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1.煙粉虱是田間作物和溫室中最具破壞性的害蟲之一。本研究旨在4個不同溫度條件下(20、24、28和32°C),通過表面噴灑的方式評估2種白僵菌菌株(BB-72和BB-252)和1種蠟蚧輪枝菌(V-2)對煙粉虱的體外殺蟲活性。使用三種不同的處理進行生物測定,分別包括真菌菌株BB-72,BB-252和V-2的分生孢子濃度和濾液,以及它們的二元組合。處理一:將取每種真菌菌株的1.5 mL培養(yǎng)濾液進行生物測定;處理二:使用每種菌株的不同濃度的分生孢子懸浮液(1×106 mL-1、1×107mL-1和1×108 mL-1)進行生測,處理三:1 mL分生孢子和1 mL濾液的二元組合,例如BB-72×BB-72(1:1),BB-252×BB-252(1:1)和V2×V2(1:1)。結果顯示在處理后的第12天統(tǒng)計煙粉虱的累計死亡率。在24°C條件下使用最高濃度(1×108mL-1)分生孢子處理,煙粉虱死亡率最高,BB-72處理死...
【文章頁數(shù)】:107 頁
Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 Tomato
1.2 Whitefly
1.3 Whitefly and tomato
1.4 Whitefly feeding behaviour
1.5 Nature of damage of Whiteflies
1.6 Virus transmission
1.7 Whitefly control
1.8 Entomopathogenic Fungi
1.9 How Do Entomopathogenic Fungi(EPFs)Behave?
1.10 Beauveria bassiana
1.10.1 Morphology,cultural characteristics and molecular characterization of Beauveria bassiana
1.10.2 Life cycle of Beauveria bassiana
1.10.3 Factors responsible for germination of conidia of Beauveria bassiana
1.10.4 Pathogenicity of Beauveria bassiana
1.10.5 Beauveria bassiana as a Biocontrol agent
1.10.6 Agricultural importance of Beauveria bassiana
1.11 Verticillium lecanii (Lecanicillium lecanii)
1.11.1 Insecticidal potential of V.lecanii
1.12 Defense Mechanisms of Plants to Insect Pests
1.13 Host Plant Defenses against Insects
1.14 Morphological features for physical defense
1.15 Elicitors
1.16 Use of elicitors in defense mechanism
1.17 Classification of elicitors
1.17.1 General elicitors
1.17.2 Specific elicitors(Effectors)
1.18 Secondary metabolites for chemical defense of plants
1.19 Plant defensive proteins
1.20 Herbivore induced plant volatiles(HIPVs)
1.21 Defense elicitors(insect oral secretion)
1.22 Role of phytohormones in induced resistance in plants
Chapter2 In Vitro Pathogenicity of the fungi;Beauveria bassiana and Lecanicillium lecanii at different temperatures against the Whitefly,Bemisia tabaci(Genn.) (Hemiptera:Aleyrodidae)
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Materials and Methods
2.2.1 Whitefly stock culture
2.2.3 Effect of temperature on fungus virulence against Bemisia tabaci
2.2.4 Fungal isolates
2.2.5 Conidial suspensions
2.2.6 Fungal filtrate
2.2.7 Pathogenicity Bioassays
2.2.8 Data Analysis
2.3 Results
2.3.1 Conidial Virulence
2.3.2 Filtrate Pathogenicity
2.3.3 Binary Combinations Entomopathogenicity
2.4 Discussion
Chapter3 Effect of partially purified protein derived from Beauveria bassiana on expression of defense related genes in tomato against whitefly
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Material Method
3.2.1 Plant culture and insect rearing
3.2.2 Fungal culture
3.2.3 Crude protein preparation and partial purification
3.2.4 Protein activity bioassay against B.tabaci
3.2.5 RNA extraction and c DNA synthesis
3.2.6 Reverse transcription-quantitative PCR(RT-q PCR)
3.2.7 Statistical analysis
3.3 Result
3.3.1 Purification of the Beauveria bassiana ARSEF2860 crude protein
3.3.2 B.bassiana protein effect on B.tabaci survival
3.3.3 Effect of B.bassiana derivative protein on fecundity B.tabaci
3.3.4 Plant defense gene expression level in response to B.bassiana protein
3.4 Discussion
3.5 Conclusions
Chapter4 Protein elicitor Pe BA1enhanced resistance against whitefly Bemisia tabaci(Genn.) (Hemiptera:Aleyrodidae)in tomato(Solanum lycopersicum)
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Material methods
4.2.1 Insects and host plants
4.2.2 Protein purification
4.2.3 Characterization of protein
4.2.4 Isolation of RNA and c DNA synthesis:
4.2.5 Reverse Transcription–Quantitative PCR(RT-q PCR)
4.2.6 Statistical analysis
4.3 Results
4.3.1 Expression,purification and evaluation of Pe BA1 elicitor protein
4.3.2 Effect of Pe BA1 Elicitor on the Fecundity Rate
4.3.3 Expression of Plant Defense
【文章頁數(shù)】:107 頁
Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 Tomato
1.2 Whitefly
1.3 Whitefly and tomato
1.4 Whitefly feeding behaviour
1.5 Nature of damage of Whiteflies
1.6 Virus transmission
1.7 Whitefly control
1.8 Entomopathogenic Fungi
1.9 How Do Entomopathogenic Fungi(EPFs)Behave?
1.10 Beauveria bassiana
1.10.1 Morphology,cultural characteristics and molecular characterization of Beauveria bassiana
1.10.2 Life cycle of Beauveria bassiana
1.10.3 Factors responsible for germination of conidia of Beauveria bassiana
1.10.4 Pathogenicity of Beauveria bassiana
1.10.5 Beauveria bassiana as a Biocontrol agent
1.10.6 Agricultural importance of Beauveria bassiana
1.11 Verticillium lecanii (Lecanicillium lecanii)
1.11.1 Insecticidal potential of V.lecanii
1.12 Defense Mechanisms of Plants to Insect Pests
1.13 Host Plant Defenses against Insects
1.14 Morphological features for physical defense
1.15 Elicitors
1.16 Use of elicitors in defense mechanism
1.17 Classification of elicitors
1.17.1 General elicitors
1.17.2 Specific elicitors(Effectors)
1.18 Secondary metabolites for chemical defense of plants
1.19 Plant defensive proteins
1.20 Herbivore induced plant volatiles(HIPVs)
1.21 Defense elicitors(insect oral secretion)
1.22 Role of phytohormones in induced resistance in plants
Chapter2 In Vitro Pathogenicity of the fungi;Beauveria bassiana and Lecanicillium lecanii at different temperatures against the Whitefly,Bemisia tabaci(Genn.) (Hemiptera:Aleyrodidae)
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Materials and Methods
2.2.1 Whitefly stock culture
2.2.3 Effect of temperature on fungus virulence against Bemisia tabaci
2.2.4 Fungal isolates
2.2.5 Conidial suspensions
2.2.6 Fungal filtrate
2.2.7 Pathogenicity Bioassays
2.2.8 Data Analysis
2.3 Results
2.3.1 Conidial Virulence
2.3.2 Filtrate Pathogenicity
2.3.3 Binary Combinations Entomopathogenicity
2.4 Discussion
Chapter3 Effect of partially purified protein derived from Beauveria bassiana on expression of defense related genes in tomato against whitefly
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Material Method
3.2.1 Plant culture and insect rearing
3.2.2 Fungal culture
3.2.3 Crude protein preparation and partial purification
3.2.4 Protein activity bioassay against B.tabaci
3.2.5 RNA extraction and c DNA synthesis
3.2.6 Reverse transcription-quantitative PCR(RT-q PCR)
3.2.7 Statistical analysis
3.3 Result
3.3.1 Purification of the Beauveria bassiana ARSEF2860 crude protein
3.3.2 B.bassiana protein effect on B.tabaci survival
3.3.3 Effect of B.bassiana derivative protein on fecundity B.tabaci
3.3.4 Plant defense gene expression level in response to B.bassiana protein
3.4 Discussion
3.5 Conclusions
Chapter4 Protein elicitor Pe BA1enhanced resistance against whitefly Bemisia tabaci(Genn.) (Hemiptera:Aleyrodidae)in tomato(Solanum lycopersicum)
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Material methods
4.2.1 Insects and host plants
4.2.2 Protein purification
4.2.3 Characterization of protein
4.2.4 Isolation of RNA and c DNA synthesis:
4.2.5 Reverse Transcription–Quantitative PCR(RT-q PCR)
4.2.6 Statistical analysis
4.3 Results
4.3.1 Expression,purification and evaluation of Pe BA1 elicitor protein
4.3.2 Effect of Pe BA1 Elicitor on the Fecundity Rate
4.3.3 Expression of Plant Defense