Evolution of plasma parameters in an Ar-N 2 /He inductive pl
發(fā)布時間:2023-09-29 00:49
Magnetic pole enhanced inductively coupled plasmas(MaPE-ICPs) are a promising source for plasma-based etching and have a wide range of material processing appUcations.In the present study Langmuir probe and optical emission spectroscopy were used to monitor the evolution of plasma parameters in a MaPE-ICP Ar-N2/He mixture plasma.Electron density(ne) and temperature(Te),excitation temperature(Texc),plasma potential(Vp),skin depth(δ) and the e...
【文章頁數(shù)】:9 頁
1. Introduction
2. Experimental details
3. Optical emission spectroscopy
4. Results and discussion
4.1. Electron density and temperature
4.2. Excitation temperature and emission intensity
4.3. Plasma potential and skin depth
4.4. Evolution of the EEPF profile
5. Conclusions
【文章頁數(shù)】:9 頁
1. Introduction
2. Experimental details
3. Optical emission spectroscopy
4. Results and discussion
4.1. Electron density and temperature
4.2. Excitation temperature and emission intensity
4.3. Plasma potential and skin depth
4.4. Evolution of the EEPF profile
5. Conclusions