strategic new emerging industry new energy investment and fi
The Research on the Investment and Financing Problems of Strategic Emerging Industries of New Energy
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XUE Nan and LIU Shun (North China Institute of Aerospace Engineering, Langfang, Hebei065000, China)
Abstr:The development of China's new energy industry is still in the primary stage. The focus of government guidance should be on the policies. First, we should increase support in terms of finance and tax, raise a special fund for the development of new energy industry in national and provincial level, fully implement policies that can be used to promote the development of new energy industries, such as the policies for encouraging technological innovation, the commercialization of research finding, the development of high and new technology industry, energy conservation and emission reduction; and the usage of renewable resources, and give support for the development of that as possible as we can. Second, we should explore more channels for fi- nancing, strengthen the support of banks for the new energy industries, increase proportions of direct financing, make venture in- vestment to be the most important channel for new energy financing, fully develop venture capital investment and equity invest- ment, and encourage the guarantee institutions to give more support for the development of new energy industries. And third, we should strengthen risk control and standardize the usage of fund for new energy.
Keyword::strategic new emerging industry new energy investment and financing