rural income gap social security expenditure urbanization pa
An Empirical Study on Urban- Rural Income Gap, Urbanization and Social Security Expenditure in China
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YU Ju, LIU Xin ( College of Economics and Trade, Chongqing University of Technology, Chongqing 400050, China )
Abstr:Based on 1997 - 201 1panel data model with variable coefficients, an empirical study on urban-rural income gap,urbanization and social security expenditure of the 30 provinces in China has been conducted. The study shows that, tbr the country as a whole, it is not beneficial for urbanization and social security expendina'e to remarkably narrow urban- rural income gap. For the specific provinces, it is not beneficial for urbanization to remarkably narrow urban-rural income gap in most regions, and it is beneficial for social security expenditure of more than half of the provinces to remarkably narrow urban-rural income gap. But the effect of different regions shows some differences. The policy implication is that, through the establishment of regurgitation-feeding mechanism between urban and rural areas and improving the social se- curity system,it can narrow the income gap between urban and rural areas and promote social fairness.
Keyword::urban-rural income gap social security expenditure urbanization panel data China