The Joint Effect of Education Investment and Social Security on Urban- rural Income Gap
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LIU Yu - lin, CHEN Ling ( Trade and Administration College of Chongqing University, Chongqing,400044, China)
Abstr:The substantial income disparity between urban and rural populations in income per capita has a- roused lots of concern. This paper uses an over - lapping generation model to research the impact of public education and social security on the income distribution, and on this basis, we further examines the influ- ence of public education and social security on the urban - rural income gap. Our research found: public education and social security affect income by human capital accumulation, while public education have im- pact on educational investment and social security act on effective family time, as both have influence on human capital accumulation. On the one hand, the simulation result shows the increasing of public educa- tion and social security can increase income significantly; on the other hand, combined with the real Chi- nese urban and rural, the empirical result show that public education and social security which have been expected to have regulated and narrowed the income gap in China, do not play the role of income redistribu- tion, on the contrary, form the negative effects of " reverse adjustment" and expand the urban- rural in- come gap. This paper come to the conclusion that narrowing education investment per capita and social se: curity tax rates between urban and rural areas will play a significant role in narrowing the urban and rural in- come ~an_ from ollr theory anti emnlrieal ~vlcl~n~
Keyword::social security, public education, urban- rural income gap