Cotton Organogenesis in Relation to Temperature and Solar Ra
發(fā)布時間:2021-04-15 00:27
為研究溫度(有效積溫,AET)和太陽輻射(SR)對棉花器官發(fā)育的影響,采用大田試驗于2015-2016年華中農業(yè)大學試驗農場進行,供試品種為華棉3109(V1,常規(guī)棉,2015、2016)和華雜棉H318(V2,雜交棉,2015),設置3個播期,分別為S1(4月25日),S2(5月16日),S3(6月6日)。播種前在大田放置4個溫濕度記錄儀,并固定在3 m長的竹竿頂端,每小區(qū)中間行固定連續(xù)10株進行調查,每3–5 d以株式圖的方式記錄棉花株高,果節(jié)、節(jié)位狀態(tài)。結果表明:1溫度和太陽輻射對棉花生育進程影響顯著。2015年S1播種后8 d出苗,而S2、S3播種后5 d出苗,V1 AET和SR最低,分別為66.6DD、150.9 MJ m-2。苗期,S1播種后40 d AET和SR最高,為463DD和710.3 MJ m-2,然而蕾期與S1相比S3的平均日積溫最大,花鈴期S3 44 d內AET和SR分別為698DD和782 MJ m-2,在整個生育進程中,2015年V1與V2差異不大,但V1年際之間差異顯著。2 2015年,V...
【文章來源】:華中農業(yè)大學湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直屬院校
【文章頁數(shù)】:88 頁
1 Introduction
1.1 Cotton and temperature
1.2 Solar radiation
1.3 Aims and significance
2 Materials and methods
2.1 Location of experiment
2.2 Experimental design
2.3 Crop and fertilizers management
2.4 Data collection
2.4.1 Weather data
2.4.2 Plant mapping
2.4.3 Growth stage and organs development Growth stages Organs development
2.4.4 Data analysis
2.4.5 Accumulated effective temperature (AET)
2.4.6 Solar radiation data (SR)
3 Results
3.1 Temperature and solar radiation
3.1.1 Total of AET and SR
3.1.2 Total of AET at day (AETD) and AET at night (AETN)
3.2 Effect of temperature and solar radiation on cotton growth stages
3.3 Effect of temperature and solar radiation on cotton main stem
3.3.1 Plant height and diameter
3.3.2 Plant node
3.3.3 AET and SR for main stem growth
3.4 Effect of temperature and solar radiation on cotton main stem leaf
3.4.1 Leaf life
3.4.2 Days from senescence to fallen
3.5 Effect of temperature and solar radiation on cotton square
3.5.1 Vertical appearance
3.5.2 Horizontal appearance
3.6 Effect of temperature and solar radiation on cotton flower
3.6.1 Vertical appearance
3.6.2 Horizontal appearance
3.7 Open boll appearance
3.7.1 Vertical appearance
3.7.2 Horizontal appearance
4 Discussion
5 Conclusion
6 References
7 Appendices
【文章來源】:華中農業(yè)大學湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直屬院校
【文章頁數(shù)】:88 頁
1 Introduction
1.1 Cotton and temperature
1.2 Solar radiation
1.3 Aims and significance
2 Materials and methods
2.1 Location of experiment
2.2 Experimental design
2.3 Crop and fertilizers management
2.4 Data collection
2.4.1 Weather data
2.4.2 Plant mapping
2.4.3 Growth stage and organs development Growth stages Organs development
2.4.4 Data analysis
2.4.5 Accumulated effective temperature (AET)
2.4.6 Solar radiation data (SR)
3 Results
3.1 Temperature and solar radiation
3.1.1 Total of AET and SR
3.1.2 Total of AET at day (AETD) and AET at night (AETN)
3.2 Effect of temperature and solar radiation on cotton growth stages
3.3 Effect of temperature and solar radiation on cotton main stem
3.3.1 Plant height and diameter
3.3.2 Plant node
3.3.3 AET and SR for main stem growth
3.4 Effect of temperature and solar radiation on cotton main stem leaf
3.4.1 Leaf life
3.4.2 Days from senescence to fallen
3.5 Effect of temperature and solar radiation on cotton square
3.5.1 Vertical appearance
3.5.2 Horizontal appearance
3.6 Effect of temperature and solar radiation on cotton flower
3.6.1 Vertical appearance
3.6.2 Horizontal appearance
3.7 Open boll appearance
3.7.1 Vertical appearance
3.7.2 Horizontal appearance
4 Discussion
5 Conclusion
6 References
7 Appendices