

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-30 15:06

  本文選題:南方紅豆杉 + 遺傳多樣性 ; 參考:《中南林業(yè)科技大學(xué)》2017年博士論文

【摘要】:南方紅豆杉是我國(guó)特有樹(shù)種,屬第三紀(jì)孑遺物種,被列為國(guó)家Ⅰ級(jí)重點(diǎn)保護(hù)野生植物。南嶺山地?fù)碛写罅康墓爬蠚堖z植物,是古代針葉樹(shù)的分布中心和避難所,為南方紅豆杉分布的南界。南嶺為我國(guó)少有的橫向山脈,并由眾多不連續(xù)的山體構(gòu)成,分布大量盆地、溝谷和河流,形成多樣化的氣候特征和小地形微環(huán)境,導(dǎo)致了南方紅豆杉群體的生境多樣性和遺傳多樣性。本研究應(yīng)用回歸模型和ArcGIS中普通克里格(Ordinary Kriging)法進(jìn)行氣候因子插值和修正,獲得23個(gè)南方紅豆杉自然分布群體的氣候因子,并結(jié)合形態(tài)、細(xì)胞解剖和微衛(wèi)星(SSRs)標(biāo)記技術(shù),對(duì)南嶺山地南方紅豆杉自然地理分布、生境氣候特征、遺傳變異進(jìn)行綜合的研究,為南方紅豆杉保護(hù)單元的分類(lèi)和保護(hù)提供科學(xué)依據(jù)。主要研究結(jié)果如下:(1)南嶺23個(gè)南方紅豆杉群體分布區(qū)的年平均氣溫(AMT)在12.175~18.263 ℃之間,最適氣溫范圍為14.972~18.492 ℃,平均值為16.732 ℃;Kira溫暖指數(shù)(WI)在86.381~160.420 ℃·月之間,最適氣溫范圍為118.811~162.353℃·月,平均值為140.582 ℃·月;Kira寒冷指數(shù)(CI)在-4.262~-1.196 ℃·月之間,最適氣溫范圍為-2.885~-1.169℃·月平均值為-2.027℃·月;徐文鐸濕潤(rùn)指數(shù)(HI)9.264~13.687mm·(℃ ·月)-1,最適范圍9.689~11.909 mm·(℃·月)-1,平均值10.799mm·(℃·月)-1;可能蒸散率(PER)范圍0.159~0.939,最適范圍0.416~0.906,平均值0.661;年均降水量(AMP)1147.996~1591.286 mm,平均值1452.643mm、年均相對(duì)濕度(AMRH)77.473~82.347%,平均值79.128%;日照時(shí)數(shù)(SD)1194.318~1785.059h,平均值 1509.458 h。按 Penman植被-氣候分類(lèi)系統(tǒng)、Holdridge生命地帶分類(lèi)系統(tǒng)和Kira溫度指標(biāo)進(jìn)行分類(lèi),南方紅豆杉屬于亞熱帶濕潤(rùn)森林生命地帶的樹(shù)種,氣候類(lèi)型為暖溫帶濕潤(rùn)氣候型。極端溫度因子、熱濕綜合因子、地理因子3個(gè)主成分依次對(duì)南方紅豆杉地理分布起主導(dǎo)作用。南方紅豆杉群體分為三個(gè)區(qū),其中高海拔的桑植縣(Hnbd)和融水縣(Gxyb1)聚為一區(qū),第二區(qū)是東部,包括廣東、江西、福建、浙江、廣西融水縣(Gxyb2)和湖南攸縣(Hnyx)的群體;第三區(qū)是西部,包括湖南西部、廣西的資源縣(Gxme)和龍勝縣(Gxhp)、貴州的臺(tái)江縣(Gztj)的群體。地理空間與氣候因子相關(guān)性分析表明,多數(shù)氣候因子與緯度呈負(fù)相關(guān)關(guān)系,經(jīng)度與干燥度指數(shù)、日照時(shí)數(shù)呈極顯著負(fù)相關(guān)。海拔梯度與大多數(shù)的氣候因子呈顯著或極顯著相關(guān)性。各群體海拔分布范圍主要在500~1000m之間。(2)代表南方紅豆杉海拔分布上下限的桑植縣、攸縣和融水縣(Gxyb1)3個(gè)群體的表型遺傳多樣性都較低;葉長(zhǎng)、葉寬的變異系數(shù)均小于或等于15%;葉長(zhǎng)、葉寬呈桑植縣群體攸縣群體融水縣群體;融水縣群體的葉長(zhǎng)和葉寬均與桑植縣群體、攸縣群體間存在極顯著差異,而攸縣群體與桑植縣群體間差異不顯著;3個(gè)群體間葉長(zhǎng)寬比差異不顯著。3個(gè)群體的葉片長(zhǎng)度、寬度、長(zhǎng)寬比與經(jīng)度、緯度相關(guān)性不顯著;葉片長(zhǎng)度和長(zhǎng)寬比與海拔梯度呈顯著負(fù)相關(guān),葉寬與海拔相關(guān)性不顯著。融水縣的元寶山群體的低海拔(1500~1600m)、中海拔(1700~1800m)、高海拔(1900~2000m)3個(gè)海拔梯度的葉長(zhǎng)、葉寬、葉長(zhǎng)寬比與海拔梯度呈顯著相關(guān)性;在低海拔葉長(zhǎng)和葉寬明顯大于中、高海拔,中、高海拔葉長(zhǎng)和葉寬差異不大。廣西融水縣、湖南攸縣和河南魯山縣三個(gè)群體葉片組織結(jié)構(gòu)都呈現(xiàn)出耐弱光、耐寒、喜潮濕的特征,但在結(jié)構(gòu)特征上,融水縣南方紅豆杉與魯山縣中國(guó)紅豆杉的相似度較高,與桑植縣和攸縣的南方紅豆杉差別較大,因此,融水縣南方紅豆杉需進(jìn)一步鑒定。桑植縣群體的種子先端以微有二縱脊或三縱脊居多,攸縣群體中發(fā)現(xiàn)有四縱脊種子。桑植縣群體的同期幼苗側(cè)生葉和葉片比攸縣群體的數(shù)量多。(3)對(duì)南嶺山地的9個(gè)南方紅豆杉代表性群體,利用13個(gè)微衛(wèi)星位點(diǎn)共217個(gè)個(gè)體進(jìn)行分析,研究結(jié)果表明,南嶺地區(qū)南方紅豆杉遺傳多樣呈中等偏下水平(He=0.459),群體內(nèi)自交程度較高(FIs=0.249)。群體間存在的顯著的遺傳分化(Fst=0.251,P0.01),基因流Nm為0.7461。群體間呈現(xiàn)按地理距離、氣候因子聚類(lèi)的趨勢(shì),其中融水縣(Gxyb1)和桑植縣群體與其它群體存在較遠(yuǎn)的親緣關(guān)系。在垂直分布上,八大公山4個(gè)海拔梯度群體的等位基因數(shù)(Na)平均值為4.02,期望雜合度(He)平均值為0.48,Shannon指數(shù)(I)平均值為0.92,表明八大公山南方紅豆杉具有中等程度的遺傳多樣性。低海拔區(qū)域群體的遺傳多樣性高于高海拔區(qū)域群體,其中Bd4群體和其它低海拔群體間存在顯著的遺傳分化和遺傳距離。4個(gè)海拔梯度的群體內(nèi)基因流都較為充足(Nm1),高海拔區(qū)域明顯的氣候差異可能是導(dǎo)致群體間遺傳分化的主要原因。在大尺度上,9個(gè)群體的Shannon's信息指數(shù)(I)和期望雜合度(He)僅與海拔呈顯著負(fù)相關(guān)(P0.05),與經(jīng)度、緯度的相關(guān)性都不顯著。在小尺度上,分宜縣、雙牌縣、攸縣和融水縣4個(gè)群體在低海拔范圍的氣候因子和遺傳多樣性水平都較相似,呈現(xiàn)較高的遺傳多樣性,且與海拔梯度的相關(guān)性不顯著,而高海拔的融水縣群體因低溫高濕而呈現(xiàn)較低的遺傳多樣性水平。(4)氣候因子與遺傳多樣性參數(shù)相關(guān)性分析表明,Shannon's信息指數(shù)(I)與極端最高溫(MWMT)、7月平均溫(TAV07)、可能蒸散率(PER)呈極顯著正相關(guān),與kira寒冷指數(shù)(CI)呈顯著正相關(guān);與徐文鐸濕潤(rùn)指數(shù)(HI)、相對(duì)濕度(RH)呈極顯著負(fù)相關(guān),與干燥度(K)呈顯著負(fù)相關(guān)。期望雜合度(He)與PER呈極顯著正相關(guān),與干燥度(K)呈極顯著負(fù)相關(guān),與MWMT、氣溫年較差(TD)、夏季熱濕比(SHM)、TAV07呈顯著正相關(guān);體現(xiàn)出氣溫、氣溫年較差和干燥度的增大,濕度減小,都會(huì)導(dǎo)致南方紅豆杉群體的遺傳多樣性增大。固定指數(shù)(F)與全部氣候因子的相關(guān)性都不顯著,說(shuō)明氣候因子對(duì)南方紅豆杉的生殖交配模式影響較小,推斷是地理隔離、人為干擾等因素對(duì)其生殖交配系統(tǒng)影響較大。(5)總體上,各群體表現(xiàn)出較豐富的遺傳多樣性,群體間分化明顯(Fst=0.251,Nm1)。保護(hù)策略可采取就地保護(hù),輔助人工促進(jìn)更新,維持群體遺傳多樣性。
[Abstract]:Taxus chinensis, a unique tree species in China, belongs to the third relict species of relict species, and is listed as a national key protected wild plant. Nanling Mountain has a large number of ancient residual plants. It is the distribution center and refuge of the ancient conifers. It is the southern boundary of the southern Taxus. Nanling is a rare horizontal mountain in China and is a large number of discontinuous mountains. A large number of basins, valleys and rivers, forming a variety of climatic characteristics and small terrain microenvironment, caused the habitat diversity and genetic diversity of Taxus chinensis population in the south. This study applied the regression model and the common Craig (Ordinary Kriging) method in ArcGIS to interpolate and amend the climatic factors, and obtained 23 Taxus chinensis. Natural distribution of climatic factors, combined with morphology, cell anatomy and microsatellite (SSRs) labeling technology, study the natural geographical distribution, habitat climate characteristics and genetic variation of Taxus chinensis in Nanling Mountain, and provide scientific basis for the classification and protection of Taxus conservation unit in southern China. The main results are as follows: (1) Nanling 23 The annual average temperature (AMT) in the population distribution area of Taxus chinensis was between 12.175 and 18.263 C, the optimum temperature range was 14.972 ~ 18.492 C, the average value was 16.732, and the Kira warm index (WI) was between 86.381 and 160.420 centigrade, and the optimum temperature range was 118.811 to 162.353 centigrade, and the average was 140.582 degrees centigrade; Kira cold index (CI Between -4.262 ~ -1.196 and month, the optimum temperature range is from -2.885 to -1.169 centigrade. The average value is -2.027 / month; the Xu Wenduo wetting index (HI) is 9.264 ~ 13.687mm (c) -1, the optimum range is 9.689 ~ 11.909 mm (centigrade) -1, the average value 10.799mm (centigrade month) -1, the range of possible evapotranspiration is 0.159 ~ 0.939, and the optimum range is 0.416 ~ 0.906, average value of 0.661, average annual precipitation (AMP) 1147.996 ~ 1591.286 mm, average value 1452.643mm, average annual relative humidity (AMRH) 77.473 ~ 82.347%, average value 79.128%, sunshine hours (SD) 1194.318 to 1785.059h, average 1509.458 h. according to Penman vegetation climate system, Holdridge life zone classification system and Kira temperature index. Taxus chinensis is a kind of tree species in the subtropical humid forest life zone. The climate type is warm temperate humid climate type. Extreme temperature factors, heat and humidity synthetic factors and geographical factors are the 3 main components of Taxus chinensis geo distribution in turn. The southern Taxus population is divided into three regions, in which the high altitude Sangzhi county (Hnbd) and thawing are in high altitude. Water county (Gxyb1) is divided into one area, the second area is the eastern part, including Guangdong, Jiangxi, Fujian, Zhejiang, Guangxi meltwater county (Gxyb2) and Hunan Youxian (Hnyx); the third is the western region, including Western Hunan, Guangxi resources county (Gxme) and Longsheng county (Gxhp), Guizhou's Taijiang county (Gztj). There was a negative correlation between the number of climatic factors and latitude. The longitude was significantly negatively correlated with the dryness index and the sunshine duration. The elevation gradient was significantly correlated with most of the climatic factors. The altitudes of each group were mainly between 500 and 1000m. (2) Sangzhi County, Youxian and meltwater representing the upper and lower limits of the altitude distribution of the South Chinese red bean The phenotypic genetic diversity of 3 groups in the county (Gxyb1) was low; the leaf length and the variation coefficient of leaf width were all less than or equal to 15%. The leaf length and leaf width were in the Youxian group of Sangzhi County group. The leaf length and leaf width of the Rong Shui county group were significantly different from the Sangzhi population and Youxian population, while the differences between Youxian and Sangzhi County groups were different. No significant difference between the leaves length and width ratio of the 3 populations was not significant. The leaf length, width, length width ratio and latitude correlation were not significant; the leaf length and length width ratio were negatively correlated with the elevation gradient, and the correlation between leaf width and altitude was not significant. The low altitude (1500 ~ 1600m) and middle altitude (1700 to 1800m) of Yuanbaoshan population in meltwater county were not significant. The leaf length, leaf width and leaf width ratio of 3 elevation gradient in high altitude (1900 to 2000m) were significantly correlated with the elevation gradient, and the leaf length and leaf width of the lower altitudes were obviously larger than those in the middle, high altitude, middle, high altitude leaf length and leaf width were little different. The leaf tissue structure of three populations in Guangxi Rong Shui county, Hunan Youxian and Henan of Henan showed weak light tolerance and tolerance. The characteristics of cold and humid, but in the structural characteristics, the South Taxus chinensis in Thu county is similar to that of Taxus chinensis in Lushan Mountain County, which is different from that of Taxus chinensis in Sangzhi and Youxian. Therefore, Taxus chinensis in Thu county needs to be further identified. The seeds of the Sangzhi County population are mainly with two longitudinal ridges or three longitudinal ridges, and Youxian population in Youxian population. It was found that there were four longitudinal ridge seeds. The seedling side leaves and leaves of the Sangzhi County group were more than the Youxian population during the same period. (3) a total of 217 microsatellite loci were analyzed with 13 microsatellite loci. The results showed that the genetic diversity of Taxus chinensis in Nanling area was in the middle level (He=0.459 In the group, the degree of self intersection is high (FIs=0.249). The significant genetic differentiation (Fst=0.251, P0.01) exists among the groups, and the gene flow Nm is a tendency to cluster among 0.7461. populations according to geographical distance and climate factors. Among them, the Gxyb1 and Sangzhi County populations have a far relative relationship with the other groups. In the vertical distribution, the 4 seas of the eight grand mountains are in the vertical distribution. The average value of allele number (Na) was 4.02, the average value of expected heterozygosity (He) was 0.48, and the average value of Shannon index (I) was 0.92, indicating that the genetic diversity of Taxus chinensis in the eight grand mountains was of moderate genetic diversity. The genetic diversity of the low altitude region population was higher than the high altitude regional population, among which the Bd4 population and other low altitude populations were in the low altitude population. There were significant genetic differentiation and genetic distance between.4 elevation gradient populations (Nm1), and the obvious climatic difference in high altitude region may be the main cause of genetic differentiation among populations. On large scale, the Shannon's information index (I) and expected heterozygosity (He) of the 9 populations were only negatively correlated with the altitude (P 0.05) there is no significant correlation with longitude and latitude. On the small scale, the climate factors and genetic diversity levels of the 4 groups in the county, Shuangpai County, Youxian and FOK Shui county are similar at low altitudes, showing higher genetic diversity, and not significant with the elevation gradient, while the high altitude meltwater County population is low temperature and high humidity. (4) the correlation analysis between the climatic factors and the genetic diversity parameters showed that the Shannon's information index (I) and the extreme temperature (MWMT), the average temperature (TAV07) in July, the possible evapotranspiration rate (PER) and the Kira cold index (CI) showed significant positive correlation, and the relative humidity (RH) with the Xu Wenduo wetness index (HI), and the relative humidity (RH). There was a very significant negative correlation and a significant negative correlation with the dryness degree (K). Expected heterozygosity (He) had a very significant positive correlation with PER, and had a significant negative correlation with the drying degree (K). It had a significant positive correlation with MWMT, the temperature range (TD), the summer heat and humidity ratio (SHM), and TAV07, and the temperature, the increase of temperature and the drying degree, the decrease of humidity, and the decrease of humidity could lead to the south. The genetic diversity of Taxus population increased. The correlation between the fixed index (F) and all climatic factors was not significant, indicating that the climatic factors had little influence on the reproductive mating pattern of Taxus chinensis. It was inferred that geographical isolation and human disturbance had great influence on the reproductive mating system. (5) in general, the groups showed abundant remains. The diversity of populations was significantly different (Fst=0.251, Nm1). Protection strategies could be protected locally, assisted by artificial promotion, and maintained genetic diversity.


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5 萬(wàn)小金;吳曉明;;南方紅豆杉資源開(kāi)發(fā)利用與可持續(xù)發(fā)展[A];首屆中國(guó)林業(yè)學(xué)術(shù)大會(huì)論文集[C];2005年

6 耿業(yè)林;吳曉明;湯志芳;陳賢浩;;浮梁縣野生南方紅豆杉資源保護(hù)與可持續(xù)利用[A];節(jié)能環(huán)保 和諧發(fā)展——2007中國(guó)科協(xié)年會(huì)論文集(三)[C];2007年

7 謝紅梅;柏勁松;;南方紅豆杉優(yōu)株嫩枝扦插繁殖試驗(yàn)[A];第十六屆中國(guó)科協(xié)年會(huì)——分11森林培育技術(shù)創(chuàng)新與特色資源產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展學(xué)術(shù)研討會(huì)論文集[C];2014年

8 杜亞填;陳建華;許建宇;曹庸;潘麗妍;;南方紅豆杉愈傷組織培養(yǎng)生產(chǎn)紫杉醇的多因素比較研究[A];中國(guó)生物工程學(xué)會(huì)第四次會(huì)員代表大會(huì)暨學(xué)術(shù)討論會(huì)論文摘要集[C];2005年

9 杜亞填;陳建華;許建宇;曹庸;;植物生長(zhǎng)調(diào)節(jié)劑對(duì)南方紅豆杉愈傷組織誘導(dǎo)培養(yǎng)和生產(chǎn)紫杉醇的影響[A];2005年全國(guó)植物生長(zhǎng)物質(zhì)研討會(huì)論文摘要匯編[C];2005年

10 姜育龍;;南方紅豆杉山地造林的坡向和苗木類(lèi)型選擇[A];第九屆中國(guó)林業(yè)青年學(xué)術(shù)年會(huì)論文摘要集[C];2010年

相關(guān)重要報(bào)紙文章 前10條

1 省科技廳社發(fā)處;我省南方紅豆杉植物資源開(kāi)發(fā)利用研究取得進(jìn)展[N];福建科技報(bào);2009年

2 華文;安徽黃山 繁育南方紅豆杉獲成功[N];中國(guó)花卉報(bào);2009年

3 本報(bào)記者 陳晨 通訊員 許志華 劉敏;斬?cái)嗌煜蚰戏郊t豆杉的黑手[N];郴州日?qǐng)?bào);2010年

4 曾華龍 記者 熊妍華;銅鼓開(kāi)發(fā)利用南方紅豆杉取得突破[N];宜春日?qǐng)?bào);2010年

5 牛永兵;南方紅豆杉落戶古交原相鄉(xiāng)[N];太原日?qǐng)?bào);2011年

6 志;福建南方紅豆杉公司產(chǎn)出75公斤紫杉醇[N];醫(yī)藥經(jīng)濟(jì)報(bào);2003年

7 記者 鐘瑜 鄒海斌;銅鼓打造“南方紅豆杉王國(guó)”[N];江西日?qǐng)?bào);2011年

8 記者 楊澤明;忠縣成功培育南方紅豆杉[N];重慶日?qǐng)?bào);2000年

9 新寧縣林業(yè)局 伍石林;南方紅豆杉新老種子識(shí)別方法[N];湖南科技報(bào);2005年

10 蔡可柳;南方紅豆杉栽培技術(shù)[N];福建科技報(bào);2006年

相關(guān)博士學(xué)位論文 前8條

1 謝偉東;南嶺山地南方紅豆杉遺傳變異與氣候因子相關(guān)性研究[D];中南林業(yè)科技大學(xué);2017年

2 張艷杰;南方紅豆杉種子休眠機(jī)理的研究[D];南京林業(yè)大學(xué);2007年

3 李良松;南方紅豆杉人工林生長(zhǎng)與收益模型研究[D];北京林業(yè)大學(xué);2011年

4 薛輝;片斷化生境中南方紅豆杉種群遺傳多樣性研究[D];南京林業(yè)大學(xué);2013年

5 吳令上;南方紅豆杉內(nèi)生真菌多樣性、次生代謝產(chǎn)物及其與宿主的相關(guān)性研究[D];第二軍醫(yī)大學(xué);2012年

6 茹文明;瀕危植物南方紅豆杉生態(tài)學(xué)研究[D];山西大學(xué);2006年

7 龐海河;增強(qiáng)UV-B輻射下南方紅豆杉形態(tài)、結(jié)構(gòu)及代謝的研究[D];東北林業(yè)大學(xué);2010年

8 林淑偉;珍貴樹(shù)種針葉分解對(duì)外源物質(zhì)的響應(yīng)及其機(jī)制的研究[D];福建農(nóng)林大學(xué);2009年

相關(guān)碩士學(xué)位論文 前10條

1 張玲玲;南方紅豆杉DNA指紋圖譜技術(shù)研究[D];福建農(nóng)林大學(xué);2009年

2 王磊;南方紅豆杉種群生態(tài)學(xué)與種質(zhì)資源評(píng)估[D];安徽師范大學(xué);2010年

3 朱志軍;南方紅豆杉造林關(guān)鍵技術(shù)研究[D];浙江農(nóng)林大學(xué);2011年

4 郭孝紅;山西省野生南方紅豆杉群落特征研究[D];山西農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué);2015年

5 張峻銘;南方紅豆杉對(duì)SO_2和CH_2O脅迫的生理響應(yīng)[D];四川農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué);2014年

6 朱慧男;秦嶺太白山南方紅豆杉種群特征及其與生境因子關(guān)系研究[D];西北農(nóng)林科技大學(xué);2016年

7 劉姣;南方紅豆杉枝葉揮發(fā)性成分分析及其盆栽空氣凈化能力的初探[D];吉首大學(xué);2016年

8 肖遙;南方紅豆杉種源和家系生長(zhǎng)遺傳變異[D];南京林業(yè)大學(xué);2016年

9 羅蓉;南方紅豆杉根腐病病原及其拮抗芽孢桿菌研究[D];四川農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué);2016年

10 唐瑜;水培對(duì)幾種觀賞植物形態(tài)結(jié)構(gòu)和生理指標(biāo)的影響[D];安徽農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué);2016年




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