[Abstract]:After the first World War, various social contradictions in Vietnam became more and more acute, and the workers' movement and the national liberation movement began to rise. The Vietnamese patriots began to urgently seek the emancipation road and correct revolutionary guiding theory suitable for the national conditions of Vietnam. The artillery sound of the October Revolution awakened the revolutionary personages in the East. Marxism-Leninism was introduced into China and, through China, into Vietnam. China became one of the early major channels through which Marxism-Leninism was introduced into Vietnam. In 1921, after the founding of the Communist Party of China, The Chinese revolution has entered a new period. Sun Zhongshan put forward three policies of "United Russia, United Communist Party, and assisting Agriculture and Industry", the Kuomintang and Communist Party carried out the first cooperation, Guangzhou became the key area of China's democratic revolution. Under such favorable conditions, and with the free manpower and financial support of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China, the Hu Zhiming and other Vietnamese revolutionaries came to Guangzhou to set up a "Young Revolutionary comrades Association of Vietnam" to hold a "political training course" to train the backbone of the revolution. Taking Guangzhou as the base area, the Marxism-Leninism communication liaison station and transportation route were established between China and Vietnam, and the Marxism-Leninism was continuously transmitted back to Vietnam, which laid the ideological, organizational and theoretical foundation for the establishment of the Communist Party of Vietnam. This paper describes the spread of Marxism-Leninism through China from the first World War to Vietnam before the establishment of the Communist Party of Vietnam.
中國期刊全文數(shù)據(jù)庫 前10條
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1 劉玉s