Mapping the fallowed area of paddy fields on Sanjiang Plain
發(fā)布時間:2023-04-21 21:23
Rice growth requires a large amount of water, and planting rice will increase the contradiction between supply and demand of water resources. Paddy field fallowing is important for the sustainable development of an agricultural region, but it remains a great challenge to accurately and quickly monitor the extent and area of fallowed paddy fields. Paddy fields have unique physical features associated with paddy rice during the flooding and transplanting phases. By comparing the differences in phe...
【文章頁數(shù)】:12 頁
1. Introduction
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Study area
2.2. Data preparation
2.3. Algorithm for identifying fallowed paddy field area
2.4. Implementation of the fallowed paddy field mapping algorithm
2.5. Using ground-truth samples for accuracy assessment
2.6. Validation using agricultural statistical data
3. Results
3.1. Fallowed paddy field map of Sanjiang Plain from Landsat 8 of 2018
3.2. Assessment of the accuracy of the fallowed paddy field map using ground-truth sample
3.3. Validation results using agricultural statistical data
3.4. Assessment of irrigation water reduction in 2018
4. Discussion
4.1. Effectiveness of China’s fallowing policy implementation on Sanjiang Plain
4.2. Advantage of mapping fallowed paddy fields using Landsat 8 and GEE
4.3. Uncertainties in the algorithm to map fallowed paddy fields
4.4. Future developments in fallowed paddy field mapping
4.5. Impact of fallow on water security
5. Conclusion
【文章頁數(shù)】:12 頁
1. Introduction
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Study area
2.2. Data preparation
2.3. Algorithm for identifying fallowed paddy field area
2.4. Implementation of the fallowed paddy field mapping algorithm
2.5. Using ground-truth samples for accuracy assessment
2.6. Validation using agricultural statistical data
3. Results
3.1. Fallowed paddy field map of Sanjiang Plain from Landsat 8 of 2018
3.2. Assessment of the accuracy of the fallowed paddy field map using ground-truth sample
3.3. Validation results using agricultural statistical data
3.4. Assessment of irrigation water reduction in 2018
4. Discussion
4.1. Effectiveness of China’s fallowing policy implementation on Sanjiang Plain
4.2. Advantage of mapping fallowed paddy fields using Landsat 8 and GEE
4.3. Uncertainties in the algorithm to map fallowed paddy fields
4.4. Future developments in fallowed paddy field mapping
4.5. Impact of fallow on water security
5. Conclusion