Analysis of soil enzyme activities in rhizosphere of Tea under differentfertilizers
3.15 Acidity status of tea rhizosphere soil under different fertilizers treatments
3.16 Analysis of five low molecular weight organic acids in rhizosphere soil of teatreated with different fertilization
3.17 Soil microbial biomass carbon and phosphorus in tea rhizosphere soil underdifferent fertilizers
3.18 Alpha-Diversity and richness indices of soil bacterial community based underdifferent fertilizers
3.19 Shift in bacterial community structure and composition under differentfertilization
3.20 Relationship of acidity with abundance of bacterial phyla in rhizosphere soilunder different fertilizers
3.21 Relationship of soil enzymes and microbial biomass with abundance ofbacterial phyla in rhizosphere soil under different fertilizers
3.22 Relationship of available nutrients with abundance of bacterial phyla inrhizosphere soil under different fertilizers
3.23 Effects of different fertilization on the growth, net photosynthetic rate and thirdleaf's chlorophyll contents
3.24 Hundred-bud weight and yield of tea leaves under different fertilizers
3.25 Biochemical components of tea leave under different fertilizers
4 Discussion
5 Conclusion and future perspectives
6 Recommendations
7 References
8 Appendices
9 List of publications and achievements
10 Acknowledgements
[1]Environmental Problems From Tea Cultivation in Japan and a Control Measure Using Calcium Cyanamide[J]. K.OH,T.KATO. Pedosphere. 2006(06)
[2]蘇、浙、皖茶區(qū)茶園土壤pH狀況及近十年來的變化[J]. 馬立鋒,石元值,阮建云. 土壤通報. 2000(05)
[3]熏蒸法測定土壤微生物量碳的改進[J]. 林啟美,吳玉光,劉煥龍. 生態(tài)學雜志. 1999(02)
[4]茶園—土壤系統(tǒng)鋁和氟的生物地球化學循環(huán)及其對土壤酸化的影響[J]. 丁瑞興,黃驍. 土壤學報. 1991(03)
【文章頁數(shù)】:113 頁
1 Introduction and review of literature
1.1 Problem statements
1.2 Previous study and the existing scientific issue
1.3 Causes of Consecutively monoculture problems
1.4 Disorder in soil physio-chemical properties
1.4.1 Ammonium ions (NH_4~+) disorder in consecutively monoculture teaplantations
1.4.2 Aluminum toxicity (Al~(+3)) in consecutively monoculture tea plantations
1.4.3 Soil heavy metal contaminations in consecutively monoculture teaplantations
1.5 Allelopathy
1.5.1 Direct Allelopathy/Autotoxicity mechanism in consecutively monoculturetea plantations
1.5.2 Indirect Allelopathy in consecutively monoculture plantations
1.6 Environment-friendly remediated mechanism study
1.7 Research purpose
1.8 Objectives of the study
2 Materials and methods
2.1 Test area overview
2.2 Sampling from different tea plantations of different ages
2.3 Experimental design for restoration study
2.4 Replanting of tea seedling in fresh and consecutive monoculture tea soil
2.5 Quality parameters analysis
2.5.1 Chromatographic conditions for theanine
2.5.2 The chromatographic conditions for caffeine
2.5.3 The chromatographic conditions for tea polyphenols
2.5.4 The total amount of free amino acids determination
2.6 Growth index and yield determination
2.7 Soil physio-chemical properties determination
2.8 Analysis of Acidity and Salt Content of Rhizosphere Soil
2.9 Analysis of low molecular weight organic acids (LMWOA) in rhizosphere soils
2.9.1 Pharmaceutical reagents
2.9.2 Chromatographic conditions
2.9.3 Preparation of standards and their standard curve production
2.9.4 Preparation and determination of organic acids from rhizosphere soil
2.10 Determination of soil microbial biomass C(SMB-C)and P(SMB-P)
2.11 Analysis of soil enzymatic activities
2.12 Identification and quantification of allelochemicals from tea root exudates andleaves litters
2.12.1 Standards materials and their calibration curves
2.12.2 Allelochemicals determination from leaves litters and rhizoplane (rootexudates)
2.12.3 The chromatographic conditions for allelochemical determination
2.13 Root-associated bacterial communities structure, composition and diversityanalysis across different tea plantations of different ages
2.13.1 DNA Extraction and Purification
2.13.2 The metagenomic analysis of the root-associated bacterial communities. 232.13.3 High throughput sequences statistical and Bioinformatics Analysis
2.13.3 High throughput sequences statistical and Bioinformatics Analysis
2.14 Quantitative PCR analysis in situ of total bacteria in ratooning monoculture teasoil
2.15 Quantitative PCR analysis in situ of Pseudomonas population in ratooningmonoculture tea soil
2.16 Invitro-interactions of allelochemicals with selected model bacteria
2.16.1 Preparation of LB medium
2.16.2 Preparation of LB agar plates
2.16.3 Preparation of soil serial dilution
2.16.4 Sub-culturing of bacteria
2.16.5 Enrichment and preservation of bacteria
2.16.6 The influence of identified allelochemicals on the growth of selectedmodel microbes
2.16.7 Biotransformation of catechin and effect on soil pH
3 Results
3.1 The performance of tea plants in consecutively ratooned monoculture systems283.2 Soil physio-chemical properties determination
3.2 Soil physio-chemical properties determination
3.3 Analysis of rhizoplane exudates in consecutively monoculture tea plantation
3.4 Analysis of catechins from leaves litters in consecutive monoculture teaplantation
3.5 16S rRNA-based meta-genomic analysis of tea root-associated bacteria
3.6 Distinct and overlapping bacterial communities of root-associated bacterialcommunities across different tea plantations of different ages
3.7 Abundance of total bacteria, Pseudomonas and Bacillus genera by by Colonyforming units quantitative-PCR methods
3.8 Correlation of bacterial abundance with soil physio-chemical properties
3.9 Correlations of bacterial abundance with allelochemicals
3.10 Invitro interactions of different types of allelochemicals with model growthpromoting bacteria
3.11 Invitro interactions of different types of allelochemicals with model Catechinsdegrading bacteria
3.12 Biotransformation of catechins and their effect on pH
3.13 Available nutrient status in the tea rhizosphere soil under different fertilizers
3.14 Analysis of soil enzyme activities in rhizosphere of Tea under differentfertilizers
3.15 Acidity status of tea rhizosphere soil under different fertilizers treatments
3.16 Analysis of five low molecular weight organic acids in rhizosphere soil of teatreated with different fertilization
3.17 Soil microbial biomass carbon and phosphorus in tea rhizosphere soil underdifferent fertilizers
3.18 Alpha-Diversity and richness indices of soil bacterial community based underdifferent fertilizers
3.19 Shift in bacterial community structure and composition under differentfertilization
3.20 Relationship of acidity with abundance of bacterial phyla in rhizosphere soilunder different fertilizers
3.21 Relationship of soil enzymes and microbial biomass with abundance ofbacterial phyla in rhizosphere soil under different fertilizers
3.22 Relationship of available nutrients with abundance of bacterial phyla inrhizosphere soil under different fertilizers
3.23 Effects of different fertilization on the growth, net photosynthetic rate and thirdleaf's chlorophyll contents
3.24 Hundred-bud weight and yield of tea leaves under different fertilizers
3.25 Biochemical components of tea leave under different fertilizers
4 Discussion
5 Conclusion and future perspectives
6 Recommendations
7 References
8 Appendices
9 List of publications and achievements
10 Acknowledgements
[1]Environmental Problems From Tea Cultivation in Japan and a Control Measure Using Calcium Cyanamide[J]. K.OH,T.KATO. Pedosphere. 2006(06)
[2]蘇、浙、皖茶區(qū)茶園土壤pH狀況及近十年來的變化[J]. 馬立鋒,石元值,阮建云. 土壤通報. 2000(05)
[3]熏蒸法測定土壤微生物量碳的改進[J]. 林啟美,吳玉光,劉煥龍. 生態(tài)學雜志. 1999(02)
[4]茶園—土壤系統(tǒng)鋁和氟的生物地球化學循環(huán)及其對土壤酸化的影響[J]. 丁瑞興,黃驍. 土壤學報. 1991(03)