發(fā)布時間:2016-12-01 18:19
2009-7-19 16:22:58 來源:
A Study on the Disambiguation of Combinatorial Ambiguities in Chinese Word Segmentation
論文單位華南師范大學,點擊次數0,論文頁數45頁File Size1596k
Tao,six Classics were all history,history meaning,history moral
從近代開始,對章學誠的思想已從多個角度,運用多種方法展開了研究,研究的進一步突破,有待于對各方面研究成果的整合,進行整體的詮釋,從而顯現章氏思想系統中內在的整體意蘊,并且,從章氏思想的特性來看,其經史合一的致思路向,刺猬型的風格也指明了整體詮釋的合理性。 本文抓住章學誠思想系統中的核心概念“道”,通過對道的精神,,即道的歷史性、終極性、公共性的提取,去觀照其經學思想:六經皆史論;史學思想:史義論;凸顯其緣史致道的主體修養(yǎng):史德論。道的歷史性,消解了“經”作為載“道”之書的神圣地位,指出乾嘉經學離器言道,陷入了宋儒的空談,只有從時王之制度才能明了道的最新發(fā)展;道的終極性,指明了學術研究的最終價值歸屬,這就要求裁斷史學之所以成為史學的標準,不在于“史文”,也不在于“史事”,而在于“史義”!笆妨x”正是史學“推明大道”的表述;道的公共性要求學人端正自己的心術,加強道德修養(yǎng),不是站在私人的立場,而是站在傳統儒家政治倫理的立場去提取“史義”,從而,章學誠在劉知己的“三長”之外更倡以“史德”。 最后,本文還試圖指出,章學誠思想的現代性就在于他能把道作為一個瞭望臺,對經史進行哲學的反思,從而提出許多富有革命性的問題,如經的歷史性、史的自主性以及得道的主體修養(yǎng)問題;章學誠思想的保守性也在于道的實質,仍沒有拋棄傳統儒家政治倫理品格。近代對章學誠的推崇,正是迎合了其思想系統的現代性品格。重新審視章學誠,一方面,應正視章學誠思想在傳統幽靈的纏繞下所表現出的保守性;另一方面,他追求的史義、史德也反映出中國傳統史學觀與西方現代史學的迥異之處,這種迥異正顯現出中國傳統史學的價值所在。
Since modem times, the thoughts of Chang HsUeh-ch"eng (1738-1801) have already been researched by using many kinds of methods from a lot of angles. The further study depends on the synthesis of many aspects of study and holistic explanation, and show the inherent and holistic meaning of Chang"s thought. Furthermore, according to the characteristics of Zhang"s thought, its way of the combination of classics and history and the style of the hedgehog has pointed out the rationality of holistic explanation.This article study the key concepts of Chang"s thought system, Tao and analyze the spirits of "Tao", abstract the Tao"s historicity, ultimacy, commonality. Chang argued: six Classics were all history;the spirits of history was the combination of materials and its meaningjthe moral of historian which lead to Tao through history. The historicity of Tao clear up the holiness of Classics, point out the speaking Tao without Qi on the study of classics in Qian and Jia dynasty which run into the empty words of Confucianist in Song dynasty, insist that the newest development of Tao can only be understood from then and there system. The ultimacy of Tao points out the value of academic study, which decide the criteria of history research is the history meaning other than history word and history event. The history meaning is the expression of explaining Tao. The commonality of Tao requires that the intellectuals have a right intention and moral and generalize the history meaning from the Chinese traditional Confucianism"s ethic away from privacy.Finally, this article also discuss the modernity of the thoughts of Chang Hs Ueh-ch"eng.Chang retrospect the Classics and history in philosophy way through Tao and put forward lots of creative problem, such as historicity of Classic, self-determination of history and subject cultivation of Tao, and the conservation of the thoughts of Chang Hstleh-ch"eng lying in the essence of Tao did not yet put away with traditional Confucianism"s ethic.Chang was admired in modern times because the modernity of the thoughts of Chang Hsu eh-ch"eng. Re-study Chang Hsueh-ch"eng require us not only continue his problem but also use the value selection of modernity.