"One Belt and One Road" construction RMB settlement ofcross
"One Belt and One Road" and Regional Disparity of RMB Settlement of Cross- border Trade: A Study Based on Provincial Panel Data in China
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DONG You- de ,LI Xiao-jing
Abstr:Both the planned areas of the "one belt and one road" initia- tive or the distribution of RMB settlement volumes of cross- border trade show obvious regional differences. Based on the regional difference, extending the meth- od to calculate the performance index and using the Dagum (1997) method, this paper computes the performance index of all provinces and regional differences of RMB settlement of cross- border trade in China, and examines the main influ- encing factors. The results show that the performance index of the eastern area is apparently higher than that of the central and western regions, and the western region fares worst; the overall gap of all the three regions is shrinking but the contribution rate of regional difference is always the highest; the main influenc- ing factors are differentiated obviously from region to region. The planned area of "one belt and one road" centers on the eastern and western areas, and this would challenge the central area. Therefore, different regions should enhance coop- eration to raise economic development level and RMB settlement of cross- bor- der trade performance level and accelerate the process of RMB internationaliza- tion.
Keyword::"One Belt and One Road" construction RMB settlement ofcross- border trade Performance index Gini coefficient