地理學(xué)專(zhuān)業(yè)就業(yè)方向_地理學(xué)熱門(mén)方向_UCP comments geography geographical scienc
The strategic directions for geography
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SUN Jun, PAN Yujun, TANG Maolin, WU Youde, ZHAO Jianxia (1. College of Tourism and Geographical Sciences, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650500, China 2. College of Soci
[1]云南師范大學(xué)旅游與地理科學(xué)學(xué)院,昆明650500; [2]云南師范大學(xué)社會(huì)發(fā)展學(xué)院,昆明650500; [3]南京師范大學(xué)地理科學(xué)學(xué)院,南京210023
Abstr:Understanding the Changing Planet: Strategic Directions for the Geographical Sciences (UCP), prepared by the U.S. National Research Council's (NRC) ad hoc Committee on the strategic directions for geographical sciences in the next decade, is an original and agenda-setting document that speaks to transdisciplinary Geographical Sciences in order to get a better understanding of our rapidly changing planet. But for NRC's decision to devote some of the 'precious space' in the report to relatively uncontroversial matters, and UCP was written for the audience which includes people who have little sense of what a geographical 'take' on issues and problems means, as a result the role of technologies and tools is likely to be dominant. The most important contribution of UCP lies in the point of progress of geography in modern times, putting forward the question of Geographical Sciences, and successfully constructing it with the aid of technologies and tools. Another contribution of UCP is the proposed eleven strategic directions for the emerging transdisciplinary field of Geographical Sciences in the next decade. Just a few months later, The Professional Geographer, in a Focus Section, invites five geographers to evaluate UCP briefly, followed by a response from Alexander Murphy on behalf of the NRC Committee, and this focus section initiates a new conversation among geographers about the future of geography. These comments about UCP rediscover and make up the defects of UCP, especially much attention is paid to the methodology of Geographical Sciences. This paper discusses the progress of Geographical Sciences in Chinese Mainland. It illustrates that Chinese Geographical Sciences: (1) are a more complex disciplinary
Keyword::UCP comments geography geographical sciences primary fields strategicdirections ‘Discipline' and‘ Task'
課題項(xiàng)目:國(guó)家自然科學(xué)基金項(xiàng)目(40761001;41071105;41261033);國(guó)家哲學(xué)社會(huì)科學(xué)基金項(xiàng)目(BHAl00058);科技部創(chuàng)新方法工作項(xiàng)目 (2007FY140800) [Foundation: National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40761001; No.41071105; No.41261033; National Philosophy Social Science of China, No.BHA100058; Innovation Method Fund of China, No.2007FY140800]