rural planning as a whole three rural issues
A Framework for the Integration Planning Between Urban and Rural Areas in China: From “City Exploiting Rural Area”to Solving “Three Issues in Rural Area”
[1] [2]
GU Chao - lin, LI A - lin( 1. School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China ; 2. School of Human and Social Sciences, Tsinghua University ,Beijing 1000
[1]清華大學建筑學院,中國北京100084; [2]清華大學人文社會科學學院,中國北京100084
Abstr:Adjustment of the urban-rural relations has entered a new period since 2002 because the central government proposed the urban and rural plan as a whole. However, in a lot of practice, as the city' s economic strength and leading role, often expressed as the “City exploiting rural area”, such as to obtain rural land, water resource, development spaces, etc.. It is a result there are a large number of landless peasants, some semi-urbanization areas, and further exacerbating the problem in rural areas. In this paper focus on to solve the “three rural issues” to make a urban and rural plan as a whole based on the Beijing Metropolitan Areas Planning. The paper considered that the process of urbanization in China should focus on “reducing farmers, construction of rural and improve the level of agricultural modernization”. It is said that most farmers entered the urban areas mainly through higher education, vocational education and other means, some others stay in the rural areas need improving their quality of the life style, in their social, cultural and other aspects of construction of rural space, to promote agricultural modernization, Creative cultural industries and other local economic development. Complementary with the city's economic development resources increase revenue in the equality of infrastructure and social service facilities in the quality of rural life.
Keyword::urban problems urban-rural planning as a whole three rural issues