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chinese book 的翻譯結(jié)果

發(fā)布時間:2016-11-22 20:09








chinese book


     Quality Control of Chinese Book Online-Catalogue Program of CALIS Member Library



     The law of Chinese book classification and how to do it well werepreliminarily studied in the paper.



     Chinese Book Acquisitioning Work of University Library in Network Environment



     Reforming the Mechanism Projecting the Advantage—— The New Exploration of Acquisition Patterns of Chinese Book

     改革機制 突顯優(yōu)勢——中文圖書采訪模式新探索


     Through the statistics of Chinese book procurement and circulating situation during the period of 2001 -2002,the author gives a synthetic analysis of whole Chinese book's collection level of Guangzhou Library.

     作者通過對廣州圖書館2001-2002年間中文圖書采購及外借情況的統(tǒng)計、比較,對全館中 文書的藏書質(zhì)量進行了綜合分析。




     The Changes and Developments of Chinese Book Propagation under the Background of Mass Cultural Consuming



     The influencing factors of supply in the book market such as production technology, production cost, learning curves and learning effects are discussed. Suggestions are put forward on the contradiction of supply and demand in Chinese book market.



     Using the Information asymmetry theory, this article analyzes the book market of China,and thinks that the information asymmetry is an important factor influencing Chinese book market development,and then proposes that the publishing houses should establish the machanism which can reduce the information asymmetry and make them more competitive.



     Some issues on Chinese book marketing are becoming worse with the compe- tition intensifying and other reasons existing inside or outside the book industry.




     Study of Chinese Book Publication Almanac



     Analysis of Chinese Book Destribution Modes From Perspective of Game Theory



     On the Standardization and Control of Indexing in Using the Keyword Glossary of Chinese Book Catalogue



     According to the records in the historical materials and the statistical data,this paper introduces the losses of Chinese book cause in the period of the War of Resistance against Japan from two aspects of Japanese troops' unbridled plunder and the primary estimation of the losses of Chinese books.



     This part analyzes the influences on Chinese book copyr





     The Chinese Book of Capital Market



     The Influence of "Decoration Art Movement" in the 1920s and 1930s Upon Chinese Book Designing



     The Writers and the Art of Modern Chinese Book Design——The Review of Shuyibaiying



     The e-commerce development brings advantages and also challenge to Chinese book industry process,especially after entering into WTO.

     電子商務(wù)的發(fā)展 ,給我國書業(yè)物流發(fā)展帶來無限增殖的空間 ,同時也提出了嚴重的挑戰(zhàn) ,而且加入 WTO后書業(yè)物流問題已日益凸現(xiàn) ,迫切需要解決。


     Practice and thoughts on putting Chinese book classification code to the contents list of comprehensive scientific periodicals




查詢“chinese book”譯詞為用戶自定義的雙語例句


  chinese book

We are optimistic that all sectors of the Chinese book publishing and distribution will have a brighter future.


Khien is the first hexagram in the I Ching, or Chinese Book of Changes, also known as the Yi King.


A Chinese book on herbs, dated around 2700 BC lists over 300 plants with their medicinal uses.


chinese book 的翻譯結(jié)果

An investigation on the fishing methods of lake Hung Hu was made by the auther in 1959.The fishing method of“san”is of special interest.In this paper some discussions on it’s history, (?)echnique and the cause of migration will be made;and the appreciation of this method will also be given. Ⅰ.History The said fishing method was mentioned in a Chinese book as early as 221 B.C.It is,of no doubt that our country was the first to us this method in fishhag,which has remained in application for thou- sands of...

An investigation on the fishing methods of lake Hung Hu was made by the auther in 1959.The fishing method of“san”is of special interest.In this paper some discussions on it’s history, (?)echnique and the cause of migration will be made;and the appreciation of this method will also be given. Ⅰ.History The said fishing method was mentioned in a Chinese book as early as 221 B.C.It is,of no doubt that our country was the first to us this method in fishhag,which has remained in application for thou- sands of years and still kept it’s features up to the present time. The method of“San”may often be classified into two types:natural and artificial.Changing with the different seasons,there are three forms of the natural“San”:Spring“San”,autumn“San”,and winter“San”. Ⅱ.Technique Here the artificial“San”,which is more complicated and important is to be introduced. The fishing—ground is chosen in late autumn or early winter at the inlet of the lake or at a sport with small current where many loppings of trees or bushes are put into the bottom of lake,which is usually named the“CENTER OF SAN”.Around the center bundles of herbaceous plants should be sank into the bottom of lake at certain distance,nearer the center than the outside.But in doing so,the bundles should not be set too thick,in order that the sunlight may shine upon the water. One month or more when the work mentioned above has been accomplished,bamboo palings, immerged two-thirds of half in water,are placed around the fishing-ground on a fine and sunny day. The placing of bamboo palings is an important part of the whole scheme;it requires both speed and close-setting.For this purpose,20-30 bamboo palings are placed on between deck of each boat,slant on the front but vertical behind.At least,three men are needed to control each boat:the first to drag pa- lings into water from the deck,the second to hammer them in the bottom of lake,and the third to roll the boat backwards,so as to much strength the first man and also to escape the blockade of the palings. Some wood-slices may used to joint the palings together.Choose a sintable sport between two palings,and 1-4 or more fish-pits are well-arranged.Later on,a sort of special hand-nets is used to fish out from the fish-pits.And then,the bundles of herbaceous plants may gradually be removed; the loppings of trees or bushes also gradually removed toward the center.Finally,the lopping at the center are removed by using 4 palings to separate the center into 5 parts.And then a casting-net or other nets are used to capture the fish. Ⅲ.Analysis of the cause for congregation of fish Alnumber of scientific workers have discussed the cause of the congregation of fish by the fishing method of“San”.There remain argument about the subject.Most of them believe that the con- gregation is dosely related to the temperature,the desolved oxygen and food besides in the water,as well as to the defence against the attachs from the enemy.The author agrees with this cpinion. According to the author’s opinion,however,the response of fish to lower temperature has shown in two different forms.Some fishes the winter-migrators for exalpale,at lower temperature,seek a habit at with higher temperature.Based upon the author’s observation,be found that the younger fish especially like to live at higher temperature equivalent to slightly above body temperature.Therefore,unless the take in too shallow(1-3 M),they do not enter the fishing-ground of“San”,but prefer to go to deeper water.Some other fishes adapt themselves to lower temperature by decreasing the metabolism of the body.Their activities,therefore,are limited with in a small area,where is plenty of food and desolved oxygen,and the temperature is always above the lowest limit of living,and it is also a safe environment for them to live in.The“San”fishing-ground is sufficient for this environment.As for the other fishes, they may come into the fishing-ground by man’s interference. Ⅳ.Appreciation of the Fishing Method of“SAN” So far as the author’s observation is concerned,the fishing method of“San”is a relatively better fishing method.It differs from other methods not only in tools but in fishing-ground.And it also gets a better catch,especially in those lakes with shallow water and thick vogetation.Beside,by making use of this method,we can protect the young fish.Judging from what has been mentioned above,the author regards“San”as a good method for fishing.For improvement the author offer some suggestions as follows: 1.The vegetation of nature“San”fishing-ground may be destroyed by 1own-mower or the plant cut down at certain intervals. 2.The simplification of“San”is the better than others,which are simplicites at tools and process of fishing,if so that use cormerant instead of men to drive fish,such a result is better of possibility. 3.Limit or decrease the application of spring and autumn“San”.For during those seasons,the fish will spawn on vegetation and become fat gradually,it is not proper to catch them,thus protecting the fish as well as having annual catches. 4.For the purpose of making“San”earlier in unfavourable seasons,control the water-loyal by. means of sluice-gate.


漁具漁法種類繁多,罧業(yè)漁法是我國淡水湖泊常見漁法之一。這種漁法在漁需物資、漁坊等條件與其它漁具不同,特別是在淺水多水草湖泊中捕魚能起其它漁具所不能起的作用;不僅漁獲量高,收益大,同時還具備誘大魚的特點,有利于繁殖保護。然而關(guān)于罧業(yè)漁法尚未得到系統(tǒng)的整理。作者綜合了白洋淀、梁子湖以及在洪湖實地調(diào)查的贅料,寫成本報告。目的在總結(jié)我國罧業(yè)漁法經(jīng)驗,探討罧霧(?)誘集魚群的原因,并提供一些改進意見,希望在我國淡水漁撈業(yè)上起一點促進作用。我國是世界上最早用罧捕魚的國家,記載首見于春秋戰(zhàn)國時代,現(xiàn)在作法與古時記載基本相同,F(xiàn)這種漁法已沿用了一千多年了。罧業(yè)漁法依其作業(yè)的性質(zhì)可分為生霖和熟霖兩類:前者是用簾包圍天然魚群集聚區(qū),除草縮小包圍圈捕捉,而后者則是人造的。生罧依作業(yè)季節(jié)不同可分春罧、秋罧和冬罧。熟罧以適應(yīng)水位和其它條件又有倒把式罧和簡化罧的區(qū)別。生罧漁法適應(yīng)于多水草的淺湖,熟罧則適應(yīng)水草較少的湖泊。作業(yè)時除船外,主要用具為簾子(竹質(zhì)最好),附屬用具有長柄彎鐮、通篙及抄綱。生罧、熟罧罧(?)條件雖有不同,但均要求底質(zhì)低凹、富于淤泥,水深2—2.5米,位近港口或注水河道的迥水區(qū),水色不過于混濁,有一定的水草(生罧則以多水草為主要條件),背風(fēng)向陽,環(huán)境安靜。罧(?)確定后,如生罧漁法,即用長柄彎鑲除草,挖簾路下簾包圍魚群,以后則以分片除草下間簾的方式縮小范圍,作法與下述熟罧基本一致.熟霖罧(?)確定后,先在罧(?)的中央投放一定數(shù)量的樹枝和篙草做成罧心,圍繞罧心等距離地插上些草把(崗柴或蘆葦每4—10根一束),由里向外逐漸稀疏,罧(?)隨告建成,經(jīng)一段時間禁畜后,即可圍簾起罧捕魚。下簾的目的在包圍隱蔽在罧(?)內(nèi)的魚群,為了防止魚群受驚逃避,要求動作迅速。為達到此目的,簾子在船上安放的方式很為重要;通常每只船載20—30個簾子,當?shù)谝粋簾子上船時就以折迭方式橫置中倉,起初一折約1/2米寬,每折至船頭方向時均向外逐漸放寬,務(wù)使簾子的邊綠終止在船頭方向。以后上船的簾子沿著先一個簾子的終點起以同一方式折迭,亦逐漸向船一頭方向放寬.如是,全部簾子堆起來近船頭一方呈斜坡形,近船尾方向的一邊為垂直的。下簾時三人共船。其中兩人站在船關(guān),一人拉簾入水井扶直,另一人用木錘打穩(wěn),第三人則倒劃著船走,這樣既便于拉簾入水,又可避免豎起來的簾子所阻擋,加速下簾工作。兩簾交界處要有復(fù)迭的邊綠,以便利用木片聯(lián)結(jié)。罧(?)被簾子包圍后,通常要檢查一遍,不妥處要予以修整。然后再選擇適當?shù)牡胤揭孕姆绞桨惭b取魚部(魚溜)。并定期在其中用抄綱捕撈?s小罧(?)有兩種方式:一為沿著即將拆除簾子的一邊割除水草(生罧)或移去草把(熟罧)至一定范圍時,在近罧心的地方另下間簾,然后再拆除同邊的簾子。另一為拆除同邊的簾子并把它移向內(nèi)方.除草或移草把時就起趕魚的作用。有時為慎重起見還須結(jié)合船隊用通篙擊水趕魚。特別是采用后一種方式時,趕魚尤屬重要。起罧下間簾、趕魚必須遵循兩個原則:1.早不移東,晚不移西。這是因為斜光映簾入水警戒著魚群不敢外逃,早晨拆除東邊簾子便會除去這個警戒線界,稍微不慎即可造成逃魚缺口。晚不移西也是同樣道理。2.趕魚下間簾只能沿著一方前進,每天只能下1—2邊,頂多也不超過3邊,不能4邊一齊進行。因為4邊一齊進行魚群沒有停息的機會,往往會造成炸罧(注1)遇有炸罧情況發(fā)生時要采取相應(yīng)措施(暫時的停止工作或修補簾子),防止逃魚。當罧(?)縮得很小時,最后起魚有兩種方法:一種是從罧心趕魚,使其進入取魚部用抄網(wǎng)捕捉;另一種是除去罧心并下間簾把罧心分格,配合罩綱、挾綱從事捕撈。進行罧心分格的方式很多,通常是下四道簾子把罧心分成五格,稱五花式。起魚完畢后,倘在漁期,尚須重建罧(?)。如漁期已過,需要把簾子、草把等移至岸邊并加保管。以備來年再用。罧(?)漁獲物隨設(shè)罧地區(qū)魚類區(qū)系特點而異,同一地區(qū)常隨設(shè)罧的季節(jié)而不同,魚類之所以進入罧坊在于罧(?)內(nèi)的某些條件或全部條件(水溫、溶氧、餌科及其它)能滿足魚類的需要。春罧在一定程度上誘捕到沿岸水草叢中覓食和產(chǎn)卵的魚類(白洋淀、大同湖),因之,鯉、(?)占很大比重,秋罧大都捕捉在淺水區(qū)覓食的魚類。人的有意識的在罧區(qū)外開展其它漁具作業(yè),也是魚類進入罧(?)原因之一。依作者觀察:魚類對低溫條件的反應(yīng)有兩種方式,并且是逐漸進行的。一種是隨著低溫條件的來臨,魚類游向溫度較高的水域——通常是比較深的水域——并在那里渡過低溫期。這是因為較深的水域水文學(xué)條件比較穩(wěn)定的關(guān)系,既是有變化也不象淺水區(qū)那樣驟烈;另一種方式是隨著環(huán)境條件的變更以調(diào)節(jié)其代謝作用的過程,減少活動并增強其攝食量是這一適應(yīng)的具體表現(xiàn)。魚類以那一種方式渡過低溫期,常受其棲居環(huán)境條件的影響。看來洪湖的魚類是以后一種方式渡過為時很短的冬季。雖然罧區(qū)與其它水面具有幾乎是相同的水溫、溶解氧、pH 等條件,但鉺料基礎(chǔ)卻顯得豐富些。在其它諸條件相同時,餌料基礎(chǔ)的增加,繡集某些魚類的集中,已經(jīng)為實踐所證明。罧(?)中主要經(jīng)濟魚類的幼魚(體長20厘米以下的個體)較少,可能與幼魚需要較高的溫度條件有關(guān).依據(jù)漁民的經(jīng)驗和一些不完整的調(diào)查資料(表2)來看,有跡象表明:在低溫條件下較深水域中幼魚較多。由于罧(?)水深在2—2.5米之間,因此在有深水條件存在時,可能罧(?)中幼魚比較少。至于表中深淺水中大小魚交叉的現(xiàn)象,可能與魚類代謝作用有極大的伸縮性有關(guān)。罧業(yè)漁法經(jīng)濟效益較大(見表3)。已往因一次投資大、勞力多、應(yīng)用不廣。人民公社化為這一漁法的普遍應(yīng)用提供了可能性。作為改進的意見有:1.生罧可以用間隔除草法,省勞力又可爭取時間多捕魚。如能用除草機更好。2.春罧主要捕捉那些即將到沿岸區(qū)水草叢中產(chǎn)卵的魚類影響魚群數(shù)量補充和年產(chǎn)量,可以少發(fā)展。3.簡化罧(?)蓄禁期短,投資少,省勞力,作業(yè)期長,收益較大,可以多加提倡。4.在反常季節(jié)可以充分利用泄水閘控制水位,以便利設(shè)罧。非不得已不采用倒把式罧,據(jù)稱其漁獲量不如熟罧為高。

A preliminary prove was showed that the vegetable Tung Han-Tsai, the medicinal Tung-Kuei and the Kuei in ancient Chinese books are a homogenonous plant, which belongs to a member of mallow family, Malva verticillata L. The author suggests that Kuei-Tsai should be named in horticulture.


CL language is a problem-oriented programming language for computer composition of Chinese books and.newspapers. This paper describes the distinctive features of CL language and its compiler structure.Default interpretations are widely used in the language and special commands are included in the language to simplify the composition of various complex tables, hutomatic pagination is implemented in the system.

CL(Computer Laser的縮寫)語言是用于中文書報排版的專用語言。本文介紹了CL語言的特點及其編譯程序結(jié)構(gòu)。CL編譯程序具有自動換行、自動換頁、處理表格等較強的功能,它的分層的模塊結(jié)構(gòu)給編制與調(diào)試這一大型程序帶來方便。本文還簡略地從用戶觀點介紹了經(jīng)過軟件改造后的計算機-激光漢字編輯排版系統(tǒng)。






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