

發(fā)布時間:2018-08-16 08:45
【摘要】:本研究針對水稻缽苗機械化育、插秧發(fā)展中主要存在的技術問題,于2011~2013年在揚州大學農(nóng)學院試驗基地,以及江蘇省稻麥科技綜合示范基地進行試驗。選用大面積生產(chǎn)上推廣種植的4種不同熟期類型水稻品種(組合),包括常規(guī)中粳、常規(guī)晚粳、雜交晚粳和雜交中秈,開展了不同類型品種水稻缽苗機插產(chǎn)量形成特征及若干栽培調控技術研究。試驗包括不同類型品種水稻缽苗適宜機插秧齡和每穴苗數(shù)的定量、機插缽苗產(chǎn)量構成因素特征分析、機插缽苗物質生產(chǎn)和光合特性分析、機插缽苗產(chǎn)量形成優(yōu)勢及主要生理生態(tài)特點等。并選用其中有代表性的品種(常規(guī)中粳)對機插缽苗秧苗素質的調控、機插缽苗分蘗發(fā)生特性及成穗規(guī)律進行專題試驗。研究主要結果如下:1.4種類型品種在不同秧齡和每穴苗數(shù)下的產(chǎn)量均有不同程度變異,表現(xiàn)為雜交中秈雜交晚粳常規(guī)晚粳常規(guī)中粳。產(chǎn)量構成方面,4種類型品種千粒重變異最小,常規(guī)中粳和常規(guī)晚粳以穗數(shù)的變異最大,其次為粒數(shù)和結實率;雜交晚粳和雜交中秈以粒數(shù)的變異最大,其次為結實率和穗數(shù)。因此生產(chǎn)上必須合理安排品種秧齡和每穴苗數(shù),構建合理產(chǎn)量結構,發(fā)揮較大產(chǎn)量潛力。產(chǎn)量構成因素的相關和通徑分析表明,4種類型品種均以千粒重對產(chǎn)量的作用和貢獻最小,常規(guī)中粳以穗數(shù)對產(chǎn)量的作用最大,其次為粒數(shù)和結實率;常規(guī)晚粳則穗數(shù)和粒數(shù)的作用均較大,穗數(shù)略高,其次為結實率。2個雜交稻品種產(chǎn)量構成因素對產(chǎn)量的作用表現(xiàn)一致,以粒數(shù)對產(chǎn)量的作用最大,其次為結實率、穗數(shù)。在高產(chǎn)栽培上,4種類型品種在兼顧千粒重的同時,常規(guī)中粳要進一步提高穗數(shù),并在此基礎上提高每穗粒數(shù)與結實率。常規(guī)晚粳仍應把穗數(shù)放在第一位,協(xié)調穗粒數(shù),并提高結實率。而雜交晚粳和雜交中秈則是在一定的穗數(shù)基礎上,主攻粒數(shù)和結實率。2.缽苗機插條件下,不同類型品種水稻光合物質生產(chǎn)特征不同。稻谷產(chǎn)量趨勢與抽穗期至成熟期干物質積累量的大小順序一致,與播種至拔節(jié)期和拔節(jié)至抽穗期干物質積累量和收獲指數(shù)有所不同。與雜交中秈稻相比,干物質生產(chǎn)方面,粳稻群體生長協(xié)調質量高,播種至拔節(jié)期物質積累量適宜,拔節(jié)至抽穗期和抽穗至成熟期物質生產(chǎn)能力強,尤其是雜交晚粳在抽穗后,物質生產(chǎn)能力較強,干物質積累量大,因此其產(chǎn)量也特別高。光合生產(chǎn)方面,雜交晚粳稻的優(yōu)勢主要在抽穗以后,即抽穗后LAI大,光合勢高,后期群體透光率和葉綠素含量都較高。3.以常規(guī)中粳為代表性品種,分析了缽苗機插水稻分蘗發(fā)生特性和成穗規(guī)律。在適宜每穴苗數(shù)條件下,機插缽苗秧田期已有分蘗發(fā)生,栽后緩苗快,屬秧田、本田兩段高峰型分蘗模式。本田起始分蘗為主莖第4蘗位,主發(fā)蘗位為第4~7蘗位和第4蘗位的二級蘗位。分蘗穗主要來源于第5~7中位蘗和少量低位蘗及二級蘗位。中部蘗位為水稻缽苗優(yōu)勢蘗位。生產(chǎn)上應根據(jù)缽苗分蘗成穗特點,建立配套水稻缽苗機械化生產(chǎn)的肥水管理等措施,充分發(fā)揮主莖中部優(yōu)勢蘗位分蘗成穗以塑造高產(chǎn)群體。4.與水稻毯狀小苗機插相比,機插缽苗緩苗期短,早生快發(fā),高峰苗數(shù)較小,但成穗率高。缽苗機插水稻生育中、后期群體生長率和凈同化率相對較高,抽穗后群體光合勢、干物質積累等光合物質生產(chǎn)指標均顯著或極顯著高于毯苗機插,其中抽穗至成熟期干物質積累量增加9.28%;缽苗機插水稻抽穗后根系活力各項指標均較優(yōu),乳熟期穎花根活量提高14.36%.缽苗機插水稻具有顯著的增產(chǎn)優(yōu)勢,比毯苗機插平均增產(chǎn)10.09%,其產(chǎn)量形成優(yōu)勢的主要特征是“穗大粒多”。5.秧齡對各類型品種產(chǎn)量的影響(極)顯著,生育期相對較短的常規(guī)中粳和雜交中秈品種分別以秧齡25~30d和25 d產(chǎn)量最高;生育期較長、熟期較遲的晚粳類型品種,常規(guī)晚粳以秧齡30~35 d產(chǎn)量最高,雜交晚粳以秧齡30d產(chǎn)量最高。每穴苗數(shù)對各類型品種產(chǎn)量的影響極顯著,常規(guī)稻品種以每穴3苗或4苗條件下產(chǎn)量最高,雜交稻品種的產(chǎn)量以每穴2苗最高,其中雜交粳稻每穴2、3苗,雜交秈稻每穴1、2苗。秧齡X每穴苗數(shù)互作效應對常規(guī)稻品種產(chǎn)量的影響(極)顯著,隨著秧齡的延長,取得較高產(chǎn)量的每穴苗數(shù)有逐漸增加趨勢;プ鲗﹄s交稻品種的效應不顯著。本試驗品種缽苗機插條件下秧齡和每穴苗數(shù)的高產(chǎn)最優(yōu)組合分別為,常規(guī)中粳品種秧齡25~30 d,每穴3~4苗;常規(guī)晚粳品種秧齡30~35 d,每穴3~4苗;雜交粳稻秧齡30 d,每穴苗數(shù)2~3苗;雜交秈稻秧齡25 d,每穴苗數(shù)2苗。6.以常規(guī)中粳為代表性品種,研究了水稻機插缽苗秧苗素質的調控。播種量試驗中,缽苗的秧苗素質隨播量的增加而趨劣。高播量處理秧苗素質較差,低播量處理秧苗難以配套插秧機移栽。偏大穗型常規(guī)粳稻品種武運粳24號適宜的播量為45~60 g·盤-1 平均每孔成苗3~4株;秧田水分管理下,旱育缽苗群體帶蘗率和葉片葉綠素含量較濕潤秧有一定優(yōu)勢。旱育方式推遲水稻群體莖蘗滯增期,葉片葉綠素降解率低、持綠能力較強,該試驗條件下適栽秧齡可延長至35 d;二次化學調控中,適量、適時二次組合化控可顯著提高秧苗素質,有效控制苗高,增加秧苗整齊度。在具體調控措施上,認為播量45 g·盤-1、旱育方式下,每100 kg底土拌入0.5 kg壯秧劑,2葉期每盤施多效唑0.06 g,缽苗秧苗素質表現(xiàn)最佳。
[Abstract]:In this study, four rice varieties (combinations) with different maturity stages, including conventional medium-japonica rice, were selected to be popularized in large-scale production in the experimental base of Agricultural College of Yangzhou University and the comprehensive demonstration base of rice and wheat science and technology in Jiangsu Province from 2011 to 2013. Studies on the characteristics of yield formation and some cultivation techniques of different types of rice seedlings were carried out, including the suitable transplanting age and the number of seedlings per hole, the analysis of yield components, material production and photosynthetic characteristics of different types of rice seedlings. The main results were as follows: 1. Four varieties of different seedling ages and number of seedlings per hole were selected to control the seedling quality, tillering characteristics and panicle formation regularity. The yield variations of the four varieties were the smallest in 1000-grain weight variation, the largest in panicle number variation, the second in grain number and seed setting rate, and the largest in grain number variations, followed by seed setting rate. The correlation and path analysis of yield components showed that the effect and contribution of 1000-grain weight to yield of the four varieties were the smallest, and that of panicle number to yield was the greatest, followed by grain number and grain number. The yield components of the two hybrid rice varieties showed the same effect on yield. The grain number had the greatest effect on yield, followed by seed setting rate and panicle number. The number of panicles per panicle and seed setting rate should be further increased. The number of panicles per panicle should still be put first in conventional late japonica, and the number of grains per panicle should be coordinated, and the seed setting rate should be increased. The grain yield trend was consistent with the dry matter accumulation from heading stage to mature stage, but different from the dry matter accumulation and harvest index from sowing to jointing stage and jointing to heading stage. The yield of hybrid late japonica rice is especially high because of its strong material production capacity and large dry matter accumulation after heading. In photosynthetic production, the advantages of hybrid late japonica rice are mainly after heading, that is, LAI is large after heading, photosynthetic potential is high, and the population transmits light at the later stage. The tillering characteristics and panicle formation regularity of potted rice were analyzed with conventional medium japonica as the representative varieties. Under the suitable seedling number per hole, the potted rice seedlings had tillering occurrence in the seedling stage, slow seedling after transplanting was fast, belonged to the seedling field, and belonged to two-section high peak tillering pattern. The main tiller position is the second tiller position of the 4th to 7th and 4th tillers. The main tiller panicles are mainly from the 5th to 7th middle tillers, a few low tillers and the second tiller position. Compared with the blanket-shaped rice seedlings transplanted by machine, the seedlings transplanted by machine had shorter slow seedling stage, earlier growth and rapid development, smaller number of peak seedlings, but higher panicle forming rate. The dry matter accumulation increased by 9.28% from heading to maturity stage, and the root vigor of potted seedling transplanted rice was better than that of blanket seedling transplanted rice, with the spikelet root activity increased by 14.36% at Milky stage. The main characteristics are "large panicle and many grains". 5. The effect of seedling age on the yield of various varieties is significant. The yield of conventional medium-sized japonica and hybrid medium-sized indica varieties with relatively short growth period is the highest at 25-30 days of seedling age and 25 days of seedling age respectively; the yield of late-maturing japonica varieties with longer growth period and later maturity is the highest at 30-35 days of seedling age and late-maturing japonica varieties with hybrid rice respectively. The yield of conventional rice varieties was the highest under the condition of 3 or 4 seedlings per hole. The yield of hybrid rice varieties was the highest under the condition of 2 seedlings per hole. Among them, 2,3 seedlings per hole of Hybrid Japonica Rice and 1,2 seedlings per hole of hybrid indica rice. The best combination of seedling age and seedling number per hole was 25-30 days, 3-4 seedlings per hole, 30-35 seedling age of conventional medium-Japonica varieties and 30-35 seedling age of conventional late-Japonica varieties. D, 3-4 seedlings per hole; 30 days old Hybrid Japonica Rice seedlings, 2-3 seedlings per hole; 25 days old hybrid indica rice seedlings, 2 seedlings per hole. It is difficult to transplant rice seedlings with transplanter. The suitable seeding rate of Wuyunjing 24 is 45-60 g 65507 Chlorophyll degradation rate was low and the ability of keeping green was strong. The suitable seedling age could be prolonged to 35 days under this experimental condition. In the second chemical regulation, proper amount and timely second combination control could significantly improve seedling quality, effectively control seedling height and increase seedling uniformity. Kg seedling seedling agent, 2 leaf stage applied 0.06 g of Paclobutrazol, seedling quality of pot seedling was the best.


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