發(fā)布時間:2024-01-21 11:19
近年來,針對邏輯連接詞的使用問題,國內外學者對英語學習者產出的各類體裁語篇進行了廣泛研究。本研究以英語專業(yè)研究生為研究主體,從頻率特征、語義分布和位置分布三個方面,通過定量與定性的研究方法,對國內外碩士論文中邏輯連接詞的使用特征進行對比分析。作者分別隨機收集了 20篇國內應用語言學專業(yè)的碩士論文與歐美國家高校碩博論文中由本族語者撰寫的20篇應用語言學專業(yè)的碩士論文,自建了兩個30萬詞左右的語料庫——中國英語學習者語料庫(CLC)和本族語者語料庫(NSC)進行對比分析。研究結果表明:(1)總體上,中國英語專業(yè)學習者在碩士論文中使用邏輯連接詞的頻率明顯高于本族語者。(2)就邏輯連接詞的語義分布來看,與本族語者相比,中國英語專業(yè)學習者較多使用列舉類連接詞而較少使用轉折類連接詞。(3)就邏輯連接詞的位置分布來看,中國英語專業(yè)學習者與本族語者都傾向于將邏輯連接詞放在句中使用;而很少將邏輯連接詞放于句尾使用。(4)通過對兩個語料庫的差異性分析發(fā)現,中國英語專業(yè)學習者存在過多或過少使用某種邏輯連接詞的現象。學習者對于一些邏輯連接詞的掌握不熟練,尤其是對于邏輯連接詞在學術論文中的使用不熟悉,可能是導致...
【文章頁數】:104 頁
摘要 ABSTRACT List of Abbreviations Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Research Questions
1.3 Research Significance
1.4 Layout of the Thesis Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Definition and Function of Logical Conjunctions
2.1.1 Definition of Logical Conjunctions
2.1.2 Logical Conjunctions Functioning as Cohesive Devices
2.2 Semantic Classification of Logical Conjunctions
2.2.1 Quirk's Classification
2.2.2 Biber's Classification
2.2.3 Halliday & Hasan's Classification
2.2.4 Semantic Classification of Logical Conjunctions in the Present Study
2.3 Positional Classification of Logical Conjunctions
2.4 Previous Studies on Logical Conjunctions
2.4.1 The Use of Logical Conjunctions between Native Speakers and EFLLearners
2.4.2 The Use of Logical Conjunctions across Different Genres Chapter 3 Research Methodology
3.1 Corpus-Based Approach
3.2 Corpora Used
3.2.1 Introduction of CLC
3.2.2 Introduction of NSC
3.3 Data Collection and Analysis
3.3.1 Tools used for Data Collection and Analysis
3.3.2 Procedures for Data Collection and Analysis Chapter 4 Results and Discussion
4.1 Frequency Distribution of Logical Conjunctions
4.1.1 Overall Frequency of Logical Conjunctions
4.1.2 Top 20 Logical Conjunctions in the Two Corpora
4.1.3 General Distribution of LCs in Different Semantic Types
4.2 Semantic Relations of Logical Conjunctions
4.2.1 Logical Conjunctions in Listing Relation
4.2.2 Logical Conjunctions in Appositive Relation
4.2.3 Logical Conjunctions in Resultive/Inferential Relation
4.2.4 Logical Conjunctions in Contrastive/Concessive Relation
4.3 Position of Logical Conjunctions in Sentences
4.3.1 Logical Conjunctions in the Initial Position of Sentences
4.3.2 Logical Conjunctions in the Middle Position of Sentences
4.3.3 Logical Conjunctions in the Final Position of Sentences
4.3.4 Positional Distribution of Top 5 Logical Conjunctions in the Two Corpora Chapter 5 Conclusion
5.1 Major Finding of the Study
5.2 Implications of the Research
5.3 Limitations and Suggestions References Appendices Acknowledgements
【文章頁數】:104 頁
摘要 ABSTRACT List of Abbreviations Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Research Questions
1.3 Research Significance
1.4 Layout of the Thesis Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Definition and Function of Logical Conjunctions
2.1.1 Definition of Logical Conjunctions
2.1.2 Logical Conjunctions Functioning as Cohesive Devices
2.2 Semantic Classification of Logical Conjunctions
2.2.1 Quirk's Classification
2.2.2 Biber's Classification
2.2.3 Halliday & Hasan's Classification
2.2.4 Semantic Classification of Logical Conjunctions in the Present Study
2.3 Positional Classification of Logical Conjunctions
2.4 Previous Studies on Logical Conjunctions
2.4.1 The Use of Logical Conjunctions between Native Speakers and EFLLearners
2.4.2 The Use of Logical Conjunctions across Different Genres Chapter 3 Research Methodology
3.1 Corpus-Based Approach
3.2 Corpora Used
3.2.1 Introduction of CLC
3.2.2 Introduction of NSC
3.3 Data Collection and Analysis
3.3.1 Tools used for Data Collection and Analysis
3.3.2 Procedures for Data Collection and Analysis Chapter 4 Results and Discussion
4.1 Frequency Distribution of Logical Conjunctions
4.1.1 Overall Frequency of Logical Conjunctions
4.1.2 Top 20 Logical Conjunctions in the Two Corpora
4.1.3 General Distribution of LCs in Different Semantic Types
4.2 Semantic Relations of Logical Conjunctions
4.2.1 Logical Conjunctions in Listing Relation
4.2.2 Logical Conjunctions in Appositive Relation
4.2.3 Logical Conjunctions in Resultive/Inferential Relation
4.2.4 Logical Conjunctions in Contrastive/Concessive Relation
4.3 Position of Logical Conjunctions in Sentences
4.3.1 Logical Conjunctions in the Initial Position of Sentences
4.3.2 Logical Conjunctions in the Middle Position of Sentences
4.3.3 Logical Conjunctions in the Final Position of Sentences
4.3.4 Positional Distribution of Top 5 Logical Conjunctions in the Two Corpora Chapter 5 Conclusion
5.1 Major Finding of the Study
5.2 Implications of the Research
5.3 Limitations and Suggestions References Appendices Acknowledgements