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預(yù)讀:mpact on the fields ofPhilosophy, History, Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology, Literature, Architectureand Art in respect of research and creation with its strong penetration anddiffusivity, and Postmodernism has already became an hot issue or even the focusof the above fields. Ever since the begin后現(xiàn)代主義后現(xiàn)代主義思潮與中國(guó)新時(shí)期小說(2)


【English Abstract】 The past half century has witnessed the gradual rising of the thought ofPostmodernism in the western countries, which has great impact on the fields ofPhilosophy, History, Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology, Literature, Architectureand Art in respect of research and creation with its strong penetration anddiffusivity, and Postmodernism has already became an hot issue or even the focusof the above fields. Ever since the beginning of 1980s, the thought ofPostmodernism started to be introduced into China from the western countries, andall kinds of related theories and works, as well as pterary writings ofPostmodernism, were translated and presented to researchers and creators of worksof pterature and art of modern China. In the specific fields of Literature and Art, inregard to the huge concept system of Postmodernism which includescomprehensive contents, attentions should be paid to the actuapty and significanceof its infiltration, extension and interpretation to the field of Literature, discussionsshould be made in term of the relation of Postmodernist thought and thedevelopment of Literature in the new period of modern China, so that we can havemore comprehensive and deeper observation and understanding on the creation andresearch of Chinese modern Literature in the new period. From mid-1980s, thisnew period of Chinese Literature has been witnessing the constant appearance ofpteral works with some postmodernist features and colors; at the same time,Postmodernism has become an significant theoretical reference for numerousscholars to express their comments and carry on their study. With the occurrence ofthis phenomenon, large numbers of issues are worthy of discussion come into oursight.This paper takes postmodernist features and colors in fictions of the newperiod as main reflecting and discussing objects, and starts from combinations of the two dimensions of theoretical analysis and creative practice. Using the Westernpostmodern theories as a new reference in the analysis of creative practices offictions in the new period, with a close reading of the text, this paper makes anin-depth exploration of the interactive relationship between WesternPostmodernism and Chinese pterary theory and pterary creations in the newperiod.The entire paper combs the spread of Western Postmodernism incontemporary China, as well as Chinese novel creators, pterary critics andresearchers’accepting, absorbing, learning and integrating of the postmodernistpterary and cultural thought, attempts to explore the Western Postmodernismtrends’present or potential impact on fiction evolution in the new period, andoverviews the mirrored presentation of the new period fictions’reflection ofpo

預(yù)讀:”focuses on the issue of narrativetheory, points out that i上一頁(yè) 1 2 3 4 5 6 下一頁(yè)后現(xiàn)代主義后現(xiàn)代主義思潮與中國(guó)新時(shí)期小說(3)

stmodernism spiritual characteristic in themes about“human”,“society”,“history”,“culture”and“gender”. On this basis, the paper tries to construct amacro theoretical analysis perspective in order to examine the impact of WesternPostmodernism trends and inspirits the objective and positive significance for thenew period fictions, and at the main time, makes a rational analysis of WesternPostmodernism trends’negative impacts on the new period fiction creations.Through a full range of in-depth analysis, the paper attempts to summarize thevalues and existing problems of the new period fictions with postmodernistfeatures, and to make possible discussions about how to reconstruct modernChinese pterature’s pterary rationapty, pterary spirit, and pterary virtue as well aspterary ideal.The first chapter“The Dissemination of Postmodernism in China”providestheoretical premises including concept clarification for comprehensive discussionof the paper, and defines the paper’s subject and scope and overviews interactiverelationships among Western Postmodernism trends, the new period fiction creation and pterary criticism. This chapter is divided into four sections. The maincontents of the first section“Overview of the Postmodernism and Its LiteraryTrends”is to clarify the connotation and extension of the concept of“postmodernism”, summarizes the postmodernism pterary trends’major schoolsand representative writers and postmodernism pterature’s basic theory of ideas andpterary features by the help of origin explorations and occurrence methods. Themain content of the second section“Western Postmodernism Literature andLiterary Trends’Spread in China”is to comb information about how westernPostmodernism trends, especially its pterary and cultural trends, were introducedto China since 1980s. The third section“Impacts of Western PostmodernismLiterature and Cultural Trends on New Period Literary World”is a brief summaryof Western Postmodernism pterature and cultural trends’impacts on the new periodfiction creations and pterary criticism practices. The fourth section“Postmodernism’s Self-adaptive Development in Chinese New Period Context”isa brief analysis of the development process of the new period pteratures withpostmodernist features, including fictions, from“imports”to autonomous growth.The second chapter“Evolutions of Postmodernism Literature andTransmutations of Concept of the New Period Fictions”generally overviews thefundamental transmutations of the new period fictions taking place in the conceptlevel, showing the concept characterization of Postmodernism which mainlyreflected in three levels, including interpretation of the novel ontology, extensionof the novel narrative and discussion of the novel axiology. Postmodernism theoryand trends deeply changed the modern Chinese novel concept and highpghted thefar-reaching imppcation and repercussions of the“post”of“modernism”onChinese pterary world. This chapter is divided into three sections. The first section“Interpretation of Novel Ontology: Conversion From the Function Carrier to theAesthetic Object”discuses the new period novel ontology based on aesthetic object, points out that the new period novel ontology is under the exposure of fission froma function carrier in social and cultural dimension to a aesthetic object in aestheticsand pterature dimension. The second section“Extension of Narrative Theory:Breakthrough from Methodology to Ontology”focuses on the issue of narrativetheory, points out that i

預(yù)讀:has made wider breakthrough and extension of the traditionalnarrative methodology and reflected distinctive characteristic of the promotion ofnarrative from a writing method to the creative ontological significance on theaspect of text de-subjectivapzation, narrative collage crushing and fracture,la后現(xiàn)代主義后現(xiàn)代主義思潮與中國(guó)新時(shí)期小說(4)

n the process of imitating, learning from the westernpostmodernism pterature and independent innovation by its inspirations, the newperiod fiction has made wider breakthrough and extension of the traditionalnarrative methodology and reflected distinctive characteristic of the promotion ofnarrative from a writing method to the creative ontological significance on theaspect of text de-subjectivapzation, narrative collage crushing and fracture,language structure collage, plot drift, and digestion boundaries. The third section“Discussion of the Novel Axiology: Trade-off of Utiptarian Value and AestheticValue”mainly discusses the changes of novel axiology in the new period, pointsout that new period novel with postmodernist features’cognition to the novel valuewalks between“use”and”beauty”; on one hand, it has new extensions on“use”byabandoning traditional novel’s macro utiptarian value dimensions, on the otherhand, it has a deep and new understanding of the divers aesthetic value of thenovel.The third chapter“Postmodernist Image in the New Period Fictions”mainlydiscusses the new period novel writers’initiative learning, enpghtenment andinspiration of the Western Postmodernism pterature, combination of specific socialcontext in the new period, and thinking and writing about the postmodernity ofmajor pterary propositions related with human, society, history, culture and gender.The first section“’Human’in Works of Fictions: Individual Survival Subjects orPlanar Existing Symbol”has a summarized analysis on the symbopc peepng ofspecific group or spiritual concept, digestion of spiritual bepefs and the ultimatemeaning, irrationapty of survival status and pfe experience, fragmentation and illegibipty of the character which are all presented by characters in new periodnovels with postmodernist features. The second section“Society’in Works ofFictions: Planar, Fractured and Orectic Transforming Society”takes contrastinganalysis of the transitional social soil breeding postmodernism, reflects theprojection of the planar, fractured and orectic transforming society in new periodfictions with postmodernist features. The third section“’History’in Works ofFictions: Deconstruction the Re-discovery after Grand Narratives”focuses oncreations of historical themed fictions with postmodernist features, overviews theirtheoretical preparation and era heritage, summarize their historical narrativewalking between fiction and reapty, draws historical images through personalperspective, such as uses the accidental and non-rational uncertainty to digest thenatural regularity of history, uses personal history picture to subvert the collectivehistorical memory, uses marginapzation digging to replace the orthodoxmainstream attention. The fourth section“’Culture’in Works of Fictions:Diversified Show Dispelpng the Dominant Cultural Centre”explores by theinspiring influence of western postmodernism, the new period fictions withpostmodernist features reflect the opening development trends that the writers arere-examining and rethinking the national and social long-term major culture alongwith the profound changes of the era, and trying to build a plurapstic culture fusionby pterary creations. The fifth section“’Gender’in Works of Fictions: Highpght ofFemale Consciousness in Gender Relations”surveys the western feminist theory,overviews several aspects of postmodernist presentations in new period feministnovels including revolutionizes the traditional female tags in the Mascup

預(yù)讀:ent structure in traditionalfiction plots and chooses to use fragmented cpps or opening structures withoutorigin or outcome; overturns the reasonable plot and logic and turns to fracturedcombination which is abruptly against causal relationships, or strange circleswhich paradoxically reverse the cau后現(xiàn)代主義后現(xiàn)代主義思潮與中國(guó)新時(shí)期小說(5)

nediscourse system, highpghts women’s main consciousness in survival ppght,digests women’s spontaneous choice obscured by grand narrative, abandons themale-centered women self-world construction.The fourth chapter“Postmodernist Features of the New Period Fictions”tries to generally summarize the new period fictions with postmodernist features’creative concept, pterary pursuit, text structure and narrative feature from theaspects of creative perspective, narrative concept, aesthetic position, plotpresentation, spatial and temporal structure, narrative point and presentation skills.Creative perspective of the new period fictions with postmodernist features isbased on "physical" taking place the "metaphysical" myth. Narrative concept of thenew period fictions with postmodernist features performs as anti-traditionalprocessing of the relationship between reapty and fiction, including transferringfiction from potential to present and combining screens of Photographic-stylereapsm and subjective performance. Aesthetic stance of the new period fictionswith postmodernist features performs as subversion and breakthrough of aestheticawareness and paradigm of traditional fictions by initiative "Ugpness" in aestheticchoosing. Presentation of plot in the new period fictions with postmodernistfeatures breaks the“causes-development-ending”coherent structure in traditionalfiction plots and chooses to use fragmented cpps or opening structures withoutorigin or outcome; overturns the reasonable plot and logic and turns to fracturedcombination which is abruptly against causal relationships, or strange circleswhich paradoxically reverse the causal relationships and can never get out of.Spatial and temporal structure of the new period fictions with postmodernistfeatures performs as the groundbreaking deconstruction and reconstruction ofobjective time and space, mainly including: breaks and rebuild the chain of time,combines instant and continuum, intentionally shortens or extends the time,interlaces fragmental time with consistent time, highpghts the fragmental time tocancels the eternity of the coherent time, boldly uses jumping, apposition, collage,chapter alternation in space presentation to create the space effect. Narrative pointof the new period fictions with postmodernist features mainly performs as diversityand uncertainty on the setting of the narrator and narrative structure, mainly including narrator’s symbopc referent and deconstruction of the“author”, usingsecond person narrative to explore the connection between the narrator and thenarratee and divers set of the first person narrator. Presentation skill of the newperiod fictions with postmodernist features mainly performs as the analysis of theuse of irony, parody and intertextuapty.The fifth chapter“The Value of the Postmodernist Perspective to theDevelopment of the New Period Fictions”will mainly focus on the actual positiveimportance that the impact and inspiration of the western Postmodernist thoughthave on the development of fiction in the new period. First, the diversifieddescription of fictions with postmodernist features in overturn and deconstructionin the new period: on the one hand, Postmodernist thought triggers thetransformation of the model of thinking, from duapty to plurapty, and the authorsof the new period fictions with postmodernist features break the single pattern oflanguage with their open, multiple levels of preference of value; on the other hand,it also promotes the gradua

預(yù)讀:ons in the new period. To reapze the rational reconstructionof pterature, that one possible way is that maybe we should look for the originalobpgation and real meaning of pterature and art, on the basis of returning to theclassical rationapty.                【關(guān)鍵詞】 后現(xiàn)代主義思潮;      新時(shí)期小說后現(xiàn)代主義后現(xiàn)代主義思潮與中國(guó)新時(shí)期小說(6)

l appearance of a divergent pattern of writing. Second,the formation of reflective thinking and the broadening of the view of readers: withthe inspiration of the western Postmodernist thought, authors of the new periodfictions with postmodernist features start to give weight to the subjective role ofreaders, the effect that readers have on the significance of their works, and theemergence of interactive reflective thinking in the creation activity of pterature,which follows the pattern of author-works-reader.The sixth chapter“The Introspection to the Postmodernist Style of the NewPeriod Fictions”will rationally analyze some certain negative effects that thePostmodernist thought of the western countries has on the writing of fictions in thenew period. The first part of this chapter will focus on the analysis of the threeaspirations of fictions in the new period and their respective dilemmas, which areresulted from the infiltration and influence of Postmodernism, i.e. constant pursuing of“newness”and the lost of flourishing scene, purified aesthetic taste,"Ugpness" in aesthetic choosing and indifferent attitude, secularization and“fetishism”. The second part pays attention to the examination of the immoderateor even inundant preference of irrationapty in the new period, and argues that thereis a need to think about the rational reconstruction of pterature. The third partmainly discusses the negative influences of Deconstructionism to the fictions in thenew period.The conclusion“The Possible Construction of Literary Ideal”tries to thinkabout the solution upon which some sort of discussion on possibipty will be made,regarding the question of how to reconstruct the ideal, spirit, and virtue of pterature,with the comprehensive examination and observation on the influence ofPostmodernism on fictions in the new period. To reapze the rational reconstructionof pterature, that one possible way is that maybe we should look for the originalobpgation and real meaning of pterature and art, on the basis of returning to theclassical rationapty.

【關(guān)鍵詞】 后現(xiàn)代主義思潮; 新時(shí)期小說; 后現(xiàn)代主義特點(diǎn); 文學(xué)理想;
【Key words】 Postmodernism; the New Period Fictions; Postmodernist Features; Ideal of Literature;





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