基于RS、GIS和景觀格局分析的白洋淀流域生態(tài)環(huán)境變化研究碩士論文 Abstract isthe freshwater Lake andmost lakeinNorth China ithas Baiyangdianlargest typical Plain,and on environmentinNorthChina.In influences the decades,the
important ecological past ecological
environmentin has alotduetoclimate andhuman Baiyangdianchanged changes activityNamely, decreased is sediment
Watetheadshave accumulation serious,and becomes obviously,pollution in Lake
serious.The environment isa ofwholewatershed problemofecological Baiyangdianproblem andsocialfactorsin anddownstream of natural,economical
involving upstream regions.Thechanges in not relatetoitsconditionsof and
environment only natural,economicalsocial,,but Baiyangdian
also resources andthe coverconditionin the refertothewater exploitationvegetation upriver,and alloverthe ismore to of watershed.Therefore,it landscapepatlem pmcticaIimportantstudy
changes as
the environment watershedwhole. ecological changesofBaiyangdian ofRS of the Withthe difficulty informationof technique,the obtaining ecological application data RScan the indifferent in timeand
environmentissolved provide space,in in distinguish itcall datasources fromdifferent and coming resolution,
spectrum,andprovide time,spacespectrum and
and real―timedatasources.Italsocanfindoutthe itcanalso economy,shortcut changed provide to the andtellthe trends.Contrastotherconventional change change measures,RS
has characteristicof and of Information a precision.The particular speediness techniqueGeography and moreand hasa of becomesmature more,which ability analysis.
System practical strong special the of and with datacollectioncanbe data,new analysisdealingampleoriginal spatial
By technique
attained,Sowe the informationof elementin suchas landscape many caD.getchanged aspects and etc. spaceposition